Sins Paradise: Domination System

Chapter 156 156 – Lima Port City

The three of us appeared outside in the clearing a bit away from Lima Port City.

One reason was that the destination of the [Teleportation Gem] was set around here so we wouldn't collide with other people when we teleported.

Looking around, I saw a tall wall on my left.

A strong breeze hit my face, ruffling my hair and my Paladin uniform. It was so strong that Garcia held her skirt and shielded her face from it.

As for Isabelle, her hand went over her ear, holding her hair, while the other one kept in front of her skirt, keeping it in place.

The smell of the sea was strong and penetrated my nose. The Blue Sea stretched large and far as I looked around. In fact, the only thing I could see besides the port city was the sea and the forest behind me.

A quick look in my <Presence Detection> made me frown a little, but I quickly replaced it with a small smile as I turned to the other two.

"We've arrived."

"I can see that."

Isabelle was quick in her word and replied sharply. She didn't mince her words and spoke what was in her mind.

Garcia glared at Isabelle in displeasure. The rude act she clearly showed in front of me seemed to tick the perverted maid's nerve.

Nothing worth mentioning, but they probably wouldn't have the relationship I hoped they would have. Garcia's first impression of Isabelle was the worst, after all.

"What should we do now?" Isabelle asked, "Should we proceed to investigate right away?"

"No." I shook my head. "We need to secure our lodging first."

"… Make senses." Isabelle responded.


As Isabelle, Garcia, and I walked through the bustling streets of Lima Port City, the sound of waves crashing against the shore grew louder with each step. The salty smell of the ocean mixed with the aroma of exotic spices and fresh seafood, creating a heady scent that filled the air.

The city was a melting pot of different races, with Dwarfs, Elves, Beastmen, and Humans all going about their business. Isabelle's onyx hair shone in the sunlight, and Garcia's habit flapped in the salty breeze as she ogled the sailors unloading cargo from massive ships.

Those things should be new for Garcia as she spent most of her time staying in Academy City under Sana.

We passed by stone and wooden buildings with sloping roofs, their windows and doors open to the street. Vendors hawking their wares, calling out to us as we walked by. The cobbled streets were uneven, and we had to navigate around the people and carts that crowded them.

Due to the area's uneven terrain, stairs were everywhere, leading from the dark alleyway to the bright main street. The buildings were also mostly built on a slope, making them tilt slightly if not for their foundation.

Merchants from all over the continent peddle their wares on the crowded streets, selling items from other cities as well as buying sea products from the sailors.

The sound of bartering and haggling mixed with the clanging of metal as blacksmiths worked their forges and the chatter of customers in the local taverns.

This city was beautiful, even more so the shore. So the lodging area was concentrated near the port and beaches.

Wooden ships, with their sails fluttering in the wind, were docked side by side, ready to embark on their next voyage. Their hulls were adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures, and their masts towered over the port, casting long shadows in the afternoon sun.

They didn't really discriminate over races here. Strong Beastmen and intelligent Humans were working together to operate the ship. Some strong people with weapons, especially Elves with their bows and arrows, were ready to protect them from incoming monsters.

As we walked along the pier, we passed by a group of Dwarfs, busy repairing the hull of a ship, their tools clanging against the metal. A group of Elves were loading barrels of ale onto another ship, while a troupe of Beastmen were unloading crates of goods from a third vessel.

Then finally, we arrived at the biggest lodging in the area.


The bell rang as I pushed the door open, entering with Isabelle and Garcia walking behind me. The lobby area was a tavern, and many curious eyes landed on us before they resumed their activities.

Many tourists could be seen in the area, ranging from Nobles to Commoners. So it wasn't that strange to see people dressed nicely like me or wearing armor like Isabelle.

Nuns could also be seen everywhere around this area as the church was located near this lodging, just beside us. Besides, Garcia used her <Illusion Magic> to hide the fact she wore a different kind of nun clothes than the others.

I doubted the magic worked on Isabelle. Probably that was the reason why she wasn't that friendly with Garcia in the first place.

Also, if you asked why I didn't stay in the church this time, the reason was simple. This was my personal investigation and had nothing to do with the church, and we also didn't want the Kingdom to accuse the church for disturbing their investigation too.

'If I stay in the church, it will become an official visit. So I need to stay in the lodging so that I can say to those knights from the Kingdom that we are here just for a vacation.'

No problem would be created that way.

Approaching the receptionist at the end of the room, I ordered two rooms for us—a double one for Isabelle and Garcia and a single one for me.

Garcia looked surprised and at me with an unwilling look, but Isabelle didn't say anything about this arrangement. Rather, I could see that she was rather pleased because I didn't force either of them to stay with me.

The price was 150 Gold Coins for 10 nights, meaning we spent 15 Gold each night. That was expensive, but again, this lodging was a good establishment with the perfect sea view from the highest floor, so I didn't complain.

"Go ahead to your room first. I wanted to have a walk."

I told them after giving Isabelle the key to her room. She nodded silently and went upstairs, but Garcia didn't move from her spot beside me.

When I looked at her and asked her with my gaze, she smiled softly at me.

"I will accompany you, Sir Arthur. I can't exactly leave you alone without any attendant, no?"

While she said so, I could see her excitement and willingness to explore. The sign had been there since we arrived in this city, but it was unexpected. To think Garcia was this excited to see new things.

"Alright then. Let's leave Isabelle alone for now. I think she still has a lot in mind due to my sudden invitation."

Garcia frowned when she heard Isabelle's name.

"I don't like that woman, Sir Arthur." She declared. "She's too rude and… can't see your kindness."

I only smiled without saying anything and patted her head. Garcia couldn't understand Isabelle. I also didn't force her to like or understand Isabelle, as I knew people from this world and Horizon Online players would have difficulty connecting with each other.

Anyway… Their relationship would definitely improve after this mission. That, I was certain, if I could cure Isabelle's trauma and find who she actually was, that was.

"Let's not think about that and explore the city, shall we?" I pulled my hand away from Garcia's head and she nodded slightly.


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