She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 472 - FOUND HER

Chapter 472 - FOUND HER

Chris couldn't stop himself. Before he could think properly his anger took over his rationality and his fingers moved quicker than his brain. He pulled the trigger and killed the three men on the spot.

His tears kept falling on his face. It's not because he killed them but because he witnessed how they defiled his girlfriend. She was lying still, unmoving, as if she has no concept of what has been done to her. Blood splattered on her body and face.

Chris didn't even care that he stepped on to the arm or the leg of the men that he killed, all he wanted to do was to get to her. Erwin and the bodyguards turned their faces away, not wanting to see how horrible she looked like at the moment.

Three hours ago, they kept following the route that Tristan sent them and it brought them to a dilapidated hut. The surrounding was very quiet and the houses were far from each other. It was a place far from the city, somewhere a crime can be done without anyone doing. The stopped their car far away from the place and just walked to their destination, not wanting to let their enemies know that they have arrived.

It was so dark; the moon wasn't presence to give them light as well. The only light that illuminates the place was the bonfire that the criminals have made earlier.

The crickets were making rackets as they passed by and the frogs from who-knows-where were croaking. It would have been a great place for relaxing if they weren't after some kidnappers. As they move forward, Chris heard faint sounds. It was the sound of laughter coming from the hut. He slowly walked, not making any sound.

The hut was full of holes and he could see them taking turns defiling someone on the wooden bed. His heart jumped out of his chest and blocked his throat. His vision blurred for a moment and he forgot to breath. He couldn't see the woman's face because his line of sight was blocked by one of the men.

When he saw one of them taking out a gun while pointing at her, he snapped and fired his own gun without thinking. It was the gun that Erwin lent to him earlier.

He killed them and when he finally raised his head to see the woman's face, his world seemed to stop and his tears fell. She was none other than, Rissy. She looked lifeless even though she's clearly breathing. When opened her eyes and looked at him, there was no recognition showing on her face, as if she was looking to a stranger.

Chris draped his coat over her body while untying the rope that was binding her hands and feet. They were tied tightly and he was having a hard time untying them.

Erwin called Lucian and informed him of what happened.

At this point, Lucian also arrived at the location of the other car. It turned out that they other vehicle was owned by two old couple. They wanted to contact the police but they were threatened to be killed. They wanted to help the woman but what can two old people do? Their phones were also confiscated and were stomped to pieces, ensuring that they wouldn't call the police once they were let go.

When the couple arrived to their village which was on the opposite direction of were the kidnappers went, they immediately borrowed a cellphone to make a call but it wasn't much of a help. The men wore bonnets and they removed the plate number of the other car. The only thing they knew was that they were taking a woman on the opposite road.

Such incident brought so much guilt to the old couple. When they saw Lucian and found that they were from the police department, they immediately informed him of what happened.

Just as Lucian was about to leave the police department in which the couple called earlier also arrived. "You're too late." Lucian stated when he passed by them, leaving the officers stunned and feeling guilty of their incompetence.

Lucian drove his car and called Erwin to find out of the situation. Currently, Erwin was driving his car with Chris carrying Rissy on the back seat. They were on the way to bring her back to the city and to get her to the hospital as well. The other bodyguards were left to look after the evidences.

Lucian told his men to coordinate with the bodyguards and sent them to the location of the crime while he stayed on the base of the fork road to meet with Erwin and Chris.

As soon as he saw them, Erwin stopped his car. Lucian opened the window and gave Chris a set of clothes. "I borrowed these from someone. Put this on her."

"Thank you, Officer Seville."

"Hn. I know this isn't the right thing to say but I am still glad that you make it in time before they could take her life away. I hope she'll get better. Don't worry about you killing those men. I can handle them."

"Hn. We'll go ahead of you."


Erwin started the engine once again while Chris helped Rissy put on the clothes. Erwin's phone rang and it was Cayenne's number showing up on his screen. "Can I tell the young miss about this?"

"Hn. You don't have to be specific with the update."


Erwin answered Cayenne's call and informed her of what has happened. It was shocking and a gut-wrenching event. Her past experience flashed across her mind and she instantly turned pale.

"Let me know which hospital she'll be staying. I'll…I'll inform Luiz. He needed to know." Cayenne talked for few more minutes before finally ending the call. Stefan was sitting right beside her in the living room and Luiz was sitting in front of them. He had no idea why he was called to stay back in the living room with them. But listening to what his sister was saying, it was obvious that something wrong has happened.

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