She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 685


Stefan talked to the mayor and the representatives of St. Martin’s residents. He wanted to continue his project because the prospects were good and it would bring a lot of profit to his business. However, he didn’t want to ruin people’s lives to the point that they’d cause a national crime. It will only cause him problems and damage his reputation.

“For those who will be affected by this said project, we will provide temporary housing for everyone until you can recover and stand on your own. We will also compensate those who will lose their houses for this project.” The mayor stated which caused dissatisfaction on the representatives’ faces. It was obvious that the government was using its authority and power again to bully the poor. They didn’t even care that these people were his subjects for the sake of money.

“Speak freely if you have any questions or complaints,” Stefan commented calmly while sitting on his chair. He felt that the representatives were anxious and worried about something but if they couldn’t resolve this matter, he will be affected in the future. Surely, Cayenne wouldn’t want it to happen as well.

“If I may,” one of the representatives spoke with a raised hand, “I know that we will receive compensation but we can use all that up in a short span of time. We grow up in this place and have our work here. If we leave, where will we find another job?”

“Can’t you look for work somewhere else? Is that part of my problem, too?” The mayor retorted which angered the representative.

“We are your subjects! You should think about what’s best for us but all you think about is getting money and more money! What about us poor people?! We shouldn’t have voted for you!”

The representatives started throwing things at the mayor but his bodyguards were able to calm them down though, they only stopped them seriously after the mayor got rotten eggs all over him. He was so stinky that Stefan gagged on the side.


“...I...I have...wait,” Stefan took the handkerchief that Tristan gave him and moved away from the mayor. “I have a proposal.” He spoke. “Since there will be a huge project and it will take years to finish it, why don’t you work as construction workers? If you have fears of heights, you can do groundworks, too. Today, I’m here to consult that this proposal must go through. If you agree, I will find ways to help you until you can recover from this forced evacuation.”

“I am not really against working as a construction worker since I didn’t really have any decent jobs. It would be great for a family with lots of men as well. The problem lies with those people who didn’t have any man in their family or they’re too old to make this kind of hard labor.”

“I’m pretty sure that you have heard a lot of things about me. I care so much for my employees because they help me earn a lot of revenue. So, as the project developer, I will make sure to find ways for everyone. I will ask someone to conduct a survey of the households which will be affected by this project.”

“Can you give us a day? We will talk with the other families and we will give you an answer tomorrow afternoon.”

“Sure. I will leave my assistant’s number to you. Thank you for your consideration.”

“Ah? Well, we should thank you, sir. The mayor didn’t even bother himself to think about us but you are here to help us resolve this matter instead. Thank you.”

“I’m here for profit as well but I want to do it without ruining someone else’s life.”

The meeting ended with Stefan being the good man in people’s eyes and the mayor becoming the devil. If you think about it, Stefan really ruined their peaceful life by purchasing the land but since it’s government-owned land, the residents blamed the mayor for selling it. Also, the mayor failed to recognize their worries but Stefan did and he was able to provide a solution as well. Compared to this short-time problem about the dwellers, Stefan was looking forward to the huge profit that his family will get in the coming years.

[Our children will have a bright future as long as they managed our businesses properly.]

This thought came naturally to him and he didn’t think something was wrong with him. He never thought of having children before. It was always Cayenne who talks about children this, children that – never Stefan. Yet, at this moment, he was looking into the future of his children managing the businesses that he builds with blood and sweat.

After the meeting, Stefan told Tristan to drive back to Cayenne’s university instead. He still got a few minutes left before lunch break so, he went to the café where he used to wait for her and bought two slices of matcha cake. She likes it the most among all the other cakes from this café.

Stefan was about to leave when he saw someone come in who looked so much like Elena. At first, he thought it was his secretary but then, he noticed that the woman has a baby bump. It was impossible for Elena to get that huge baby bump when she left with a flat stomach last week.

“Is there a problem?” The woman asked Stefan when she noticed he had been staring at her.

“Do you have a twin?”

The woman stiffened for a moment but then, she was shaking her head in the next second. “I’m an only daughter.”

“I see.” Stefan nodded his head perfunctorily before turning around to leave. He looked around to find Tristan and he found him talking to someone with his back facing the store. When he looked back at the café, the woman was no longer there.

Stefan pressed his fingers on his temple and rubbed it. Right now, he can already imagine himself having a headache. It’s not really his problem but Tristan and Elena are his trusted subordinate. If something happens to these two, where will he find another capable secretary?

Stefan felt so annoyed right now but he still kept an expressionless face in front of other people. He didn’t want them to see his emotions right now.

Thankfully, Cayenne finally came out of the school and brightened his day. She’s the sun and moon and that brightens his world.

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