She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 331 - The Carnage

"If you all wish to live then I give you exactly five seconds to run back to Hell."

Everyone, monsters, and humans stared at the almighty Devil while shivering in fear. His widespread dark wings, his glowing red eyes, and his large and sharp horns were enough to instill terror in everyone.

Some of the monsters recognized Theodore as their Prince. Those who did recognize him bolted towards the portal the moment Theodore gave a warning to them.

Without missing a beat, Theodore started the countdown in an equally menacing voice, "Five… four…"

When Theodore began the countdown, a few more followed the suit and ran after those who were already running as if they were participating in a race.

Those who were running and flying away wished that Theodore wouldn't finish the countdown anytime soon. They wanted to get inside the safety of Hell before he finished the countdown. For some reason, they had this feeling that the moment he would stop the countdown, they all would die.

The rest of the monsters were still holding onto their victims and were holding their ground even when they were seeing his enormous aura. The Gargoyle was even flying towards Theodore as if he was going to challenge Theodore into a duel.

"Three… two… one."

The second Theodore stopped his countdown, he swooshed around at the speed of lightning. When he stopped for a fraction of a second, around twenty of the supernatural creatures dropped dead to the ground.

Some of them had their heart ripped out of their bodies, some of their heads were missing, while some had their arms and legs dismembered from their bodies.

The Gargoyle had several holes in its rocky body. It was no more than a pile of lifeless rock now.

The scene was so horrifying that even Adeline felt a chill shiver running down her spine.

Never in their dream had the monsters thought that Theodore was actually serious about killing them all when he began the countdown. All the remaining lower-level demons fled towards the portal in the hopes of saving their lives. Relishing in blood and flesh didn't seem as important as living for a few more centuries.

Theodore was still furious that those monsters had made him look like a fool. He had given his word to Adeline that he wouldn't let harm befall anyone involved in capturing Lillian. But because of these puny lower-level demons, many of the guards and even Raphael were hurt. Three of the guards had already lost their lives while several of them were severely wounded.

And he was going to make all of them pay for what they did.

Theodore glowered his burning red eyes towards the portal. In the blink of an eye, Theodore was already standing in front of the gate to Hell. He spread his magnificent wings and covered the portal.

A few of the bloodfairies were about to enter through the portal. But they stopped the second they saw the petrifying Devil blocking their path.

Seeing their death in front of them, they began to plead to Theodore, "Please spare us… We will never step our feet on Earth ever again. Please let us return back to Hell."

But Theodore turned a deaf ear to all the desperate pleadings.

As they kept on pleading for his forgiveness, Theodore casually started to strike his sharp claws against each other as if he was sharpening them. His claws produced sparks of fire when he did that.

And with each spark of fire that Theodore produced, the demons felt as if they were receiving the greatest torture of the century. The whole atmosphere became so terrifying that they wished they could disappear from the face of Earth.

Theodore then glowered at the pitiful demons and his voice echoed throughout the creek, "I don't give second chances to anyone. You should have run when I gave you the time to run. Now all of you must perish into oblivion."

The already pale face of those bloodfairies and ghouls turned even paler when they heard Theodore say that. All of them knew that it was their last moment of existence.

And before they could recall their treasured memories, Theodore bared his fangs and claws and flew around at the speed of lightning again.

He flew around while slashing his claws, digging his fangs on the neck and tearing their heads off, grabbing the wings and ripping them apart, and punching his hand through their ribcages and pulling their beating heart out.

When he stopped, there were piles of the dead bodies of those lower-level demons. The once green willow creek was now painted with the dark blood of those demons. And the ground that was muddy earlier was now paved with the body parts of those demons.

Theodore stood on top of one of the piles of those remains of those monsters. He looked around for any signs of life. He was checking if anyone was lying among the dead and was pretending to be dead.

The humans who were watching him in action, more precisely his after-action, had varying views towards him.

"Is he the God of War?" one of the guards was watching him in awe. He looked almost as if he wanted to kneel before the 'God of War' and receive his blessing.

Another guard was already on his knees, not out of respect towards Theodore but out of fear. He whispered back in a shaky voice, "He is no God. Don't you see his horns? Have you ever seen a God with horns?"

"No one has ever seen a God! Maybe this is what Gods look like," another enchanted soldier countered that guard.

"He is our savior. Just be grateful that he was here with us. Else we all would have been torn into pieces by those monsters," another one scolded the one fearing that magnificent being.

Another guard who was standing near Adeline expressed his fear, "Is he really our savior? What if he is planning to eat us all, all by himself?" He then gave a questioning glance to Adeline, as if he was asking her to prove him wrong.

However, Adeline was not listening to their conversations at all. She was staring at the Devil who was standing on top of the gruesomely murdered demons. He looked so unbothered when he was doing so that it was making Adeline bothered.

This was the first time she was seeing Theodore's true form in action, without any restrictions. And even though she was very well aware that he was the Devil Prince of Hell, she couldn't quite accept that he could be this ruthless, not when she had always seen his sweet side.

Seeing Adeline lost in her own world, Raphael looked at the soldiers and then assured them, "You don't have to be scared of him. He is one of the guardians of Wyverndale. Why do you think we brought him here today? Now stop staring at the guardian and take care of your fellow soldiers."

The guards believed Raphael and nodded their heads. They were relieved to hear that the mighty being was the guardian of Wyverndale.

After looking around for the aura, Theodore finally whispered, "I guess everyone is taken care of…"

He looked at the heaps of bodies and the mess that he had created. He rolled his eyes and pondered, "Now, how the Hell am I going to get rid of these bodies?"

Theodore's attention was suddenly grabbed by a familiar and cold voice from behind, "Ah! The mess you have created! Do you need any help, brother?"

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