She's My Sleeping Pill



With Shein and Tristan working together, they were able to locate Cayenne's whereabout. The tracker was moving so fast which means that she was on a vehicle.

"From your current location, go northwest. There's a highway going for 63rd north. Follow that lane as fast as you can." Tristan told Stefan while looking into cameras to see what's the actual vehicle she was in.

Stefan didn't end the call but he already got inside his car to embark on the road up north. He needed to get to where she was as soon as he could.

Lucian noticed that Stefan was leaving the place already so he followed him. "Use the police car instead. We can use the siren to clear the road from any vehicles." Lucian said.

Stefan didn't think much about it and agreed immediately. Together with Officer David and Lucian, Stefan told them the location that Cayenne might be in. The loud siren made the other vehicles slow down and stay on the side lane to make way for them. It was faster than what Stefan has anticipated.

"Sir, the tracker has stopped. The location is currently in an abandoned warehouse in Talisay fish port." Tristan sent him the pictures of the vehicle being used as well as the dilapidated warehouse.

"I have gained control of the cameras of the port." Shein stated in his message. "but not all of them functions. There are blind spots."

"Hopefully the kidnappers didn't have any idea of the cameras." David commented while driving. If possible, they all wanted the car to fly and send them directly to the warehouse.

"Have you informed Cayenne's family?" Lucian asked Stefan.

Stefan shook his head as he clenched his hands into fists. "I didn't have the time to tell them. I was in panic and all I could think of was to get to her as soon as I can."

"Why don't you tell them now. We're still quite some distance from the port."

"I'll tell them in person. I don't want to be distracted with their opinion as of now. I need to see her. I need to get her back." Stefan mumbled helplessly.

Inside the warehouse, Olivia looked around with several men following her. One of them was carrying Cayenne who was unconscious. They have wrapped some gauze on her head to stop the bleeding but she was still not waking up.

"You didn't hit her that much, right?" Olivia asked while she continued to walk. She noticed something on the wall and when she looked at it, she smiled before picking a metal bar and hurled it towards the camera.

Shein was startled to see the metal bar, as if he was going to be hit with that. In just few seconds, the metal bar broke the camera and part of Shein's monitor turned black. There were seven cameras inside the warehouse but Olivia was very vigilant and she was able to locate all of them. Within ten minutes, she found all the cameras and broke them one after another with a metal bar. Her aim never missed any of the cameras.

"This is bad." Shein stated which Travis heard. "I'll try to see if there are other cameras around the warehouse." He also told Tristan to do the same since they could no longer use the cameras inside the ruined building.

"We have to undress her." Olivia commented. "A rich woman like her will have trackers hidden with her. They will be able to find us soon. Throw everything away and put this on her." She handed them an extra shirt from her duffel bag and gave them a short as well. "We are paid to bring her to the vacation house. Let's move on. The ferry should be here now."

They went out of the warehouse through the back exit and found the ferry at the dock. Without waiting for a bit longer, they boarded the ferryboat and left the place.

Tristan managed to hack the other cameras in the port but none of them was viewing the direction of the warehouse.

"Sir, I have secured her with me. I suggest that you bring some doctors with you. She's hurt," Olivia reported. She must have been yelled at because she pulled the phone away from her ear. "She put up a fight and bumped her head on her car." She responded which basically covered the men who were with her. He knew that one of them must have caused it but she wouldn't let the man blamed her men.

The man said something else and after that, he ended the call.

At the port, Stefan got off the car as soon as he could and looked for the ugly warehouse that Tristan sent him. "This is the place." He whispered and signaled Lucian to come and follow him. They found the car right outside the warehouse which confirms Stefan's guess.

"Is she still here?" Stefan asked Tristan in a low voice.

"Yes, sir. Her tracker is still blinking and it's inside the warehouse." Tristan answered on the phone.

David went inside first followed by Stefan. Lucian decided to take the rear end in order to protect Stefan from any ambush. They tried to be quite as much as they could.

"It's weird." Lucian mumbled. "I don't think they're still here."

"What do you mean?" Stefan asked and before Lucian could answer, his brain worked faster and came up with an answer. "The tracker must have been removed."

The three of them quickly walked around and looked for Cayenne and just like their guess, the tracker was indeed removed. Stefan picked up Cayenne's clothes, the clothes that she chose herself before leaving the villa. The pen was still on the collar and the button-pin tracker was still attached on the side of her shirt.

His heart sank and he felt so cold like a bucket of ice-cold water was thrown at him. His hands trembled as he clutched the clothes to his chest. "Ayen." He whispered her name as tears fell on his face. "Ayen, where are you?" he questioned as he rose to his feet. "Yen! Ayen!" Stefan shouted. "Yen, please. Please come back to me. Ayen!" He shouted as loud as he could. His voice echoed within the warehouse but there wasn't a single response.

Lucian looked down to hide his guilty expression when he saw how vulnerable Stefan was at this moment. They have no idea who took her and where she was brought. "I'm sorry, Stefan."

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