Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 751 Going home…or not

Chapter 751 Going home…or not

We stayed in the Dwarven Kingdom for two more days.

It was both for me to recover from being drained by the Staff of Earth and to hash out the details of the wyverns being sent to the Dwarven Kingdom.

The plan was to have the dwarves come to our kingdom to pick up the wyverns and then they would work for us as carriers. They would be part of the caravan that regularly transported ores from the Dwarven Kingdom to our kingdom, though they would be under the control of the Dwarven Kingdom.

Until it was time to reveal their true identities, they would be working for the caravan.

This was how we would be able to keep the secret alliance under wraps until it was the right time.

After receiving the mark in the Earthen Temple, I wasn't certain if my problem had been solved. However, that didn't mean that there was no change at all in my body.

With the new mark, I found that I was much stronger than before.

It was as if my muscles had suddenly become much stronger after receiving my mark.

I had first noticed this when the Dwarven King hadn't been able to pull me along that day. But later, I found that I had become strong enough that I was able to last a few seconds in an arm wrestling match against Cecilia.

If it was the past, I wouldn't have been able to last even a single second.

My hand would have been pinned down as soon as it started.

But this time, I was actually able to stop her for a few seconds before she pushed my hand down.

This showed that my body was stronger than before, though I didn't really understand why that was the case.

Still, that meant that my body had changed in some way.

It was possible that the situation down there had also changed.

That would all depend on my experiments with my wife, which I was very excited to get to.

I could have done with Cecilia while we were in the Dwarven Kingdom, but both of us chose to abstain until we were back. She wanted us to do it all together as well since she didn't want to leave the other two out.

That was why I actually supported her this time in heading back with the wyverns.

I wanted to get back as soon as possible.

But it didn't go the way that I wanted to.

When I arrived at my town, there was a group there waiting for me and it wasn't the group that I had expected.

Instead, it was the fourth prince who had a smug look on his face when he saw me.

But the fourth prince wasn't alone.

Angela was there with him with a bitter smile on her face.

At the same time…there was a group of royal guards that were surrounding the fourth prince that looked like they were ready to make a move at any time. It seemed that they were here to pick me up and they weren't afraid to use force if they needed to.

I was naturally surprised to see the fourth prince here with all of these royal guards, but I quickly found out that they had a good reason for this.

Simply put, we had made too much noise on our trip to the Dwarven Kingdom.

They were here to escort me to the capital to receive my punishment.

There was even a royal decree that had been sent to make sure that I went with them.

If need be, they could use force to take me in, but it was clear that the royal guards didn't want to do that. After all, in front of them were a bunch of wyverns that I controlled.

It was terrifying to be facing all these wyverns like this.

I had to admit that they were quite brave that they didn't run when faced with all these wyverns.

Naturally, I didn't want to start a war between me and the royal family, so I wouldn't forcefully break my way out of this.

Not to mention, I'm sure that the king had a reason for doing this.

Namely, it was to appease the nobles that must have complained because of the incident that we caused.

So I chose to go with the fourth prince to the capital.

As we entered our carriage, he looked at me and asked, "Did you have fun?"

I could see the aggrievement that was in his eyes and the betrayal that was in his voice. After all, I had let him be taken back to the capital instead of going back to the capital with him.

I was the only one that escaped all the work that was left in the capital.

With a faint smile, I gave a shrug as I said, "I had no other choice, this was something that I had to do for my future."

The expression on the fourth prince's face changed after he heard this.

He slowly looked down at my crotch which really was a strange feeling. Having a man stare at my crotch like this definitely wasn't something that I wanted to experience, so I closed my legs and gave a cough.

The fourth prince looked back up at me and asked in a cautious voice, "Did it work?"

I shook my head to the fourth prince's surprise, but he was even more surprised by the answer that I had for him, "I have no idea."

"Huh? What do you mean you have no idea?" The fourth prince was very confused when he heard this.

I just casually reached my hand out towards the fourth prince and he slowly reached out to take it. Then all of a sudden, I squeezed my hand and the fourth prince said, "Ow!"

The fourth prince pulled his hand back and rubbed it before saying, "What are you doing?"

I just calmly said, "This is the change that happened with my body, but I'm not sure if 'that' is fixed."

The fourth prince looked down at my crotch again before slowly giving a nod.

Seeing him like this, I reached my hand out towards his hand again and he quickly pulled his hand back.

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