Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 812 - Po’s Imperial Weapon? (III)

Chapter 812: Po’s Imperial Weapon? (III)

Within a range of ten miles in diameter, numerous small spots of light suddenly appeared, all of which were strange sights caused by the condensation and appearance of fire elements. And these tiny spots of light all flew towards the huge blue fire dragon head that was swallowing.

These two dragons could not escape. After all, they were powerful creatures and one clearly felt that the situation now wasn’t good. One Black Dragon Guard roared and used Dragon Body Protection while the other one desperately flapped its wings trying to break free from the control of the blue dragon head.

They couldn’t fight back now because the aura emitted by the blue dragon head was at least level nine of rank six. It was completely beyond what they could compete with.

With the joint efforts of the two Anti-Heavenly Dragons, they seemed to be escaping bit by bit from the power of suction. But because they were trying to escape, they turned their back to the terrifying dragon head, so they did not see that the huge blue dragon head was getting brighter and brighter.

“No.” The two Black Dragon Guards roared in their hearts at the same time, unable to see behind them, but they could feel the change in temperature.

Just as fear appeared in their hearts, the terrifying suction suddenly disappeared. And the whole space seemed to be frozen for a moment. Next moment, a huge blue fireball with a diameter of nearly 100 meters became the background of the two Black Dragon Guards.

Who said fireball was a low-level magic? It depended on the volume and the degree of cohesion, and etc.

Two Anti-Heavenly Dragons were like two small bugs, engulfed by the huge blue fireball. After the fireball went straight forward and then rose for thousands of meters, it bloomed in the air with a more eye-catching brilliance than the sun. The sky shone completely blue.

The huge dragon head slowly shrank, and the Holy Sun’s domain disappeared. Lin Xin and the two figures behind him reappeared in the sky.

Feeling the sticky fire element in the air, the two Eternal Heroes around Lin Xin could not help taking a long breath. Even with their knowledge for thousands of years, they had never seen such a terrifying fireball. And they helped Lin Xin create this fireball.

“Xiao Lin, your Holy Sun’s spell was really scary!” The wind and water wizards among the Eternal Heroes appeared around Lin Xin. It was the wind wizard who wanted to bestow his inheritance on him.

Lin Xin smiled and said, “It turned out to be so enjoyable after my practice level became stronger. Thank you.”

The water wizard smiled and said, “What I am more curious about is that this conjoined elixir you have refined is effective for us necromancers.”

Lin Xin said proudly, “They all call me Youyao Brother. In terms of strength, I am not as good as the eldest brother, but when it comes to this refined medicine, I am the strongest one in the group. As long as I have spiritual power, the elixir effect of my conjoined body can be released.”

The two Eternal Heroes were both strong men of level nine of rank five. Under their joint growth, although Lin Xin could not bear all their strength for physical reasons, his practice level still advanced to the terrifying level nine of rank seven. The powers of the Holy Sun’s domain and the Holy Sun’s spell naturally sharply increased, thus leading to the situation just now.

There were the eighteen Eternal Heroes, Twelve Sacred Saints, nine members of Light Dawn Demon Hunter group, and the Queen of Light Elves, Ya Ting. Long Haochen’s overall strength was at least more than double that of Po. Under such circumstances, how could Po and his vanguard have half the chance?

The reason why the people of the Light Dawn Demon Hunter group were only allowed to appear on the battlefield was to show the enemy that they were weak. The real goal was to divide the devils into small groups and then wipe them out. If it was a head-on collision, seeing the situation being worse than they expected, the devils might run away. With the strength of the Black Dragon Guards, there was at least no problem of running away. And Long Haochen’s goal was to wipe them all out. Every time one killed a Black Dragon Guard, it was equivalent to weakening the power of 1% of the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s clan. How could Long Haochen give up such a good opportunity?

Of course, it was not only in these three directions, but also there was a battle in every direction chased by the Black Dragon Guard. It all ended in an overwhelmingly good way. In fact, the failure of the vanguard could not completely blame Po and Huang Shuo because how could they expect Long Haochen to be in charge of such a huge strength?

According to the Devil’s clan’s estimation of human beings, the total number of human beings at level nine was no more than 200, and they had to defend in the six temples. In this raid by Long Haochen, the main force of the strong was the Light Dawn Demon Hunter group, and there were at most a few more ninth-level strong in Knight Temple. However, the Knight Temple also had to defend itself, and the army couldn’t retreat without command. Therefore, Huang Shuo thought even if Long Haochen had an ambush, the threat to the Black Dragon Guard would not be too great, or at least there would be no problem for them to retreat.

Six thousand years since the establishment of the Black Dragon Guard, it had been almost invincible in the Holy Land. So, Huang Shuo was somewhat careless.

How did he know that Long Haochen had brought almost the strongest main forces of mankind this time? Even the Light Dawn Demon Hunter group itself was not something that people like them could defeat.

The Twelve Saints, together with the members of the Light Dawn Demon Hunter group, would not lose ground in number and fight. If Long Haochen went all out, he would certainly be able to defeat the vanguard of the Devil’s clan.

Among the strength brought by Long Haochen this time, the most terrifying ones were the Eternal Heroes who had been sleeping for thousands of years. Among the eighteen Eternal Heroes, two were at level nine of rank seven, and the rest were all above level nine of rank five. Each of them had a domain of strong self-cultivation, the domain for me. The emergence of such a force on any battlefield had a terrifying force to turn the tide of the war.

During the first Holy War, the God of Devils had a premonition that there was a powerful force hidden in mankind, which had never been used. Even the level of the God of Devils would have the feeling of panic, which showed how horrifying the overall strength of the Eternal Heroes was.

Whether it was Xiao Huo or Shu Yongxiao, they were all old, strong, and wise. On the previous battlefield, they were mostly hidden behind the Light Dawn, so even if the news came back, it would be difficult for the devils to know that there was such a hidden power on the battlefield.

At this time, the real foreplay of the decisive battle took action, and for the first time in the history of the Anti-Heavenly Dragons, they suffered a great loss.

One-on-one, the Eternal Heroes could easily defeat the Black Dragon Guards with their fortitude, not to mention the fact that they were still hidden on the side, and waited in ambush. Along with the power the Light Dawn Demon Hunter group, they had an overwhelmingly complete advantage. How could they fail?

Po and Long Haochen confronted each other, and the swords of the two sides were still fighting against each other. Long Haochen looked at Po coldly. He was in no hurry. The more powerful Po exploded, the stronger his resistance became.

In the process of confronting each other, the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s domain and the domain of Eternity continued to produce distorted light, so much that even Huang Shuo in the distance could not see the situation in which they confronted each other clearly.

Po clenched his teeth so much that it even gradually gave off a layer of blood.

Long Haochen was so strong. He already tried his best, the Purple Dragon Sword in his hand continued to burst out of a terrifying dark thunder. With the increasing power of the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s Pillar, it made an impact on Long Haochen’s defense crazily. However, Long Haochen was still so motionless, no matter how Po strengthened his practice level, he was still unable to defeat the other side.

To what extent has the cultivation of Long Haochen reached? Is it the increase of the Sealed Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation? Anyway, I can’t lose. The obsession inside Po’s heart made him furious. With a sharp bite on the tip of his tongue, a mouthful of dark purple blood was sprayed on the Purple Dragon Sword in his hand.

All of a sudden, the purplish red light skyrocketed, and Long Haochen’s pressure increased sharply, while watching the frightening Purple Dragon sword slowly press over. The Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s domain behind Po also began to have a trend of cohesion gradually. The huge Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s pillar also seemed to fall down, and the domain of Eternity’s oppression gradually retracted.

Be sure to win, no matter what it costs. This was the only thought on Po’s mind. I finally have the upper hand!

The feeling that the Sword of Eternity was pressed back bit by bit made Po overjoyed and subconsciously took a look at Long Haochen. What he wanted to see most was the panic and despair expression of Long Haochen.

However, he was disappointed because what he saw was a pair of calm golden eyes, terribly calm, as if nothing in the world could shake his peace.

“It’s almost time.” Long Haochen’s inexplicable words made Po’s heart tighten for a moment. Just then, he heard a strange sound.

Boom— A powerful heartbeat like drum beating suddenly sounded in Po’s ear, and before he knew what it was, a force that could not be countered suddenly burst out from Long Haochen’s Sword of Eternity. Then his body was blown upside down. It didn’t stop until his body hit against the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s Pillar in the sky.

Long Haochen was still suspended in air, and the balance between the domain of Eternity and the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s domain had returned to the previous state of balance. However, Po’s heart had completely sunk to the bottom. It was because no matter how unwilling he was to admit it, he knew that he was no match for Long Haochen.

He went all out but it did not have any effect on Long Haochen, instead Long Haochen shocked him. The blow to his body was not heavy, but the blow to his spirit was unparalleled. Looking at the calm Long Haochen, Po’s mood was extremely complicated at this time. With a fierce roar, he held the Purple Dragon Sword high above his head and spurted out a mouthful of fuchsia blood.

“No, Prince.” In the distance, Huang Shuo finally saw what happened when the two sides separated. His face changed.

Just when Huang Shuo wanted to rush to stop Po from having another fight with Long Haochen, a black figure which had been calm for a long time, appeared quietly again, and at the same time, a golden figure also appeared. One stood still and one followed after.

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