Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 802 What would happen if you drop?

Chapter 802 What would happen if you drop?

Henry was surprised to hear this before his eyes lit up even more as he said, "Brother in law, can I really?"

This time, Lily was also worried.

After all, seeing the wyverns and riding the wyverns were completely different.

If something were to happen, it would be too late to do anything when the time came.

So she wanted to say something to stop Henry before he could say anything else.

It was just too bad that the count grabbed her by the shoulder. When Lily looked back at the count, she found that he was shaking his head at her, as if he was telling her not to interfere.

There was an unhappy look on her face when she saw this, but she didn't say anything in the end.

If it was anyone else, she might have said something.

But since it was her husband who stopped her, she had no choice but to listen...

Henry didn't notice any of this as his eyes had been on the wyverns the entire time. The way that he looked at it was like he could already see himself on the back of it, flying over the lands.

It was as if he could see himself as a hero of the people.

That was just the kind of self obsessed behaviour that he was engaged in.

One could say as expected of a spoiled child.

But the point was to get him excited about this and then take him up into the sky like this. After all, the real plan began once he was in the sky.

Since he was so excited about going up, it was easy to talk Henry into going up on one of the wyverns.

Naturally I wouldn't be the one that took him up, it was one of the other knights who would take him.

For a moment, it seemed like he wanted to get on Cecilia's wyvern. There was no doubt that there were other intentions in his mind when he wanted to get on her wyvern.

However, it seemed that he was able to hold himself back in the end.

Though the moment that we actually got on the back of a wyvern, the excited look started to fade from his face and there was a trace of fear that came through.

It seemed like he was second guessing this decision and wanted to back out.

Of course, I wouldn't allow him to do something like that after bringing him all the way here. So I gave a signal to the knight who was on the same wyvern.

Before Henry could say a thing, the knight suddenly tapped the back of the wyvern. The moment that the wyvern felt the knight tapping its back, it reared back and suddenly flew up into the sky.

Henry was completely taken aback by this and even fell backwards. He didn't grab anything, so he was about to fall off the wyvern as it took off.

That was if not for the knight suddenly grabbing him by the foot. As the knight grabbed him, he also shook his head with a sigh.

Just like this, Henry was left dangling in the air, too scared to even scream. He felt the wind rushing past him which knocked him out in the end, but the strong wind also woke him up.

It was this feeling of being knocked out and woken up that made Henry feel depressed.

After all, the way that he was being dragged by the knight was almost as if he was a piece of luggage instead of a person.

It was like he was just being treated like some kind of item.

But eventually, the wave of wind that was hitting him in the face stopped as they slowed down.

The wyvern reached a peak in the air and just floated there in the air, which allowed Henry to catch his breath. At the same time, it allowed him to take a proper look at the scenery around him.

Seeing the beauty of the land below, that feeling of depression at being treated as an object went away as he focused on what was down below.

After enjoying it for a bit, Henry said, "Can we fly around a bit more? I want to experience how it feels."

The knight gave a nod before patting the wyvern on the back.

When he did, the wyvern started to fly forward.

Henry remembered to grab onto the back of the wyvern this time and he held on tight as he enjoyed the view.

He was so excited that he didn't notice that the wyvern seemed to be heading in a certain direction.

It seemed to be moving away from the town.

Down below, it wasn't just the count who knitted his brows. Lily also knitted her brows the moment that she saw this, but the count stopped her from doing anything.

After a while, we had left the area of the town below us.

It seemed like there was only forest beneath us and nothing else. It didn't seem like there was a trace of humanity at all with how far we had gone.

When Henry saw this, he couldn't help feeling strange about this.

It was as if there was this sense of danger that filled him, as if there was something that was about to happen.

So Henry couldn't help slowly coming back from his excitement as he said, "Brother in law, should we head back? I think that we've already gone far enough, we should head back before it gets too late."

Joan had been flying beside the wyvern Henry was on the entire time, so I had heard everything that he said.

However, I didn't seem to respond as I just gave a nod and a thoughtful hum.

After a long silence that made Henry even more worried, I said, "What do you think would happen if you were to drop from this height?"

There was a chill that ran down Henry's spine when he heard this.

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