Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 682 We were meant to be

Chapter 682 We were meant to be

There was no answer when I said this since it seemed like they were still staring at my dick that was out in the open.

A bitter smile appeared on my face when I saw this before I said again with a cough, "Can someone let me out of here now?"

This time, I made sure to speak louder so that they would be certain to hear me.

Once my voice fell, Angela was the first one to come back to her senses.

She looked at me with a strange look, but she still told one of the knights to cut the bindings that were holding me. It seemed that the gaze that she cast in my direction seemed to be looking at a certain place.

It seemed that she was still looking at my dick.

I didn't know what to say, but my dick was no longer hard at the very least.

Having it out in the open in front of everyone like this certainly wasn't one of the fetishes that I had, so it was turning me off to be like this.

After the knight cut me free, the first thing that I did was pull my pants up.

I could see that the knights were slowly turning away after seeing me pull my pants up, but they were also peeking back at me with strange looks.

At the same time, I could see that there was a slightly disappointed look that was on Angela's face after I pulled my pants up. Seeing her reveal this expression caused a bitter smile to appear on my face.

With a cough, I said, "Can someone explain to me what happened?"

Even though I had been saved now, I was still very confused about this situation since I had no idea what was even going on right now. I had woken up after suddenly being kidnapped which was without a doubt disorientating.

Then I had also been saved by Angela and the knights just as suddenly.

So naturally I had no idea what was happening.

Angela slowly recovered after hearing this and she gave a nod before saying, "You were kidnapped."

Another bitter smile crept on my face when I heard this.

I looked at her with a strange look before shaking my head with a sigh.

Even I could figure out that I had been captured. What I was asking about was why I had been captured and what had happened during the time that I had been captured.

Angela was still in a daze from the sight that she had beheld before, so she had answered in this slightly dumb manner.

But she realized that she had said something dumb and quickly recovered from it to say, "It happened because security was lax at the castle during the plan. The father of this lady, who is a minor baron, was at the castle for some matters and saw you while you were heading to your room. He followed you to your room and took advantage of when the guards changed shifts to kidnap you."

I was surprised to hear this since I had thought that the castle would have been safe. At the same time, I thought that no one had been able to see me in the castle, but it seemed that I had been wrong.

It was both my fault and the fault of the castle guards.

I looked at the girl who was just on the ground naked and asked, "Do you know why they kidnapped me in the first place?"

Angela shook her head before saying, "We've captured her father, the rest of their family, and their servants. However, we weren't able to get any useful information out of them."

I gave a nod before asking the girl, "Why did you kidnap me?"

The girl saw that I was asking her this and said, "Because we were meant to be!"

I was taken aback by the passion that she had said this with.

The way that she had said this almost seemed like she firmly believed this to be true, but of course it couldn't be since I had never met this girl before.

I looked at Angela who was glaring at me and said, "I've never met her, so how could that be true?"

"It's not true!" The girl suddenly said before continuing, "We met at one of the banquets that you attended. I couldn't forget the way that our eyes met at that banquet. From that moment on, I knew that you were the one for me! That's why I convinced my father to kidnap you!"

We all looked at the girl with a strange look when she said this.

The words that she said were an admission of her guilt.

It seemed like she was the one that had masterminded everything, but was this really the reason why she had done all of this?

She had really kidnapped me just because she felt that I was her soul mate?

I didn't really believe it.

After all, there were far more likely reasons why someone would kidnap me at this time.

However, when I saw the way that she looked at me, there was another chill that ran down my spine.

At the same time, I realized that she wasn't lying.

This really was the reason why she had kidnapped me.

This girl…was dangerous, that was what my instincts told me.

I wanted to get her as far away from me as possible, but there was also a part of me that didn't want to kill her.

So I asked Angela, "What will be the punishment for this?"

Angela thought about it for a bit before saying, "Well, it could be death or it could be imprisonment. I think it will all depend on you."

I gave a nod before saying, "Then can you make it so that she is imprisoned for life? I don't ever want to see her again."

Angela said with a nod, "Alright. I'll tell my royal father that is what you want."

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