Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 714 Swearing fealty

Chapter 714 Swearing fealty

We once again convened in a room where it was just the three of us.

After reaching the deal with the king of the Midra Kingdom, we went back to meeting with the second prince again.

The excuse that he gave was that we would finalize the details of the wyvern transfer.


They never would have expected that we had already worked everything out.

In the beginning, this was our plan.

All of it had been a bait so that we could get the wyverns under the second prince since that was what he had asked for.

So I had gone through all those hoops, making all those demands that they would let their guards down. I did all of this so they wouldn't suspect the only real demand that I had, which was that the wyverns would go to the second prince.

As expected, their greed had completely taken them over and they didn't question it at all.

I had even been able to negotiate for a few of the books from their library which we had never even visited before.

That was how greedy they were for the wyverns.

There was even a part of me that thought that they would have done anything to get the wyverns that they might have never cared that these wyverns would be under the second prince.

But it was still better safe than sorry.

After we sat down, the second prince suddenly lowered his head to me and said, "Your lordship, thank you for going along with that farce."

I was surprised to see the second prince doing this, along with being surprised by the tone that he spoke to me with.

This was completely different from how he spoke to me before.

It was almost as if he was acting like he was submitting to me.

I didn't know how to feel about this since I actually preferred if he treated me the same way as before.

But at the same time, I had an idea of why he was doing this.

The second prince had shown me his weakness before I offered him the wyverns, so I knew exactly what drove him and what to use against him if anything happened.

The only thing was...I never expected that he would even take this a step further.

The second prince suddenly stood up to the surprise of both me and the fourth prince.

The two of us looked at him with a strange look as he suddenly came forward to me and started lowering his head. Then as shock filled us, the second prince bowed his head to me.

"I thank the lord for everything that you've done for me. I hereby swear my loyalty to you."

After saying this, the second prince fell to one knee in front of me and lowered his head even more as he bowed to me.

It seemed that he was very serious about this.

There was a part of me that wanted to go forward to help him up, but I stopped that part of me in the end.

I knew what the second prince was doing this for, so I knew that I couldn't stop him.

After a few seconds of silence, I said, "Alright, you can get up now."

The second prince slowly raised his head to look at me and then stood up in front of me.

As he did, I said, "There's no need to act so stiff around me."

There was a faint smile that appeared on the second prince's face when he heard this.

Then when he fully stood up, it was as if there was a switch that flicked in him as all of that seriousness disappeared without a trace.

When he stood up, the second prince said, "Then let's stop acting that way then."

He was speaking just like he did before.

It was clear that the second prince didn't like acting this way either, so he changed his tone quite fast.

When he sat back down again, I asked him, "So what do we do now?"

The second prince would have a better understanding of the landscape of the Midra Kingdom, so it was better to ask him than to make plans on our own.

This was the trust that I would give him since he had sworn his loyalty to me.

The second prince gave a nod with a look of appreciation before saying, "Nothing."

The fourth prince and I raised a brow to look at him.

It wasn't that we were doubting him, it was just that we were caught off guard by this.

The second prince just calmly explained, "These things take time, don't they? It'll take some time before the kingdoms can recover from the war, so we can't put the plan into action right away. Just like what you've been doing in the Beirut Kingdom."

The fourth prince and I looked at him with a surprised look again before suddenly revealing smiles.

With the abilities that the second prince had demonstrated, it wouldn't be strange that he had spies set up in the other countries. It was likely that he even had spies in our country, which was why he already knew so much about us.

The second prince really was a bad person to get on the wrong side of, just like the fourth prince.

I couldn't help feeling a bit worried about my future with the two of them.

Still, since the second prince was right about nothing needing to be done, then there was nothing that needed to be done.

Or at least there was nothing that needed to be done for me.

I just left the rest of the discussion to the fourth prince and the second prince.

The two of them started discussing things that they would set up for what they had planned in the future.

From what I could hear, it seemed that they wouldn't just stop at the Midra and Beirut Kingdoms.

It sounded like they wanted to build an entire empire from the surrounding countries…

I really couldn't help worrying about my future.

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