Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 225 Lady Of The Night (49)

(Northern Region- Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Castle Eden- Throne Room)

"Ulla statiin in arce mea," Camilla muttered quietly under her breath as several runic circles floated above her palm.

A pulsing wave of red light erupted from her feet which quickly travelled all around the castle and swept through every room.

The scanning spell only took a few seconds and then the light returned to the throne room and melted away into her body.

The female vampire smiled slightly as she confirmed that the last of her invited guests had left the castle.

Now it was once again a peaceful world of just herself and her human pet. Undisturbed by the schemes and politics of the outside.

"Mary are you okay?" Camilla asked gently as she got up from her throne and walked towards the knight standing behind her.

Mary tried to step forward but quickly discovered that her legs had fallen asleep. It was not surprising considering that she had not moved for several hours.

"I think... I can't move," Mary said with a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

A low chuckle escape Camilla's mouth as she approached her servant and gently removed her helmet so that she could see her face.

The female vampire took a moment to admire the youthful beauty of her human whose sharp angular facial features took her breath away.

She leaned in closer and captured her lips in a soft lingering kiss that seemed to last for hours.

Camilla wrapped her arms around her servant and then with gentle movements, she lifted up Mary in a princess carry.

"Should we call it an early night tonight?" Camilla warmly spoke. Mary shivered as she felt the breath of her mistress against her neck.

She burrowed her head into Camilla's shoulder and refused to make direct eye contact since she wasn't sure if she would be able to hide the blush that was rapidly covering her cheeks.

"Okay... Okay... I wouldn't mind getting some sleep," Mary quietly replied as she enjoyed the sensation of being carried in Camilla's arms.

The female vampire smiled as she began to walk towards the corridor that was outside the throne room.

The meeting had gone far better than she had initially expected.

It was safe to assume that all of the vampires who attended the meeting would report back to their superiors about the peculiarities they had witnessed tonight.

The fact that only one vampire stood by her side along with the lack of blood slaves and other clan members.

Camilla knew how vampires operated and there was not a single one who would take what they saw at the castle at face value.

All of them would probably assume that she had hid the rest of her clan members which meant that they would be suspicious of the true extent of her forces.

And a suspicious vampire... was a cautious vampire.

The assassination attempts would stop at least for the foreseeable future.

If Camilla had to guess, then she would assume that the next killer sent to her castle would be a human.

The vampire prince working with the Hunter's Association would probably use that human as bait.

Hmm... she would need to put some more plans in place...

Camilla was lost in thought as she walked up the winding stairs and side passageways that led to the master bedroom.

She missed the confusion that flashed across Mary's face as the young woman had some strange feelings surging through her heart.

Mary... was not an idiot.

She had been purposefully denying her feelings for awhile but... it was clear that she felt something for Camilla.

Now whether these feelings were love or lust was impossible to say.

Mary had to admit that she was very sexually attracted to the beautiful female vampire.

And who could blame her?!

Camilla was a gorgeous otherworldly beauty and the fact that she looked as though she was in her early thirties was even more of a turn on.

Mary's face flushed slightly as a few naughty images surfaced in her mind. She leaned closer to Camilla's chest and felt her cold body beneath her black dress.

The female vampire had an odd scent. It was hard to describe but it smelled like the pleasant fragrance of freshly cut roses.

Mary shook her head and drove these distracting thoughts from her mind. Okay... so what if she was attracted to Camilla?

She just needed to get stronger and then escape this place.

But maybe...

Wouldn't it probably be helpful to have a physical relationship with the vampire in order to get her to drop her guard?

It would just be a physical relationship...

Mary nodded and an expression of determination flashed across her face. She was going to sacrifice her body in order to earn the trust of her mistress.

It was not because she was eager!

No this was a great sacrifice all in the name of leaving the northern region and eventually returning to human civilisation.

Camilla hummed softly to herself and did not notice the rapid changes that occurred in the heart of the human laying motionless in her arms.

She walked for several more minutes until the familiar sight of a pair of heavy wooden doors appeared at the end of a corridor.

"I can walk now," Mary softly spoke with an odd emotion in her voice that Camilla could not place.

The female vampire felt a bit disappointed but obeyed her human pet's wishes and gently lowered her to the ground.

Mary took a few tentative steps forward and was relieved to discovered that her body could now move normally.

She walked into the bedroom and headed for her side-room that was connected to the main bedchambers.

Camilla did not know why her human was in such a hurry but decided to give her some privacy.

She approached her wardrobe and took out a long comfortable white nightgown for sleeping.

In about an hour's time the sun would begin to peak over the horizon, so Camilla was already beginning to feel a bit tired.

She peeled off her long Victorian era dress and then slipped into the bathroom in order to take a quick shower.

Thick droplets of water fell down on her body as the female vampire closed her eyes and enjoyed the cold sensation of taking a shower.

Meanwhile in the side bedroom, Mary was currently facing a dilemma. She had several sets of lingerie on the bed and had no idea which one to choose.

Now that she was about to attempt to seduce Camilla... she was getting cold feet.

Mary hesitantly stretched out her hand and picked up a set of lingerie that was black and partially transparent.

The bra would barely cover her breasts as for the bottom part of the undergarment... well let's just say that her flower garden would be clearly visible.

Was this too much?

What if Camilla thought that she was desperate?

No... no... what the hell was she thinking?

The young woman began to regret her rather hasty decision.

Maybe it was because she had been feeling tired... could that explain why she suddenly wanted to sleep with Camilla?

"Stupid..." Mary muttered quietly to herself as she turned around to walk towards her closet and put on her normal sleeping outfit.

She took two steps and then an expression of hesitation flashed across her face.

She took in a deep breath and before she could lose her courage, she grabbed the black lingerie set and quickly put it on.

Fuck it.

Maybe she did want something to happen tonight...

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