She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 538 - SHE ADMITTED

Chapter 538 - SHE ADMITTED

Cayenne and Stefan had breakfast together while her brothers waited for them in the living room. Kyle didn't say anything to her but she could tell that he has the same intention as their youngest brother. "I think Luiz is angry." Cayenne commented in whisper.

"Your brothers are smart. They must have sensed something during the time you left. Anyway, you don't have to worry that much. Instead of anger, I think they are more confused and disappointed instead. And being the one and only sister, I know they won't stay made at you for a long time."

"Hopefully." Cayenne muttered. "Did Justin leave the house already? I haven't seen the kids for a long time. I wonder how they're doing now.."

"You can call him later and see what's going on." Stefan replied. "Why have you become so dumb after getting abducted? Are you sure you didn't eat the pills that they gave you?"

"Stop insulting my intelligence." Cayenne shoved some food on his mouth to stop him from talking. "I stopped coming to school for a long time. Do you think they will still accept me?"

"Didn't your father say that we can leave it to him? Let's just wait for the good news." Stefan answered while putting some food on her plate. "Eat a lot. You need to replenish your energy."

"Speaking of my energy, I was really spent last night and I'm wondering, with all the stuff you released, do you think I could get pregnant?"

'Ahem! Ahem! Cough! Cough!' Stefan choked on his food, coughing several times after hearing her question. It's not that he was doubting his sperm count or her fertility but it's impossible for her to get pregnant this time. Ever since they were together, Stefan had been observing Cayenne's characteristic and her mannerism in order to cater to the things she needed and the part that he paid so much attention was her period. Why? Because it was during this time that she suffers the most.

Last time, before she disappeared, Stefan noticed that she was not having period cramps or any excruciating pain but he knew that she was having her period. At that time, Cayenne took some medicine to ease the pain for the purpose that she was going to prank him on the next month. Who would have thought that she'd be abducted and her prank will not happen? It was like a karma to her evil scheme against her husband.

Stefan looked at his wife and smiled. "As much as you want to have a child now, I cannot let that happen yet. Also, you won't get pregnant from what happened last night. If I guess it correctly, you should have your period in the next three or four days."

"How do you know that? I don't have a regular period cycle."

"It's a secret of your husband. If I tell you, you will certainly change this habit and I might fall for your tricks. I can't let you bare children yet."

"Tsk! Whatever." Cayenne rolled her eyes and stuffed more food in his mouth.

He was just shaking his head while chewing his food. Cayenne can really eat a lot on normal days but whenever she's about to have her period, she'll start to crave her favorites and so much, so much sweets. Recently, she's been eating lots of them. At the Sy's mansion, she ate ice cream, cakes, chocolates and whatnot. Even when they left, she ordered sweets as soon as they boarded the yacht and had lunch in the mini restaurant. Last night during dinner, she almost ate half the amount of the desserts that her brothers made. If he didn't exercise with her last night, it would surely damage her health.

Cayenne didn't even notice that she had this habit with her.

As soon as they finished eating, Lucia's daughter, Daisy, cleaned up the dining area and the kitchen. Cayenne could no longer stall for more time and went to the living room to have a chat with her brothers and with her father as well, who just came out to join them.

"Come and sit." Luiz stated and pointed on the available couch. Cayenne pouted her lips but she sat on the couch anyway. Stefan was sitting right beside her but it was obvious that he won't help her deal with her brothers. "So, what was all this disappearance about?"

"I was abducted and got into the Rule family." Cayenne replied nonchalantly.

"And you happen to have amnesia, marry one of your friends and ruin the Rule family?" Luiz retorted with no intention of letting his sister go. "Your lies will never get past us."

"What makes you think that I was lying?" Cayenne question her brother instead. "I was really abducted."

"Yeah, you were but, you didn't lose your memory. You contacted Stefan but why didn't you contact us?" Kyle was the one who spoke this time and it was also the first time he addressed Stefan by his name. Usually he'd call him brother-in-law or bro but he never calls him by his first name. Cayenne didn't say anything, still contemplating how to explain the situation. Kyle continued, "You must have thought that I don't use that account anymore, have you?"

"Fine. I was really abducted..." Cayenne admitted started, "and I didn't lose my memories. When I woke up, I was already held captive in only god-knows-where that island is situated. I didn't have anything with me and I could only pretend to have not remembered anything. Since they finally made a move that risked my well-being, I planned to destroy them."

"With you alone, it's impossible to do it. How did you get to convince the siblings to join you? I wouldn't ask about Seiji because it's obvious he cares so much about you." Luiz responded to his sister.

"In exchange for my freedom, they get the remaining assets and properties of the Rule family which weren't implicated because of what their grandfather did. It's not much but it will help them start a new life. And they also asked me to help them look for their parents. Tristan is already working on it."

"And why didn't you contact us? What's your excuse for this?"

"I didn't contact you because I know you'd become more worried and you'd probably book a flight to country C, rush to find that old man and risk yourself getting killed."

"Why did he have to abduct you? You're not the only child that our mother gave birth to. He could have abducted me or Kyle." Hearing her brother's retort, Cayenne couldn't stop herself from laughing. It was hilarious to think that her brother was upset because he wasn't the one who got kidnapped. But she also knew that it was out of worry. "Don't laugh at me." Luiz snapped and threw a pillow on his sister but Stefan caught it instead. "You spoiled her so much brother-in-law."

"Alright. You don't have to be so disappointed. If Old Rule knew that you're willing to marry Seiji, perhaps he would've abducted you."

"Ehhhh?" both Kyle and Luiz exclaimed. Even Jonas, who was listening this entire time, suddenly straightened on his seat and had a deep frown on his face. "He abducted you just so you could marry Seiji? Didn't he know that you're married already?"

"He knew and he erased my marriage records and changed my name." she answered nonchalantly as if this didn't happen to her but to someone else instead.

"That old man is crazy!" Luiz blurted without a trace of recognition that the old man was blood-related to them.

"He is." Stefan agreed with no qualms about it. "Now, let's talk about your work."

Hearing this, it was Luiz's turn to feel nervous. He looked at Stefan with pleading gaze but since he confronted her sister, Stefan was now getting back at him. There's no use to plea for an escape.

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