Second Try Idol

Chapter 216: Joy (53)

Chapter 216: Joy (53)

“Should we wake him now?"


A buzz ran through my body as I sat in an awkward position, surrounded by unfamiliar noises. Scrunching my face, I opened my eyes to see that I was already in the car.

“Hey, time to get up. We are almost at school," said Goh Yoo-Joon from beside me. It seemed like they hadn’t been able to wake me up, so they had just quickly dressed me and carried me out while I was still sleeping.

I nodded and properly fastened my loosely worn school uniform buttons, saying, “Ah... I'm exhausted."

“That makes sense. Last night was rough."

As we were in the final stretch of "Joy" promotional schedules, we had been practicing through the night as much as before our comeback. Because of the accumulated fatigue, I had been struggling to wake up for school—Graduating session, and they couldn’t even wake me up anymore.

Su-Hwan glanced at me through the rearview mirror and said, “I get it, but make sure you give it your all during filming. There's only one episode left until graduation. Let's end it on a high note."

“Of course, hyung."

Graduating was still performing well on the surface. Despite unresolved issues with On Ki-Hoon and Lee Cheol-Min, the broadcast significantly boosted Goh Yoo-Joon's and my public recognition. While the regular people might not know every Chronos member, they now recognized me and Goh Yoo-Joon, often giving us a second glance or nodding in recognition.

Despite all the headaches about filming, I was determined to give it my all for the rare chance to boost our fame.

“We've arrived," said Su-Hwan as the car stopped at the school's playground.

“We will head out then.” When I opened the car door, the cameras immediately followed us.

I was used to being filmed by observation cameras while going to school, so this started me. As I slowly walked toward the school, the cameraman came up with a question.

- It's your last school day before graduation. How do you feel?

“Um, I am not sure. I feel a bit sad but really can't tell. It's a mix of emotions."

Goh Yoo-Joon nodded at my words and added, “Right. Just when I get close to my classmates, I have to leave already. This feels odd."

- You can still keep in touch and hang out with them.

“I hope so, but meeting up and hanging out like real students from now on will be tough. That's disappointing."

While Daniele was in the same industry, and we might cross paths occasionally for work, meeting Hee-Su and Joon-Hwan would be somewhat hard.

Aside from our tight schedules, Hee-Su and Joon-Hwan would have their commitments too, and it would become harder to meet and keep in touch like before, just like how our contact dwindled with the A-grade trainees we had spent a long time with. It was heartbreaking that memories would only remain as memories.

As I was interviewed by the cameraman and entered the school's main gate, I reached the Memory High classroom. It was bustling as always.

When Goh Yoo-Joon and I entered, Hee-Su, Joon-Hwan, and Daniele quickly beckoned us over and said, “Oh, you are here! You are here!"

As we took our seats, the classmates gathered around Goh Yoo-Joon and me.

“Did you sleep on your way here, Hyun-Woo?"

“How did you know?"

“Your eyes look more puffy than usual. Have you been busy lately?"

“Ah, yeah. We are living an insanely busy life these days,” replied Goh Yoo-Joon.

Hearing this, Hee-Su frowned with concern. “Are you getting any sleep? How many hours did you sleep last night?"

“Maybe one to two hours? I have stuff I'm preparing for, so it can't be helped."

“I've always found it amazing how celebrities managed to only sleep a few hours. I'd collapse if I had to do it.”

Exactly… I already felt like collapsing right now. Given that I struggled the most among the members in the morning, it was miraculous that I could pay attention to my friends' conversations now.

Still, as my exhaustion peaked, their words started to sound like lullabies, and my eyes grew heavier. Just as I was about to nod off, the classroom door opened and Kun-Ho walked in.

In an instant, my sleepy eyes snapped open.

“Good morning, everyone."


“Still so lively. Our Memory High students, how have you all been?"


Kun-Ho looked around the class. “It looks like no one's absent. Today is your last day before graduation. You all know that, right?"

“Yes..." The energy in our voices dropped.

The young adults who were busy with their lives found a sanctuary in Memory High from the enjoyable shooting. They were those who regretted not being able to attend school as they had to start working early and missed it deeply. Every moment of going to school and making memories with friends was precious to them.

Kun-Ho nodded with a bitter smile. “Since it's the last time, make sure to have fun with your friends. After lunch, we will gather at the playground for a special outdoor class during the fifth and sixth periods. That's all. Pay attention in class! And Ki-Hoon, could you see me after the first period?"

On Ki-Hoon showed a hint of surprise at Kun-Ho's sudden call but quickly replied, “...Yes."

I hadn't expected such an open call... Still, it seemed Kun-Ho was taking my request seriously.

“Then, I will see you all later," said Kun-Ho before leaving the classroom. We still had time before the start of the first period, so everyone started chatting with friends around them. I simply rubbed my eyes with force and turned around.

“Whoa, feeling super sleepy?"

“Yeah, kind of. I will snap out of it soon. By the way, are you guys free this Saturday?"

“What's happening Saturday?"

I powered up my phone and shot a text to the group. “If you are free, stop by. It's our first fan club event."

“Really, can we come?"

I nodded and took the earbud Goh Yoo-Joon offered. He then leaned in and rested his elbow on my shoulder.

“We are footing the bill for this one. Suh Hyun-Woo and I pooled our allowances."

“Do artists usually pay for their own stuff like this?"

“Oh, for sure. Our agency might give tickets to our families, but for acquaintances, we need to buy them ourselves."

“Wow, I didn't know that. Thanks, I will definitely be there."

“Soo! Woo! Joon! Hwan! What's the plan after school?" Daniele's voice boomed with energy. Despite his efforts, the nickname just wouldn't stick, so only he seemed keen on pushing it.

“Probably more practice for us? It's crunch time."

“I'm free."

“Same here."

Daniele pouted, looking somewhat out of character. “What about the graduation ceremony then?"

I let my eyes wander before responding, “For the ceremony... not sure, but we will probably be there?"

We hadn't yet discussed plans for the graduation day. I was thinking about a group dinner for Graduating, considering it was the finale. However, I'd need to check the schedule with Su-Hwan.

“Drinks after that day?" Daniele gestured drinking with his hand. Hee-Su and Joon-Hwan were quick to agree, while Goh Yoo-Joon and I shared a look and then laughed awkwardly.

“It might work since it's the last day, but let me confirm with the manager first."

“Sounds good!"

“Yoo-Joon, Hyun-Woo, are you guys good with drinks?"

At Hee-Su’s question, we looked at each other and nodded vigorously.


“We never get drunk, trust us."

Would actual students get this excited talking about booze right before graduation?

As we were chatting about drinks, the bell for the first period rang, and the history teacher walked in. “It has been a while, hasn't it? Feels like ages since we’ve had a regular class."


“Let's have the class president lead the greeting. It's been so long."

Goh Yoo-Joon stood up. “Attention! Greetings to the teacher."

“Good morning."

“Great. It's been a while, but it's our last class. So today, I thought we'd do something special instead," said the history teacher, handing out large pieces of paper to everyone.

“Is this rolling paper?" a student murmured.

The teacher pointed at him and nodded as if to confirm. “Yes, rolling paper. Though we’ve only been together for a short time, we've created lots of memories. Today, we will write down our messages to each other."

The papers were adorably decorated, ready for the names to be added. “Write and pass to the right. Shall we start?"

The rolling paper session kicked off, and the first one I got was Goh Yoo-Joon's.

“Let's see what Suh Hyun-Woo writes!" exclaimed Goh Yoo-Joon.

“Hey, focus on yours. Don't peek."

“You know we live together, right? Joke around and you will find your door locked. Just warning you."

“Such threats. A typical Goh Yoo-Joon thing..." I turned away from Goh Yoo-Joon and filled out the paper.

[Ugh, we never say cringy things to each other ewww. This is so embarrassing that I won’t be able to face you at home... If you dare to read this out loud, I might just avoid you. Lol just kidding, or maybe not. Got lots to apologize for and thank you for. Let's stick together through the highs and lows. I treasure you, dude. Aaah, I can't believe I'm writing this.]

I hurriedly wrote it down and passed it along before Goh Yoo-Joon could sneak a peek.

hedgethehog's Thoughts

Hey there, dear readers! I just want to take a moment to thank you all for joining me on Hyun-Woo's rollercoaster journey to stardom. Your comments and feedback have truly made this translation adventure so much more fulfilling and way less lonely for me. It's been a blast sharing this story with you, and I'm super grateful for your company and insights. Thanks for sticking with us and making this experience a shared one! Any feedback would be so welcoming, so please don’t hesitate to comment or send messages on Discord 🙂

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