She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 480 - FRIEND OR FOE?

Chapter 480 - FRIEND OR FOE?

The second subject for the morning wasn't like her first class. They started to get to know each other and during Cayenne's self-introduction, she gained several subscribers as well. Her classmates, who didn't know about her vlogging account, instantly searched for it and subscribed to her account.

They were told to chill and relax, to take this time to get to know each other since they will be together for the whole semester. Other students started to gather around Cayenne and asked her a lot of stuff. She answered them carefully while keeping a faint smile on her face.

After her second subject, the third came but their professor wasn't around. So, Cayenne took this opportunity to call Stefan instead. She found a quieter place at the back of the science department where many herbs and other plants was planted. There was a large tree as well with a wooden bench under it. She sat on the bench before taking her phone out.

"Darling, are you busy." Cayenne asked while fiddling with her bag's zipper. The bodyguards were standing not far from her, looking at the fields of herb as if they're botanists scrutinizing these plants.

Stefan put down his pen and the documents he was holding before signaling everyone inside the meeting room to keep quiet. "I'm not busy. What happened?"

"Nothing much. I just remembered a lot of things today. I didn't pair up with anyone for activities as well. I'll have to do everything on my own."

"Who says that? I can pair up with you as long as it's a homework." Stefan responded with a wide smile. "I'll make sure that you will have the best output among your class."

Cayenne laughed cheerfully upon hearing his answer. She knew that he'd say it. "You don't have to worry about me. I can do it and if you will help me, my classmates will probably hate me even more."

"Why would they hate you? It's not like you robbing them off."

"I know. Well, anyway, it's not really the reason why I call you out."

"Then, what is it?"

"Eat lunch with me, will you?"

Stefan chuckled while nodding his head even though Cayenne couldn't see his actions. "I sure will. I'll pick you up right after my meeting."

"Huh? You're having a meeting? Why didn't you tell me? If I didn't forget to bring the notebook with your schedules, I wouldn't call you in the middle of your meeting."

"It's fine. It's fine. We're almost done anyway."

"Well, come and get me once you're done. I have no class as of right now and you know that, right?"

"Of course. The guards told me that you are free right now because the professor isn't around. I thought you wouldn't invite me for lunch."

"How can that be?" Cayenne smiled while looking up and it was at this moment that her eyes widened in shock. Right above her head was a man, sleeping soundly while sitting on a large tree branch. He looked really handsome and cool but there was a smile on his lips. He was obviously listening to her call. "I'll go somewhere for now. Let me know once you're here to pick me up, okay? I'll just visit the library."

Cayenne stood up without the slightest hesitation and ran towards her bodyguards. She told them that she'd go to the library and without turning back, she walked away from that herb garden.

Sitting on a branch of the tree, the man opened his eyes and the her disappearing back reflected in his cerulean eyes. They were twinkling with mischief but he also dismissed whatever idea he had in mind. The whole time she was sitting below him, she never mentioned anything about her course or whatever project she will be working on.

"Never mind. She just called someone 'darling'. Surely, she's in a relationship and it's not even a guarantee that we'd meet again in this huge campus." The man mumbled to himself and decided to continue sleeping. It's the first day of the class and he felt really bored.

Cayenne arrived in the library. The guards shouldn't be able to get inside the library but to Cayenne's surprise, they actually got inside with her.

"How did you get inside?" Cayenne asked one of his guards who was following her.

"We have a special permit from the board and the headmaster of the school." Her bodyguard showed her a card with some seal and whatever names were written on it. Her eyebrow raised a little bit higher than usual and she already have an idea of what was exchanged for that seal.

"Don't worry ma'am. Sir Stefan didn't spend so much for this permit." Her other guard commented. "When he negotiated with them, the headmaster only asked for him to donate some books and computers to the school."

"I see. But it won't affect my grades, right?"

"No, ma'am. The headmaster said that you will have to study and do your best to have better grades because the donation was just for the permit to allow us to accompany you to school."

"That's fine." Cayenne smiled. She found a vacant table and chairs; and with the guards following her, they occupied it. "I actually came here to wait for someone. Since she's not here yet, you can do whatever you want."

"Okay, ma'am."

As if they were synchronized, the two bodyguards pulled out their phone and put on their earphone. One was watching a movie while the other one was playing a game.

Cayenne couldn't herself from smiling at all. They looked scary and bulky but when they're chill and relax, they're just like normal people who plays games and watch movies.

Cayenne also took out her phone to send a message on her brothers. She needed to know how they're doing to put her heart at ease.

She looked around the library to see if Diana has come to get the earrings. They already talked about it and even if the old man disagrees, she won't care about it.

Cayenne didn't want to let go of this pair of earrings because her mother gave it to her but if those people kept on pestering her, she'd rather give it up instead of being disturbed all the time.

Diana got inside the library and many students looked at her way. She's actually pretty but she really has an awful attitude. She spotted Cayenne immediately and when she thought that the guards weren't paying attention, she was wrong. When they felt her presence, the guards put away their phones and earphones. Without these things, they looked vigilantly at her.

"I'm not here to fight your young mistress." Diana put down the folders she was holding and raised her hands in a surrender gesture. 'Her husband is so possessive. Tsk!'

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