She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 529 - THE SHOW IV

Chapter 529 - THE SHOW IV

After the scene of the doctor's daughter, another cell was shown and there was a man, whose four limbs were tied to the wall. He was sprawled on the wall, almost naked, with just underwear covering that sensitive part of his body.

There were different kinds of wounds all over his body and he was bruised from head-to-toe. Maybe not head to toe but he was definitely bruised. He was so thin and his ribs can be seen clearly. If the man didn't raise his head to look at the camera, no one would know that this person was still alive. He looked like a skeleton hanging on the wall.

"I will definitely haunt you when I'm dead. I will never cross to the other side unless I bring you with me! Nikko Rule, your retribution will come and get you one day. Unless that time comes, I won't die. I won't just die you bastard!" The man shouted with his hoarse voice and spit towards the person holding the camera. The camera shook a few times but it became steady once again. The man in the video chuckled and smiled.. "Looks like I'm not going to wait for long. Old man, you must not have expected this turn of events. Ahh! I am so happy. If I die, I can finally rest in peace knowing this happens to you."

The reception hall turned silent not because they heard the man mentioned it was the old man from the Rule family who did this to him. They turned silent because they were observing the two guests who were sitting not far from Nikko Rule. They were the parents of the man being tortured.

The woman was breathing in and out, clutching her chest to ease the pain. Her head was spinning and her breath was getting shorter and faster. She was turning pale and not long after she collapsed due to the shocking and painful stimulation.

"Tend to her." Major General Calhoun stated and two soldiers went to the woman and tended to her as if it was just a normal thing. As soon as he said this, whispers erupted in the reception hall.

"I can't believe this. Oh God! I just can't believe this! Didn't Mr. Liu announce two years ago that his son was studying abroad after getting a scholarship from the Rule family's foundation? Is this what's being abroad is? If that's the case, I don't want to go abroad anymore." One of the guests commented.

"That's what I heard, too."

"No wonder they became really good friends. Mr. Liu was deceived by this cunning old fox."

"What do you mean? Aren't they friends before?"

"Of course, not. I remember that Liu Ye offended old Rule during a party after getting drunk but old Rule it was fine. He didn't pursue this matter and befriended Mr. Liu. And a week later, Mr. Liu told his friends that his son will be studying overseas thru a scholarship from the Rule family."

"Aren't the Liu family rich?"

"No, they're not. Well, they've got money but not enough to send their child to study abroad."

"That's really vicious!"

"I know! You treated someone as friend. Believing that they have forgiven what your son did and then, you'll find out it wasn't the case. That's scary!"

"If he's been 'studying' abroad for two years, does that mean he has been tortured for two years?" another guest asked which was loud enough for everyone to hear. She didn't really mean to say it loudly but her surprise was so apparent that she couldn't lower her voice.

Nikko Rule didn't say anything. He knew that it was the end of it but he didn't expect that his granddaughters would betray him. He raised them after their parents disappeared but now, they were biting the hands that fed them.

Stefan watched Mr. Liu's face and smiled because he man didn't show any expression. He knew that the man must be thinking of something.

"Mr. Dumrique, right?" Mr. Liu asked while raising his phone. "I just searched who you are and found that the bride is your lost wife. Since you showed us this information, you must have something planned to this evil man, am I right?"

"Of course." Stefan answered instantly. "How can we allow a criminal to go unpunished?"

"Thank you for the positive answer. I am just a low-level business man. I don't owe a lot but I'm willing to pay anything as long as you can save my child."

"Don't worry Mr. Liu, your son is being treated now. I'll give you the address of the hospital later. As for now, you might want to calm your wife as soon as she wakes up."

"Thank you once again." Mr. Liu bowed his head and to everyone's surprise, he didn't do anything like the doctor. He didn't even look to old Rule. He just entrusted everything to Stefan.

Cayenne was sitting quietly, not looking at anyone else but her husband. If they're not having this show in front of everyone, she would've thrown herself to her man already.

The Sy family didn't say anything and was calmly watching the show. They didn't look nervous but because old Rule was so busy thinking of how he can escape, he didn't notice anything at all. He just knew that his granddaughters have betrayed him.

The show continued and one after another, the illegal activities that the Rule family did over the years started to emerged. Bones were collected from the dungeon to be examined and to get DNA test results in order to know which family they belong to. Rich or poor, those battered souls needed justice.

Major General Calhoun stepped closer to Nikko Rule and handcuffed him. "Mr. Nikko Rule, you are being arrested for kidnapping Mrs. Cayenne Ardolf Dumrique, forging illegal documents, abducting women for prostitution, illegal detention of people which violates human rights, committing murder, illegal possession of firearms and trading firearms to other countries and …" Major General Calhoun stated his wrongful deeds one after another which almost lasted five minutes. He even felt so annoyed for reading such long list of violation. "According to the law, you will then be persecuted publicly and it will be handled by both military officials from our country and country C. The police departments have been affected due to some officers being discovered to be working for you."

"Why am I the only one?" Nikko Rule responded which stunned everyone. Ever since the show started, he didn't speak a single word, not until now. "Why are you arresting me but freeing my granddaughters?"

Diana and Artemis looked at each other and then looked towards their grandfather. They never thought that he would drag their name along with him.

"I'm sorry Mr. Rule but we didn't have any solid evidence against your granddaughters. The only evidence we have gathered were all pointing out towards you."

"No evidence?! Ha!" Old Rule snorted and looked at the officers. "My words are evidence. My granddaughters committed crimes under my control. They killed other people, too. They are also part of Cayenne's abduction. So, why are you letting go of them?"

"Because I want to let go of them. Is that so difficult to understand?" Stefan replied in behalf of the pale sisters.

Nikko Rule looked at his granddaughters with resentment and hatred. "You betrayed me! You dare betrayed me! I worked so hard raising both of you and you dare betrayed me!"

"Raised us?" Diana questioned with obvious disgust showing on her face. "Yes, you raised us. You raised us into a killing machine! We betrayed you?! Didn't you betray us first? Our parents didn't disappear you sent them somewhere! You hid them from us! I know they're not dead and they didn't leave us because they wanted to. You asked someone to bring them to mental institution! And let's not forget why Aunt Amethyst left. You wanted to gouge her heart from her!"

"Why can't I do that? I raised her. Isn't it her obligation to repay her parents. She's nothing but a vessel."

Cayenne clenched her hands into fists when she heard this from the old man. She felt so sad for her mother. "Take him away." Cayenne whispered and the soldiers immediately escorted Nikko out of the reception hall. As for the other guests, their legs felt so weak that they didn't have the strength to walk away.

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