She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 676


“Sir, we caught two suspicious people loitering around Xena University. What should we do to them?” Martin reported to Stefan through a phone call. It was Friday and Cayenne decided to attend her morning classes personally. Lucky for these bastards, they were able to see her and report the matter to Napoleone, but misfortune befall them before they could make a move against her. Martin who was guarding the university gate was able to notice them and he told the other men to kidnap these two people.

Right now, these men were inside a black van instead of Cayenne. At first, Martin wasn’t sure if they were looking for Cayenne but since they were roaming around and they have guns on them, that still made them dangerous to the students and faculties.

Compared to them who have been trained to protect their master and mistress, these criminals couldn’t even put up a fight. They have big bodies indeed, but they didn’t have the strength to match it. Their arms were twisted to their back and they couldn’t budge at all.

To protect themselves, Martin didn’t touch these men’s guns but looked for phone or any communication devices on them.

“If those men are really after my wife, you know what to do already. If they’re not, dropped them off to Lucian’s feet.” Stefan responded coldly and ended the call.

With this instruction, Martin nodded to his colleagues and they started sorting things out with these men. Of course, he made sure to turn the loud speaker on for these men to hear the cold response coming from Stefan.

They were thrashing around, trying to loosen the tight grip on them but Stefan’s men were better than these hired goons.


From one of the men’s phones, Martin was able to find several contacts which they labeled with random names. It was probably their way of making sure that no one will know of their clients. Sadly, it was no big deal for Tristan. Martin called Tristan using the stalker’s phone and asked the latter to hack the gadget for any traces of Napoleone.

Voila! It didn’t take five minutes for him to finish the task. Indeed, these men have been exchanging information with Napoleone. They even found the deleted text messages regarding Cayenne’s whereabouts.

“So, you are working for Napoleone. Have you seen him in person? Do you know where he could be hiding now?” Martin questioned after they confirmed these men’s identity but these men only grunted in response. “Sorry, I forgot that you can’t speak with those dirty socks in your mouth.”

Martin signaled his colleagues to remove the dirty thing and the man spat out the moment that it was taken off his mouth. “Disgusting!”

“Did you really think I’d give you some refreshments while you are planning to abduct our lady boss? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Ha! Did you really think that we are the only people after her? You’ve got to be kidding me!” The man retorted mockingly but Martin wasn’t the least bit affected of his words. No matter how much these people taunt him, he was sure that no one will be able to get close to Cayenne again because this time, they are well-prepared.

“So, where’s Napoleone?” Martin asked again as he sat in front of them with a sharp knife in his hand. “I’m not really fond of torture but I might give it a try with you two.”

Instead of answering, these men only looked at him as if Martin was just a yapping insect – insignificant to their eyes. They seem to fail in realizing their situation.

“Martin, I have a better idea instead of you staining your hands with their blood.” Rey, another bodyguard, stated with an evil grin. His smile was a promise of death – a slow torturous death.

“Alright. We don’t need them anyway. Tristan already sent me Napoleone’s location and I am waiting for the boss’ next instruction. I will leave these men in your care. Just drop me off on the next bus stop so I can go back to the university before the class ended.”

“Okay. We will let you know once everything’s done.”

After dropping Martin on the next stop, Rey gave the driver an address which was unfamiliar to the rest of the bodyguards. It was a place that only Rey knew because he had been using this place since he started working as executioner. This was where he brought all the target who lost their lives in his hands.

“I remember there’s a pit 50 meters from here. I dug that for my last mission but I failed because someone took the target down before I could do it. I never thought I’d be using that spot for this task.” Rey stated calmly and the other men nodded their head. “Just threw them into that hole and bury them alive.”

The other men were stunned with his words because they didn’t expect to bury someone alive. They were used to burying dead people after hours of tortures. This was new to them.

“Are you sure about it?” another guard asked a little hesitantly. “Why don’t we kill them first?”

“Why should we give them that privilege?” Rey retorted with no room for discussion. “If you won’t do it, I’ll do it.”

With Cayenne’s pretty face and sexy body, Rey could already imagine what these people would do to Cayenne if they ever had the chance to get her. Since he vowed to protect his employer, he would never let anyone do them any harm.

Looking at his expressionless face, the stalkers were terrified. They thought they’d be killed and buried – not buried alive. The latter was more horrifying since you will be losing your breathe slowly. You will be deprived of oxygen until you will breathe your last.

The men started fussing and thrashing once again, pleading for their lives in exchange of Napoleone’s information. “No! Let me go! Stop it! I will tell you about Napoleone! I will bring him to him!”

“Too late.” Rey answered and dragged them to the pit where they will be buried.

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