Second Try Idol

Chapter 234: Again After Rainfall (10)

Chapter 234: Again After Rainfall (10)

On our journey to our accommodation, the production crew thoughtfully took us on a scenic route through the city. It was our first time experiencing the foreign land, so it was the best chance to soak in the vibrant life of the streets.

Goh Yoo-Joon and Jin-Sung eagerly pressed their faces against the windows. Even Joo-Han and Yoon-Chan, who had been abroad with their families before, couldn't hide their excitement at the sights of New York.

On the other hand, I was still caught in a drowsy haze as my gaze drifted aimlessly. I longed to be part of the excitement but too worn out to fully engage.

‘I am too sleepy...' I yearned to etch the novel New York scenes into my memories, yet my body refused to cooperate. My entire limbs were heavy.

As I tried to muster the energy to enjoy the view, my eyelids started to droop. They eventually surrendered to sleep amidst the soft murmur of conversations around me. I couldn’t tell how long it had been since I closed my eyes. I then felt a gentle touch that tilted my head back to a more comfortable position, inviting a deeper slumber.

When I woke up, the world had whisked by in what felt like an instant, and we were already at our destination.

“Should I carry him on my back? Should I, hyung?”

“No, wake him up. Wake him up!”

“Ah, why? Jin-Sung, carry Suh Hyun-Woo. Whoaaaak!”

The raucous banter of my fellow members filled the air as I opened my eyes. They were already outside the car, eagerly discussing our new surroundings while looking at me. Judging by the situation, it seemed like Goh Yoo-Joon had just been playfully hit by Joo-Han, and Jin-Sung was having a disappointed face somehow.

“...What's going on?" I mumbled, still groggy from sleep.

“Ah, Hyun-Woo hyung's awake.”

“Hyun-Woo, we've made it to the accommodation. Time to get out." Joo-Han called out and prompted me to step out of the vehicle. I took in the sight of our temporary home.

“Is this it?" I asked and looked up at the imposing structure before us.

The building was a pristine nine-story white hotel that stood proudly, embodying the unique essence of New York while exuding a welcoming resort-like ambiance. “There's a coffee shop nearby and a bakery too. This place seems perfect for exploring.”

“Which floor are we on? The view at night must be spectacular.”

Our curiosity about our new surroundings was soon met by the arrival of the accommodation's manager, dispatched by the production team.



As we greeted loudly, the man seemed a bit taken aback but soon flashed a warm smile. “My name is Choi Han-Son, the manager here."

He introduced himself as a Korean and led us to our accommodations. The place was impressive from the outside but was even more beautiful on the inside. It featured a square-shaped garden surrounded by the building, designed to offer different views from both inside and out.

“You will be staying on the eighth floor, the highest level here," Mr. Choi informed us, his voice tinged with pride.


The idea of staying in such a high-quality spot in New York, especially on the top floor, was thrilling. It seemed the production team's promise of a significant investment had generously extended to our accommodation as well.

After showing us to one of the two rooms on our floor and providing some essential information, Mr. Choi left us to settle in. The room was already equipped with cameras, and the production crew lingered just long enough to capture our initial reactions before giving us some space.

“Feel free to relax until Reina arrives. If you want to step out for a bit, that's fine too. Just keep your phones handy please."


With the crew gone and the door firmly shut, the room became our own private haven. The excitement was palpable as we started to explore every nook and cranny of our spacious new lodging.

Gosh, this place is huge.”

“Hyung, check out this glass wall! The night view is going to be incredible.”

The accommodation was not just spacious but also stunningly beautiful, far exceeding our expectations. The broadcasts mostly focused on practices, performances, and meetings during the last season, so I didn't expect much attention to be given to the accommodations. However, considering the number of cameras installed, our time spent at the accommodation was also going to be significantly featured.

“Look, this place has three rooms too. Everyone, come over here," Joo-Han called out to gather us. “Guys, there are three rooms here. Since all the beds are doubles, we could pair up two by two, and one person can sleep alone. How do you want to do it?"

“Why don't we just stick to the same arrangements as at our dorm? These two will probably want to share their room anyway," Jin-Sung said and pointed at me and Goh Yoo-Joon.

Jin-Sung continued, “I'm okay with sharing with Yoon-Chan hyung as usual."

“Is that just because Yoon-Chan always sleeps quietly?"

“Yeah, probably right," Jin-Sung admitted with a chuckle. Given that our current roommate setup was working so well and everyone was accustomed to each other, I thought Joo-Han would agree.

However, he seemed to have something else in mind and shook his head after some thought. He then exchanged a glance with Goh Yoo-Joon and looked over at me. “Well, no. Either Yoo-Joon or Hyun-Woo should share with me."

“Huh? Why all of a sudden?"

“It's just too spacious."

A brief silence fell among the members.

“What? Ah! No way!" Goh Yoo-Joon vehemently objected and waved his hands.

“Hyung, your sleeping habits are no joke, right?”

“I heard Hyun-Woo has been really bad recently. So, what do you think, Hyun-Woo? Do you want to share a room with Joo-Han hyung?”

“Huh? Ah, no thanks. Hyung's sleeping habits are way too intense."

Even if Goh Yoo-Joon's or my sleeping habits were severe, could they really compare to Joo-Han's? He was known for waking everyone who shared a room with him just by snoring.

“Why don't you sleep comfortably by yourself, hyung? Considering your notorious sleeping habits." Goh Yoo-Joon smirked and teased Joo-Han, who had been turned down.

Joo-Han crisply closed his eyes and shook his head. “No, that won't do. One of you two has to bunk with me tonight. Let's go with Yoo-Joon. Hyun-Woo's not feeling well today, so let him have a peaceful rest by himself."

Joo-Han and Goh Yoo-Joon exchanged glances again. ‘What's up with them? Did they have some conversation while crossing over to the USA?’

After a moment of contemplation, Goh Yoo-Joon reluctantly nodded. “Alright."

“Great. Hyun-Woo, you can sleep comfortably by yourself tonight."

‘Is this really happening? Joo-Han is handing over what could be likened to a big sweet room to me? What's going on here?’

I was surprised but gladly accepted the members' consideration. Just as it seemed as if the New York accommodation roommates were decided, with pairs and a solo...

“Ah, umm..." Yoon-Chan urgently raised his hand. “I, um..."


“I, um... I'd like to share a room with Yoo-Joon hyung."

“With me?"

“...Yoon-Chan hyung, you are not abandoning me, are you?"

Yoon-Chan earnestly shook his head and replied, “It's not that I'm abandoning you..."

Within Chronos, the notorious top two for bad sleeping habits were Joo-Han and Jin-Sung. It seemed even the kind-hearted Yoon-Chan didn't want to suffer through another night's sleep, especially after a tiring flight to New York.

Jin-Sung made a pouty face, almost as if he was about to whine. “Hyung, I thought you got used to my sleeping habit.”

“As if he could be okay. He has just been putting up with it until now," answered Goh Yoo-Joon on behalf of Yoon-Chan, who didn't protest. This indicated he probably had been just enduring it.

Joo-Han then suggested, “How about excluding Hyun-Woo and playing rock-paper-scissors for old times' sake?"

“Deal." They agreed in unison.

The four engaged in a playful round of rock-paper-scissors. The outcome? Yoon-Chan triumphed, and the notorious sleep disruptors, Joo-Han and Jin-Sung, ended up as roommates. They playfully bickered about who was less thrilled with the arrangement.

Then came a moment of rest. After a rejuvenating nap in the smallest room's bed, I was informed that Reina had arrived at the accommodation.


“Good afternoon, Senior!"

“Hey there, did you guys get some rest?" She immediately handed over some snacks she had bought for us. “I heard these were good, so I got them for you to try. Enjoy.”

“Thank you so much!" we replied in chorus.

“Are the others not here yet?" She peeked into the adjacent room and checked for the other cast members we were supposed to meet.

“Oh my gosh, they are not here yet? Director, they haven't arrived?"

“No, they missed their flight because of a passport issue. They should be arriving on the next one," the production staff explained.

“I see,” Reina murmured as she was a bit surprised.

“They said they will catch up with the meeting details later."

“Well, they are acting like protagonists, gosh!" She joked, and her laughter filled the room.

The mention of the other cast members, comedian Cha Yi-Seul and composer-producer Seon In-Ha, hinted at their close-knit relationship formed through the program. They often gathered for personal hang outs beyond their professional ones.

“Let's take a short break and then discuss our plans," Reina suggested.

“Okay!" After she retreated to her room for a brief respite, we too returned to ours and tiptoed around the fact that our senior was just next door. The chocolate tarts she gave us were deliciously rich, but so sweet that we couldn’t eat the whole thing. Jin-Sung and Yoon-Chan ended up claiming the majority of it.


Reina's "short break" was indeed short. Despite having just arrived in the country and even meeting with Callia Lawrence upon her arrival, she already gathered us all for a dinner meeting in the rooftop garden restaurant on the ninth floor, much sooner than we had anticipated. We sat there, stiff and nervous, as we were not sure how to interact with such a revered senior.

“Relax, guys. Anyone else would think we are strangers meeting for the first time," she chided gently.

“Oh, no... We are not nervous." Yoo-Joon tried to assure her, but the tone of his voice betrayed him.

“Loosen up, loosen up. We've known each other since before your debut, remember?" Reina broke the ice and then asked us some questions. As Joo-Han and I joined the conversation, the rest of the members slowly chimed in, creating a genuinely warm and convivial atmosphere. It was at this moment that Reina made an announcement.

“Let's put aside the formalities for now. For the next two weeks, consider me not a senior but your manager, Reina. Please call me 'manager,’ not 'senior.’ My goal is to ensure you all take something valuable from these two weeks, so focus solely on that."


She pointed to her ears, signaling us to make the most of this opportunity. “Make sure to entertain the viewers and listeners. Speak up if something's not right or if you have any wishes."

“Yes, ma'am!" we responded, feeling a bit more at ease now.

“And don't hesitate to mention if there's something specific you want to eat,” Reina said with a reassuring smile as she resumed the meal. I steeled myself once again. The real shooting started the next day. Inspired by her passion, I was determined to give my best and create positive synergy during the shooting.

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