Sins Paradise: Domination System

Chapter 253 253 – Cleaning


Sophia raised her body and grunted slightly. She was exhausted and felt sticky from sweat and various liquids covering her body.

Looking around the dressing room, she couldn't help but giggle, "How should I clean all of this by myself?" She asked.

As a starter, she rose to her feet and took the bodysuit that was also covered in a large amount of semen. She liked the smell and the taste. She even licked the one on her breasts and body before wearing the bodysuit.

A large amount of it escaped her vagina, dripping down her crotch. As much as she wanted to drink and taste all of them, she held herself back as she had a cleaning to do.

In the corner of the room, a locker with cleaning equipment stood. In front of the locker was an empty bottle of the potion she had drunk earlier. That apparently allowed her to have creampie sex without thinking about the risk of conceiving children.

She drank it only after hearing that her rival, Rania, also drank it.

"How cheeky. She wants to have a lot of sex with Sir Palad– Sir Arthur, so she drinks that potion. If he didn't tell me, then I wouldn't know about it." He muttered and put her hands on her hips, "Still… How should I clean it?"

At that moment, she heard footsteps from the outside. From how light they were, Sophia immediately guessed they were the female knights returning from the training ground. They probably thought her business was over because Sir Arthur already left.

Panic began to rush to her head. But then… She had an idea.

"They wanted to be touched, right?"

Right. The other female knights also wanted to have a fill of Sir Arthur's kindness and warmth.

"Let's ask them to clean this together. Yes, this way, they can at least smell his manliness. Sir Arthur seems also to want to sleep with them, and the nuns are also targeting them. Instead of letting those girls who can only sit and preach to get him, it's better if we, the knights, keep him by ourselves."

Sophia nodded firmly as if that was a great idea. She would be 'kind' and allow her former knight subordinates to bask in Sir Arthur's smell. If they wanted to, she would also allow them to roll around his remaining semen, covering their body in it, although it was mixed with her love juices.

'I am such a kind leader. They should be happy having me as their former Captain.'

The door was opened shortly after, and the female knights suddenly stopped, especially Natasha, who opened the door.

They were stunned by the strong smell of pheromone and the sight before them! Sophia was standing in the middle of the room, covered in white liquid, while smiling widely.

"Help me clean the mess." The redhead commanded with a low voice, "These are Sir Arthur's remains. I won't allow you girls to bring them home, but at least enjoy the smell while you're here. Who knows if Sir Arthur wants to bless you next time he visits."

Loud gulps sounded from the knights. Even Natasha squirmed, trying her best not to look at them but was still interested.

Sensing their hesitation, Sophia grinned and added,

"I won't say anything to those who don't want to help as I can clean them alone. But…" Saying so, she scooped the remaining semen from her body and licked it as if it was the most delicious thing in the world. "This is the chance for you to feel them."

After that, a single female knight raised her hand.

"P-Please let me do it!"

She squeezed through the crowd and entered the room. Unexpectedly, it was Lea with a bright red face.

"A-As a member of Paladin Knight Squad, I-I think it's a part of our duty."

"I-I also think it's our duty as well as church knights! We're here to serve the Goddess, and… t-these are holy remains of the Goddess' apostle, Sir Paladin. W-We should clean them meticulously." Another female knight chirped from behind.

A chain reaction followed suit as all of them finally entered the room with deranged smiles. They inhaled the air mixed with pheromone from the semen and aftermath of the sex that Arthur didn't clean.

Only Natasha remained stuck in front of the door. She gulped, thinking about what she should do. Her rational mind thought she should stay away from this, but the other part of her wanted to join.

In the end… the latter won.

'As Lea had said, this is my duty as a knight under the direct command of Sir Paladin. This is an honor for a church knight like us. I totally don't want to join them or even think of having Sir Paladin's blessing.'

Closing the door behind her, Natasha nodded firmly once again, affirming her feelings.

'Yes, this is just my duty. If, in the future, he wants to have me serve him or even make me his p-plaything. Praise the Goddess!'

Looking at them, Sophia nodded, satisfied.

"Let's begin to clean. No one does anything else, got it?" She instructed firmly. "I am helping you girls to get closer to him. Don't let this go out to the nuns, or they will try to visit the training area in the future. In that case, we will lose our advantage of sparring with Sir Arthur. You don't want that, right?"


"We want to spar with him again!"

"That was such a wonderful experience. We don't want to lose it."

Even Lea nodded firmly. She agreed with Sophia.

Natasha didn't say anything. Her head was fuzzy from the smell, and her breath quickened as her body felt really hot.

The redhead felt really good. Not only was she asked to help Sir Arthur earlier, but this happened when her rival, Rania, was away. She would get the credit for this, and the other female knights would be grateful to her.

'Maybe I can be his Vice-Captain in the near future. I have the support of these girls now.' She thought inside her head.

Obviously, she heard about the duel between Rania and Tristan. In fact, she heard it clearly while training the other female knights that day.

'When the date is decided, I will ask Sir Arthur to allow me to join the duel. Sir Arthur's love and semen are mine. I will be his best knight.'

Sophia began to instruct the female knights to clean the remaining, dumping them in the sewer, much to their sadness.

Slowly and surely, without Arthur's knowledge, the lioness baptized the female knights to be more honest with their desire.

The lust and their faith in the Goddess Teri and her Paladin, with the belief of serving them, were combined. The holy book mentioned that their bodies were the Goddess'. And that the Paladin was her apostle, a part of her.

That meant they should follow the Paladin's guidance. They would give their bodies to him if he desired them! However, they shouldn't ask him to take them. That was blasphemy!

As Castitas Church Knights, they should maintain the belief they learned. And that was to stay pure.

This might be the lesson the Paladin tried to tell them by purposely leaving his remains to see who would lose control. It was easy to lose control, especially since their arousal was high after getting touched by him.

Fortunately, none of them dared even to lick his remains and only touched them because they needed to clean them! All of them passed the test.

"May the Goddess bless us! May Sir Paladin bless us!" Sophia chanted loudly.

"May the Goddess bless us! May Sir Paladin bless us!"

The female knights chanted after they cleaned the room, not leaving anything behind. However, the pheromone smell was still strong, and they refused to leave the dressing room to enjoy it until their next patrol duty.

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