
Chapter 247: First Day

Chapter 247: First Day

"Leto, Tito, it's time to work." Bloed took a deep breath and spoke up.

Immediately after that, Tito turned into Bloed's armor, and part of Leto turned into an energy sniper rifle.

Just like that, Bloed was ready to go.

Lying on the ground, he activated his stealth device and focused on the information transmitted by Oculus's dragonflies.

He remained like that for a long time, completely quiet as though he had fused with the surroundings. Only the occasional orders he gave to his teammates through Oculus could be heard.

But suddenly, though, Oculus sent a particular image to his mind.

An ape monster almost three kilometers away, currently moving towards the southeast.

Bloed closed his eyes. In an instant, his mind completed hundreds of calculations, eventually concluding with the result it was viable.

Thus, he moved slightly and aimed his sniper rifle in the direction of the ape.

Although Bloed could not see it, thanks to the information he received from Oculus plus the calculations he realized beforehand, he was confident in his chances.

This shot was going to hit it.

Thus, he pulled the trigger.



A dry sound reached Bloed's ears, then, the sniper bullet flew at great speed in the direction of the ape.

Despite the ape being almost three kilometers away, the bullet needed less than one second to reach it.

And it hit the ape on its temple.

The monster was unable to react. The attack was so fast that it only felt a slight pain and let out a soft whimper before its life came to an end and its body collapsed.

Bloed saw all of that through Oculus.

"It was better than I expected," He said to himself before looking at his metallic wolf. "Leto, you know what to do."


Barking, the metallic wolf divided itself into two. One of the metallic wolves then went to retrieve the magic stone while the other remained behind to protect Bloed in case of an enemy attack.

Meanwhile, Bloed was evaluating his last shot.

In terms of power, Leto's sniper mode was one of Bloed's strongest attacks, only below his disintegration saber and Oculus's beam attack.

Moreover, Bloed's sniper rifle specialized in long-distance attacks. According to Bloed's calculations, the attacks of the sniper rifle were effective in B-Rank enemies at three kilometers of distance and in A-Rank enemies at one kilometer of distance.

It was an outrageous attack range.

Of course, no normal person could hit a target at that distance. A normal person would be lucky if he could hit a target at half the distance.

That was not a problem for Bloed, though. With his ESP ability and Oculus' support, hitting a target at three kilometers of distance was possible.

The sniper rifle only flaw was that it was hard to wield at short distances and its rate of fire was outrageous slow.

But for the current situation, where Bloed could snipe monsters from the top of the mountain, this weapon was perfect.

Moreover, because the monsters were so far away, they could not feel Bloed's killing intent. By the moment they felt something was wrong, it would be already too late.

Unfortunately, not everything was perfect.

Not all the targets could be attacked. If there was a rock or an obstacle between Bloed and the monster, attacking would be useless.

At most, the energy bullet could penetrate through one or two trees before losing its effectiveness.

Due to that, not all the targets Oculus located could be attacked.

Plus, there were not many monsters in three kilometers around the mountain, so Bloed's targets were limited.

Even so, it was already better than Bloed expected.

At that moment, a voice sounded in Bloed's mind.

"Captain, I already took care of my target."

It was Rana.

Bloed nodded to himself job. "Good. Your new target is four kilometers east of your location. It's a snake."


Rana nodded cheerfully and started to move again.

Just like that, Bloed's team continued hunting monsters.

The results were much better than Bloed expected. In just the first day, they hunted a total of fifteen B-Rank monsters.

Moreover, four of them were monsters belonging to the human and the elves.

Unfortunately, Bloed noticed that their efficiency fell quickly.

In the first six hours, they hunted nine of the fifteen monsters, but they only hunted six for the rest of the day.

Right now, the group had hunted most of the monsters nearby. If they tried the same tomorrow, their harvest was going to be pitiful.

Thus, after discussing it with the rest of the team, Bloed decided to search for a new base the next day and repeat the process.

They planned to hunt like that for the first three days of the Hunting Spree.

The Hunting Spree lasted for a total of five days, but by the last two days, most of the monsters would have been hunted, so this method would stop being so effective and the group would need to focus on hunting the A-Rank and half-step demigod rank monsters.

Therefore, after the third day, they would stop moving individually and would move as a team.

Something was bothering Bloed, though.

It was the bet the archbishop of the Church of the Sun God did with Eve.

Bloed had heard about it through his connection with Regina. And due to that, he could not help but think about what trump card the Sun Kingdom was hiding.

He was sure that none of the other teams would be as efficient as them when it came to hunting monsters.

Then, what was the Sun Kingdom's team relying on for the archbishop was so confident in his victory?

' I'll guess I should be a bit more careful, just in case.'

While Bloed was lost in his thoughts, the first day of the hunt ended.

Inside the pavilion.

The demigods of the humans, elves, and beastmen were looking towards the mountains, using their senses to keep an eye on the situation.

When the first day ended, the lionkin general smiled playfully and looked at the archbishop of the Church of the Sun God.

" How many monsters did your team hunt, archbishop?"


"Well, if you don't want to tell me, I can check for myself. Just seven, huh? That is eight less than our team." the lionkin general smirked condescendingly.

"... There are still four days before the competition ends, Leon. You should not count your eggs before they hatch."

"Is it so?" the lionkin general grinned. "From what I'm seeing, though, I can't see how your kids are going to surpass mine."

The archbishop fell silent.

Even he had to admit he was surprised about this result. In fact, the elves were just as surprised as him.

After all, the beastmen team had hunted fifteen monsters in just one day. A lot more compared to the seven the humans hunted or the ten the elves hunted.

For an instant, he could not help but wonder if his team could win after all.

But when he thought of their trump card, his confidence grew again.

In the end, humans could not compare to elves and beastmen when it came to hunting.

Thus, they never planned to win through hunting since the first place.


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