Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 763 Snake Syndicate (1)

Chapter 763 Snake Syndicate (1)

Turning around, I found that there were two maids that were waiting there along with two dark clothed people who had their faces hidden.

With the way that the maids had been waiting there, it was as if they had been waiting there the whole time just to serve me.

But I shook my head in the end and said, "No need. I'll talk to your master first."

The maids were surprised to hear this before looking at the two cloaked figures as if they didn't know what to do.

To be fair, the two of them were quite beautiful. They were definitely beauties that would have been able to make heads turn just by walking down the street.

However, they weren't at the same level as my wives, so it wasn't as if they could do anything to me.

In a way, having beautiful wives was a good way to build up resistance to beauty.

So I wasn't taken aback by them like they thought would happen.

For a brief second, I could even see the two of them looking at me with a strange look.

They were so confident in their appearance that…they even looked at me as if they were wondering if I swung the other way.

I really didn't know where they gained this confidence from.

Perhaps it was because they were big fish in a small pond and they had never gone far enough to see people more beautiful than them.

Either way, it didn't matter to me.

What mattered was that one of the black clothed figures said, "You'll do that after you wash up. The boss is a clean freak and he won't talk to you unless you clean yourself up first."

A bitter smile crept onto my lips when I heard this.

I looked at the black clothed figure with that bitter smile and asked, "Really? Do I have no other choice? It seems like this is something that can't be delayed."

But to my surprise, the black clothed figure just shook his head and said, "I've already told you, the boss won't talk to you unless you clean up."

To be fair, I was quite dirty since I had been traveling in a cage for several days.

Even if I was let out of the cage at night, it wasn't as if I could clean myself up or it would have seemed suspicious.

So I understood that they felt that I was a bit dirty.

I went along with it and took a bath, though I didn't allow the maids to follow me to help me.

They were clearly disappointed and they still looked at me with the same look, but they listened to what I said and left me alone. It seemed that I had some sway since they felt that it was important enough to bring me here in the first place.

But as for what this place was…

When I finished bathing and changed into new clothes, the two dark clothed figures came to pick me up again.

Though I couldn't see their faces since they had masks covering them, I could tell by the way that they were looking at me that they were impressed with what they were seeing.

One of them even whistled and said, "I guess it's true that clothes do make a man."

I shook my head with another bitter smile before saying, "Are we here to chat or are you going to bring me to your master?"

The two of them looked at me for a bit before nodding in agreement.

After turning around and walking off, one of them waved their hand at me to follow them.

I just hesitated for a second before following them out of the room that they had left me in.

After coming out, I found that this was a luxurious manor that was in the center of Vayne City.

As for why I knew this was Vayne City, that was because I could see a familiar manor in the distance. This was a manor that I had seen not that long ago.

It was the duke's manor.

That meant that this place wasn't even that far from the duke's manor where the fourth prince and the others were, but they felt safe enough to stay in this place. This just went to show how much power that they had that they felt safe enough to stay in a place like this that was right under the nose of the fourth prince and his elite guards.

They led me down a hall to what seemed to be an office.

The two dark cloaked figures stopped at the entrance and opened the door for me before gesturing for me to go in alone.

The two of them were just standing there at the door as if they were going to keep guard.

As for what they were keeping guard against…it was hard to tell.

Was it against an enemy or was it to make sure that I didn't run away?

I didn't know, but there was nothing for me to do other than go into this office.

After entering, I saw that there was a similarly black clothed figure that was sitting at the desk in this office.

They were just sitting there with a casual manner to them, but there was also a pressure that came from them even though they sat there doing nothing.

This was a natural kind of pressure that came from a person that held a high position or commanded a lot of power.

So there was no doubt that this person was a leader in this place.

This person just gestured for me to sit down in the seat in front of him.

After a moment of hesitation, I went forward to sit down across this person.

There was a moment of silence before they said, "Your grace, I'm sure that you're wondering why we've brought you here. First let me introduce myself, I am the head of the Snake Syndicate."

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