She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 470 - CLUES

Chapter 470 - CLUES

Tristan narrowed down the places just as Chris arrived at the station. He requested help from them and wanted to report her missing but they couldn't do it because it hasn't passed the 24 hours restriction limit. Chris understood that which was why he contacted Lucian, Jillyanna's brother-in—law, because he knew that the man has compassion and would overlook this kind of restriction just to help someone.

After contacting Lucian, Chris called Stefan who was currently having dinner with his whole family except for Ferdinand and Magnus.

Stefan was peeling breaking some lobsters for Cayenne when his phone rang. Since his hands were kind of busy, he told Cayenne to get it for him. "Can you answer it for me honey? It's Chris."

"You set a different ringtone to his call?"

"Hn. It helps me know if it's someone with urgent matter."

"I see." Cayenne picked up the phone and answered but before she could say anything, Chris rambled on and on which stunned her like a statue. "Have you asked Tristan to help you?"

"Hn. He sent me the last location of her phone and I'm on my way to go there. I just need some help in case something happens."

"Sure. Send me the address and I'll have someone find you. Keep in touch, okay?"

"Hn. Thanks for help." He sounded nervous and his voice was even shaking but Chris kept a rational mind, something that all militaries were trained for. They can't afford to panic and lose their rationality or something even worse could happen. They needed to think with a clear mind.

"What's the matter with Chris?" Stefan asked while putting the meat of the lobster on his wife's plate.

Cayenne looked at her brother Luiz who was busy talking to Dominic and sighed. She couldn't tell him of the bad news yet or it will ruin their mood and might not have the appetite to eat. She leaned closer to Stefan and whispered, "Something has happened to Rissy. It's just a hunch from Chris but he thinks that someone has kidnapped her."

"That is bad news. Don't tell Luiz about it yet." Stefan whispered back.

"That's what I thought as well." Cayenne retorted. "I'll call Erwin and the other bodyguards to assist him."

"Hn. That's fine with me, too."

Chris anxiously looked around the location that Tristan sent him along with Lucian and his friends, who were also from the same police department that he works for. They continued to walk and were led to a dark alley but there was nothing there but filth and garbage.

Suddenly, his phone rang and it was Rissy's number reflected on his screen. His eyes lit up and he answered it as soon as possible but to his disappointment, it wasn't her who spoke.

"Hello. This is Officer Richard from Police Division 3. A kid picked up this phone and brought it to the station. Do you know who owned this number?"

"Yes, and that phone is our lead to the kidnapping incident of the owner. I'll have someone go there to pick the phone and make a report." Chris took a deep, shaky breath as he continued to answer the officer on the other line. Instead of having someone to get the phone, the officer wrote a kidnapping report for Chris, which was really a big help.

The child also informed Officer Richard of the place where he picked the phone and the officer relayed it to Chris on the line. Tristan was indeed right. It was just around the place. They followed the direction of the officer and got into the nearest park. It was the park where she was supposed to meet with her colleague.

'So, she really arrived here but was taken away. How come no one knew about it?' Chris thought to himself while looking around to find any clues. He already informed Erwin and the other guards of the meeting place and they all came to help him.

Erwin looked towards Chris and sighed emotionally. Rissy was a beautiful woman and she was kind and compassionate. She's also smart and cheerful. It's not impossible for someone to have negative ideas towards her. And for a woman to walk defenselessly at night, it's a great opportunity for those imbeciles to do their acts. If such thing happens to Sabrina, he'll probably lose his mind unlike Chris who remained rational despite the growing anxiety in him.

They kept looking around with their flashlights and after sometime, at the bushes growing near the merry-go-round, Erwin found a shoe. It was the same shoe that Rissy wore on the day that they bumped into her and Chris at the amusement park.

"It's hers, right?" Erwin questioned Chris who nodded his head. "Now, we have a solid proof that she's been abducted and I doubt it if the kidnappers hid her around. They must have brought her to some place." As he continued to talk, Chris's face grew paler and Erwin also realized his worry.

The kidnappers threw Rissy's phone which means this wasn't a kidnap for ransom. This would most-likely lead them to a murder case. Fear was evident on Chris's face and all of them were worried that their hunches were true.

Chris called Tristan once again and relayed the new information that he gathered. Tristan immediately checked the location and looked for any cameras that he could hack but there was none. He checked the other establishments near the park and got another clue. They found her being carried to a black van.

Tristan told Chris about it and instantly checked the route that the van took. They couldn't afford to waste more time. Just knowing what has happened, Tristan's anger rose higher. The life fading from his fiancé's body reflected in his mind once again. He might not have spent so much time with Chris but he knew that he's a good man and he didn't want him to go through the same pain as him.

Tristan tried his best to locate the van through traffic cameras and through establishment's cameras. His hands typed so fast like a lightning striking on his keyboard. He kept talking to Chris about the locations, letting him know the route that the kidnappers took.

'Please don't let anything worse befall on this woman.' Tristan prayed silently. He didn't want any helpless woman to become a victim like his fiancé.

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