She's My Sleeping Pill



Country C was quite far from City A. So, by the time Cayenne and her group arrived at one of City A's ports, the sun was nowhere to be seen but the red streaks of rays on the sky made dusk look really beautiful.

She invited her father to join them for wedding but then, Reuben was worried for his wife since he left her for more than two days already. Cayenne didn't feel bad about it though. She could understand her father's feelings.

They parted their ways at the port and got into the respective vehicles awaiting them. The news of Cayenne's arrival at the airport didn't escape the media's saucer ears but they were too late. She already went home and the property that Cayenne owned cannot be trespassed like before.

During her absence, Stefan built a tall fence that only the second floor of the house can be seen from the outside. After what happened to his wife, you didn't think Stefan to just sit still right? Now, if you want to interview any of them, you'd be lucky if you can stop them outside their home and conduct and on-the-spot interview.

Security was very tight as well.. If you know the passcode of their home, you can just press it and get inside the first layer fence? and once you pass the first gate, you will be checked by a security guard and you will have to present an ID if the guard isn't familiar with you so that they can call the owner of the house or anyone of the family members who might be familiar to you.

When Cayenne saw the tall wall separating their house from everyone else, she was really taken aback. And then, she realized what she had done that worried the man right beside him.

"Sorry." Cayenne muttered softly beside Stefan. "I really thought of contacting you as soon as I woke up but I was still checking everyone if I could trust them. And Diana took time to come as well."

"I know. Don't think about it anymore. Don't dwell on it. I won't even put any blame on you." Stefan responded in whisper. "The most important thing is; you are home. That's what matters now." He kissed her temple and rubbed her arms to calm her down as he spoke to make sure that his wife won't be overthinking. He knew that Cayenne has the tendency to overthink things a lot of times and he didn't want that to happen.

The car stopped in front of their house but both Cayenne and Stefan frown for different reason. Cayenne frowned because the house was dark, an obvious sign that no one's home. Stefan on the other hand was confused that no one was home even though he told everyone that Cayenne's coming back this time.

'Are they still staying at the villa?' Cayenne thought.

'Did they go back to the villa thinking I'd bring her there?' Stefan also asked himself but since they have the house for themselves, he didn't think much. In fact, he's happy to spend more time with her.

Sadly, he was bound to be disappointed. As soon as Cayenne pushed opened the front door, the house lit up and a lot of smiling faces greeted her.

"Welcome home, Yenyen!"

The popped some party poppers and confetti flew in all directions of the house. It was a mess but a happy mess. Balloons were littered everywhere and there were just so many people that Cayenne wondered how they all fit inside her house.

"Sis!" Luiz was the first one to run towards her and hugged Cayenne tightly. As someone who was at the legal age already, even taller than his sister, Luiz couldn't stop his tears from falling. He didn't even care that there were many people looking at them. He didn't care if Clarisse would think he wasn't manly at this moment. He just wanted to hug his sister and let all of his worries and fears to vanish this instant. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you, too. I'm sorry for worrying you." Cayenne gently pat her brother's back, calming him a little bit. She knew that she was at fault, maybe a little bit at fault for not telling them the truth but she knew her brothers, they wouldn't sit still knowing she chose to sacrifice herself.

Luiz let go of his sister and wiped his tears before turning her around several times. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"Nope. I am not. I'm wise enough not to get myself hurt." Cayenne said proudly which made Luiz smile faintly. He moved a little bit to the side and held his sister's arms, leading her to see everyone. "I'm sorry for worrying you all."

"It's fine now. As long as you are fine, we can bury this bad memory at the back of our mind." Luna told her best friend and smile at her. "I'm glad you are safe."

"Right! What matters most is you are okay." Jillyanna also commented with a deep sigh. "I was really ready to go and find Olivia myself."

"Olivia? You knew her?" Cayenne asked in surprise. She didn't expect that Jillyanna was acquainted to that woman who abducted her.

"She's part of the secret organization I was in. She defected from the organization a long time ago. Let's not talk about her. It irritates me so much thinking that one of my so-called sisters did that to you."

Cayenne didn't ask for more information because she wasn't really curious about her abductor's information. She walked towards her stepdad and hugged him as well as her brother Kyle. These two men looked strong but he knew that they were worried as well. After hugging them, she walked her father-in-law and her grandfather-in-law, bowing her head in apology for causing a stir. They just waved their hands and gently pat her head, comforting her, telling it was fine.

"Let's not stand here in the living room. Let's have dinner." Jonas told everyone and took the lead going to the kitchen. One after another, they went to the kitchen to have dinner together.

Cayenne saw Justin and her eyes lit up instantly. "Justin, how are you? Are you okay? Were you hurt last time?" Justin kept his head lowered while shaking to and fro. He was really embarrassed for letting her down on that crucial moment. "I'm so glad you are okay. I was really worried when one of the men shoot you. But it's fine now. They're all sent to jail."

"I'm happy that you are also safe and sound ma'am." Justin muttered softly.

"Hn. Thank goodness we're all okay. Come and eat." Cayenne invited the young man and soon everyone settled down to eat except for the guards. Some of them ate together with Cayenne's family while some stayed to patrol the property and stand guard at the gate and their respective positions. Just like always, they will have to eat in groups to make sure that there will be people left to monitor the whole place.

Cayenne wasn't the type to have a meal while the helpers wait. She didn't like that idea. The dinner was very lively and cheerful and no one talked about Cayenne's abduction. Most of them just shared what they have been doing when she was gone and they didn't talk about anything stressful.

"Auntie Yen, I have a gift for you." Jade mentioned over dinner before pulling out something from her cute LV bag. It was a small white box with small tulips printed on the cover. "Uncle Shein made the jewelry and I made the box. It's yours now."

"Thank you." Cayenne accepted the small box and opened it. When she saw what was inside, her eyes went wide like saucers before shutting the box again. She closed her eyes and after few seconds she opened the box and saw the same thing. "Oh my gosh! This can't be real. Why are you giving me this?"

"It's inconspicuous and it matches your ring." Shein replied with a sweet smile. "In that way, no one would suspect you having a tracker."

"Oh. Thank you." Cayenne mumbled but his tone didn't sound joyful at all. "I'm sorry I lost the other trackers and the beautiful pen you gave me last time. I didn't know what happened but I passed out but I realized my things weren't with me except for my ring."

"Who says you lost them?" Stefan questioned with a wide grin on his face. "I got them back. The pin-button was broken probably after the threw it away but the pen is okay. It's inside your bedside drawer."

"Really?" she sighed a huge relief after hearing his news. "Thank you, Shein. Thank you, Jade. I caused you trouble again."

"You're part of our large family. It's not a big deal."

While eating food, drinking wines and juice amidst the chatter and laughter, Ferdinand received a message on his phone. "I'm back!" It was just a two-word message but Ferdinand's hand which was holding his phone trembled from anxiety. As if all strength of his body was sucked out, the phone fell on the floor with a loud thud.


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