Second Try Idol

Chapter 220: Rings Inauguration Ceremony (2)

Chapter 220: Rings Inauguration Ceremony (2)

“Wow, you are so handsome."

“Joo-Han, can I get one autograph from you? I've got my album here."

“Of course I will sign it. Where's the album?" answered Joo-Han. The Memory High friends felt shy at first, but soon, they were all chatting and laughing with my fellow members.

Joo-Han was a bit business-like, while Jin-Sung and Yoon-Chan were amazed that they could meet people they'd seen on TV. Hee-Su was particularly excited, though he became quieter around Joo-Han because Joo-Han was his favorite.

“Please keep being friends with our kids. They might not be perfect, but they have a good heart."

“Nah. Yoo-Joon and Hyun-Woo have been so nice to us. We are the ones who should be grateful."

As the Graduating team mingled with Chronos, the waiting room’s door swung open again.

“Am I too late?"

“Wow, it's High Tension!"

“I can’t believe the most popular singers are at our fan meeting. Amazing!"

“Hello there!" exclaimed Ji-Hyuk as he walked in with his arms full of snacks.

“Holy... it's High Tension..."

“He is insanely hot."

The Graduating friends expressed their admiration from behind me. After Ji-Hyuk handed out sweet treats to Yoon-Chan and greeted Joo-Han with a wide smile, he then came rushing over to me.

“It's been too long, Hyun-Woo!"

“Aaah... hyung, indeed it has." I was suddenly wrapped up in Ji-Hyuk's hug. Well, he had always been overly affectionate, but his actions made the friends behind me step back even further.

“It has been a while since we met. You've become even more handsome. Did you bleach your hair today? The color is nice, and that lipstick's pretty dark. And that teardrop, did you do that?"

“Ah, no, none of that. Uh, it's a bit much, hyung. No, no. Good to see you though."

“That guy's from High Tension, right? The one always on TV shows?"

“Yeah... It seems like he's really close with Hyun-Woo."

“Ji-Hyuk and Suh Hyun-Woo are really close. Before debuting, they were in a group together on a TV show,” Goh Yoo-Joon explained to the shy Memory High kids.

After that, Ji-Hyuk bombarded me with so many questions.

“Did you get the text I sent earlier?"

“Yeah, I saw it, hyung."

“I brought you a gift. Can you guess what it is? Do you want to try, Hyun-Woo?" Ji-Hyuk asked while blocking my view to keep the element of surprise alive.

“Has that High Tension guy lived overseas? He's so... high tension."

“Was that a joke? Not funny at all, man."

“Not a joke... it’s for real though. Hmm, Hyun-Woo seems to have a hard time saying no to his seniors. Seeing him so tame after his wrestling matches with Yoo-Joon is something else." Joon-Hwan's comment made Goh Yoo-Joon shake his head.

Goh Yoo-Joon clarified, “I heard Ji-Hyuk hyung studied abroad, and I am not sure if he was born there. Anyway, what you are seeing isn't Suh Hyun-Woo being submissive. It's him being shy."

Yeah, I was still pretty shy around Ji-Hyuk. After all, we hadn’t met that often. I was slightly overwhelmed by Ji-Hyuk's aggressive social nature.

Seeing my puzzled look, Ji-Hyuk stepped aside with a grin and said, “Ta-da, the gift!"

“...Haha, long time no see, Hyun-Woo hyung."

“On-Sae!" On-Sae stood with an awkward smile behind Ji-Hyuk. He seemed to have grown taller. I first encountered On-Sae during my days as a trainer at YU, and back then, he was around this big.

“I caught On-Sae at the company while he was in a meeting, so I invited him along."

“Are you joining YU, On-Sae?" I asked. Even if my timing was off, it made no sense for On-Sae not to be a YU trainee by now.

However, On-Sae shook his head and replied, “I’ve just had a few meetings... There were some offers, but I haven't made up my mind yet."

“I told him to join our company, but he's still hesitating," said Ji-Hyuk, his tone baffled.

“Big agencies have their perks... But then, you never know how long it will take to debut... I am actually considering smaller agencies now," On-Sae said, looking a bit unsure.

“Hyun-Woo hyung, what about YMM—"

On-Sae's words vanished beneath the loud calls of the Graduating crew.

“We will head out first!"

“We will watch from the audience seats!"

“You got this! We are rooting for you!"

“See you later."

After I waved to my friends, I turned to On-Sae who had clammed up. “What's up with YMM, On-Sae?"

“No worries, hyung. We will step out now. Enjoy your performance."

“Really? Okay then."

“Catch you later, Hyun-Woo," said Ji-Hyuk. On-Sae hurried off and took Ji-Hyuk with him.

The dressing room quietened down from the bustling, and we shifted back to show prep. We each took turns changing outfits and added bits and bobs to complement our looks. Our first performance costume was...

Sigh... I never thought I'd wear this again." Goh Yoo-Joon let out a deep sigh.

“Are we skipping the wigs today?"

“No wigs today. They ruin the hair, so it's just headbands for Hyun-Woo and Yoon-Chan."

“How about sunglasses, Jin-Sung?"


“Ahh, our Hyun-Woo looks stunning as always! Look at him, unnie!" The stylists buzzed with excitement as they fitted a red headband on my head.

“How does it feel, Hyun-Woo? All good?"

“Uh, yeah, it's nice..."

“Come on, put some life into your response." Our first costumes were a throwback to the nostalgic cosplay of Cha Cha. According to a pre-event survey among the Rings, the "Red Riding Hood Cha Cha" performance was a top pick they yearned to see again. Despite us having sophisticated stages like "Moon Sea," it seemed our fans had a peculiar fondness for seeing us in less poised moments.

I remembered those “Try Not to Laugh: Chronos Edition” videos on UTube, always packed with our goof-ups. Our fans likely wanted us as their personal comedy troupe, and it just felt right to oblige. After all, this was Joo-Han's chosen setlist.

Knock knock.

“Chronos, are you guys ready? Let’s head backstage now!"


Rustle rustle.

After gathering backstage, we huddled up, and Joo-Han looked at each of us. “This is our first fan event. Remember what we discussed yesterday? Treat today like the Rings' birthday, and let's give it our all to send them home happy."

“Got it!"

“Remember the cues, especially for costume changes. And above all, stay safe."


“Alright, team!"

“Cha Cha!!!"

“Yesss!!!" The hall darkened with our first cheer, and the VTR kicked off.


‘Why is YMM acting so suddenly? Have they come to their senses?’

Kim Go-Ri fought back the screams trying to escape her throat as she was clutching the Chronos lightstick, also known as the Gori-stick. “Ah... If the start is like this, then..."

She was on the verge of dying from the excitement. With a grimace, Kim Go-Ri turned on her lightstick. Its blinding light snapped her back to reality. ‘Right, even if I die here, I have to survive till the end of the show. The VTR can't be the last thing I see.’

The VTR was a montage of unused footage from the "Parade" and "Joy" music videos, crafted into something hauntingly beautiful and slightly eerie.

[The first Rings Inauguration Ceremony]

[Starting Now]

Kyaaaaaah!!!" Kim Go-Ri couldn't hold back anymore and let out a scream. At this moment, everything was perfect for the Rings. As they held the newly acquired lightsticks, the formation of the official fan club and the anticipation of seeing Chronos live were exhilarating for them.

“All this buildup! What are you going to show us?! Perhaps ‘Parade?’ Or maybe a light ‘Blue Room Party’?” It felt like the latest song "Joy" would be saved for the end.

The stage was set for Chronos's first performance, and the atmosphere was filled with the fans' eager wishes. Then, the stage lights brightened. But... There was no sign of Chronos on stage.

“What's going on?” The fans started murmuring.

A cute little one full of mistakes... (Woaah)

A cute little one full of mistakes... (Woaaaaah)

A cute little one full of mistakes... (Pendant)

Hey yo...

A cute little one full of mistakes... (Magic)?

The intro was laced with an incredible arrangement and was accompanied by breathy narrations from Goh Yoo-Joon and Suh Hyun-Woo. It felt like a solemn prelude to a powerful dance break that was about to commence. This was “For Rings Only—Red Riding Hood Cha Cha vs. Jin-Sung Feedback Edition.”

As fans started to catch on to the ongoing narration, laughter started to spread and soon after.

Chronos’s Red Riding Hood Cha Cha starts now~?

With Kang Joo-Han's final narration, the familiar, cheerful intro of the beloved cartoon theme began to play.

Dingdong, Dingdong, Dingdong~!

The intro was definitely adorable.



The Chronos members burst onto the stage as Cha Cha with lightsticks in each hand.

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