Sins Paradise: Domination System

Chapter 192 192 – Toward World-End Waterfall

Tristan's eyes widened at my words, but then she nodded in understanding as she remembered what I had told her before we went to Lima Port City.

My real goal of coming to this city besides curing Tristan's trauma. That was to check the World-End Waterfall for a sign of going to another world.

While I had found out about how Tristan had arrived in this world, I was still curious about what lay beyond the waterfall.

Infusing MP and controlling it, the magic carpet took off at its fastest speed. It split the wind and created a shockwave around the inn, toppling some flower pots down.

I felt rather bad, so I threw some Gold Coins into the street so they could use it to change their pot. At least I had the intention to compensate them.

We sped up once we reached the sea, and I put up a <Barrier> to keep the wind pressure pushing us from the front.

The silence between us was suffocating as Tristan was concentrated deeply. She didn't need to be that focused, as I could detect monsters coming for us, so I decided to tease her.

"You're not going to scream because of the speed?"

Tristan looked at me in disbelief and confusion.

"Why should I?"

"You always screamed in excitement whenever we reached full speed in the past."

"Oh… Right." Her voice sounded down. "But I am not that excited now. We are going to a dangerous area, right? I am worried about our safety, especially about you. Aren't your MP got depleted from your fight against that monster?"

"I didn't tell you yet?" I asked, and she raised her eyebrows and tilted her head.

I forgot about that. I only told her about my story of defeating the last boss and didn't tell her about my reward for beating it.

"I now have around 9000 MP, and the requirement to use <Dimensional Breaker>, the ultimate skill I talked about, was different. Thanks to that, my recovery speed has also increased, so I have full HP and MP now." I said proudly.


Her eyes widened as her face scrunched with a mix of surprise and jealousy. Of course she would be jealous.

No one from Horizon Online wouldn't be jealous of having more than 100 HP and 100 MP. That was something sought by many. 

People who had mastered a few Max Lv skills could break past it using <Limit Break>, but only I managed to break past it without using any skill.

"My status has also increased. They are now averaging 300."

"Are you becoming a monster?! You didn't even need my help escaping from that monster then! I thought you were…"

"If I escaped alone, that would take a few days. Inside Scylla is really gross, you know? The stomach liquid and all that mucus. Ugh… I don't want to experience something like that again. Do you want me to tell you about how gross it is? The meat is mov…–"

"Alright, alright. Let's forget about that. I already knew the condition inside that monster, and I don't want to remember it."

Before I could continue my story, Tristan blocked my mouth with her free hand. Then she narrowed her eyes as she looked at a distance.

"I feel many Mana in the distance with my <Mana Sense>. The number is…"

"Thousands, no?" I interjected her and stood up, taking out <Sword of Mars>.

Looking forward, I enhanced my senses. Many flying islands came into my sight, and each of them was filled with winged monsters from Griffin, Wyverns, and there was even a Level 60 Lesser Dragon in the distance.

"Kill the one that escapes my skill, Tristan."

"You didn't need to tell me."

In the quiver she slung over her shoulders, a dozen arrows appeared, and she took one of them and knocked it in her bow.

Tristan didn't need a lot of time to decide her target. It was common sense to first deal with the strongest one to add damage for an area attack.

"<Focus Shot>"


Her arrow flew straight toward the highest-leveled dragon at the back of the flying island. It left a green trail, and I also swung my sword at the same time.

"<Sword Sonic>"

An orange flying slash escaped my sword and flew forward in an arch, getting larger and larger as it traveled. And when it hit the trail left behind by Tristan's arrow, the arch deformed and shattered, flying everywhere like a sword rain.

The first one to arrive was Tristan's arrow. It pierced the dragon's skull, instantly knocking it down the flying island. My attack arrived later, hitting everywhere unanimously. The flying island got destroyed, falling to the sea while some debris stayed floating.

Obviously, the monsters were also hit. Their bodies burst because of the attack. Some were lucky enough to escape and tried to attack us, but Tristan didn't allow them to get close.

"<Hundreds Arrow Rain>"

Another arrow was released. It suddenly split into hundreds of green arrows in the middle of its trajectory, each going toward its target homing. Nothing escaped it, and the low-Level flying monsters got massacred shortly.

"It's easy." Tristan lowered her bow. "The monsters here are weaker than Horizon Online." She added.

True. This world was originally an erotic game, and the setting of the world wasn't that focused on fighting monsters. It wasn't a surprise that the monster in this world was way weaker than their counterpart in Horizon Online.


"Don't lower your guard. This is just the first defense."

Because we were flying, we didn't need to deal with the sea monsters running around below us. That meant we went to an easier way, but…

"You're right," Tristan muttered as a bead of sweat dripped down her forehead. "That's a lot of monsters."

"Do you need some potion?"

I asked as I stretched my left hand forward, my palm facing the row of monsters flying toward us, filling up the sky.

"Not now." She replied and took out an orange and dark green potion in a round container. Without wasting time, she used her teeth to open both potions and gulped them down. "I still have some in my inventory." She continued and threw the empty bottle down.

"Great. I hope you're ready for a long-lasting battle." I grinned and took a peek at my radar. The area in front of us was filled with red dots. "Just tell me when you need a potion. My inventory is filled with our former comrades' and enemies' items."

"That's reassuring."

That was the end of our conversation. The enemies were getting close, and I started by using the ultimate magic from Max Lv <Holy Magic>.

"<Holy Ray>"

A large light beam shot from my palm like a laser. The beam's diameter was 6 meters wide, and it extended until I couldn't see the end of it.

The monsters hit by the beam disintegrated into nothing. Not even their ash remained.

However… Not all of them died from that attack. Many monsters, larger ones, managed to survive with only some injuries.

Angry roars filled the sky, causing the world to shake. Tristan seemed to get a bit affected by (Fear) effect from their roar, so I used <Cure> on her to cure the debuff.

"Now it's the battle of stamina. Rest whenever you need it, Tristan."

"I don't really need that." She replied coldly. "But I can make use of the MP potion later."

Her confident answer made me smile happily. This was really nostalgic too, so I enjoyed this moment.

And so we went inside the monster horde and began to make our way toward our goal, World-End Waterfall.

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