Sanguine Paradise

Chapter 44: [Day 16] – “A Light”

Chapter 44: [Day 16] – “A Light”

Day 16

A light.

The first and only thing to accompany me in this seemingly eternal darkness.

I don't know for how long I've floated in this sea of unconsciousness. But finally, I begin to feel my senses, slowly but surely return to me.

With the emergence of the light, I could also feel a distinct feeling. What it was, I didn't know. But I could only recognize the feeling simply as "wet".

The next thing to invade my groggy mind was the muffled sounds of two talking. But it sounded distorted, almost as if they were talking down from the end of a long tunnel.

I tried to sort the mess that was currently my mind. But it was to no avail.

Only with the occurrence of time did my mind start clear up.

After an unknown length of time had gone by, did I finally manage to properly wake up.

What the "wet" feeling was, became obvious as soon as I cracked open one of my dreary and sleep-filled eyes.

Kneeling by my side was Mia. She was using a wet cloth to clean off the blood, mud, and other indeterminable things covering my body.

In the corner of the hut by my feet was a Bob snoring away the day. He had apparently decided to forego sleeping on his own bed to sleep closer to me.

I saw that the cute crimson-eyed hobgoblin girl that was cleaning away was seemingly submerged in a very thoughtful state. I noticed that she apparently hadn't realized that I had woken yet.

Not seeing any reason to turn down an opportunity when presented, I smirked.

"Enjoying the view?" - Me

Not thinking, she simply nodded without much other reaction to my words.

But then suddenly her eyes went wide and she bolted away like a scared rabbit. With her back against the opposing wall of the hut, she was looking at me with a shocked and incredulous look plastered on her face.

But that only made me chuckle.

Calming down little by little, her face instead started turning red in embarrassment. She quickly averted her gaze to do yet another pathetic attempt of hiding her embarrassment.

"Hmm, you're really not like other greenskins..." - Me

With confusion written all over her face, she asked.

"W-what the hell do you mean by that?" - Mia

"Greenskins usually are a lot more honest about their emotions and desires." - Me

Seeing her face turn even more beat red as if to match her ruby-like eyes, I just let a round of hearty laughter burst out.

Trying to get up I'm immediately reminded by the sorry state that my body had been left in. I cough out small chunks of half-dried and coagulated blood, as my body in turn cramps up in pain from the open wounds still saturating my body.

Rushing to my side again with a concerned expression plastered on her face, Mia simply pushed me back down on my back.

"You're still injured, idiot." - Mia

About to reply to her rather taciturn quip, I was cut off as she shot me a stern expression.

Not wanting to mess with her any further, I wisely allow myself to shut up.

It's first now I start properly inspecting the wounds riddling my body. While healing surge had patched up most of the damage done and there was no bleeding, the wounds were still mostly open.

Not wasting time, I use the healing surge until I've emptied the gland.

Seeing my wounds visibly start to slowly close up, Mia gawped in open amazement.

"What's this?" - Mia

"One of my many skills." - Me

I simply winked and refocused on seeing if I could direct the healing to the most vital areas.

Once I had fully used up the charge of healing surge, that so conveniently resided within my body, I checked my status.



Name: "???"

Race: Azde (Blood Fiend)

Sex: Male

Rank: F+

Level: 10/35

Health: 89/89

Stamina: 31/35

Mana: 16/16


STR - 10 11

VIT - 22 28

AGI - 38 45

DEX - 20 21

INT - 21 23

CHR - 5 6

WILL - 18 26

MAG - 18 25

[Trait, Titles, and Skills].

Skills - 19 21

Traits - 5 6

Titles - 2

Skillpoints - 8 11


Phy. Resistance - 10 11

Mag. Resistance - 5 6

Men. Resistance - 8 11

A lot of things have changed...

That Gurok guy had really given me a lot of EXP.

Hey wait...

"Mia, what happened to the orc and his subordinates?" - Me

Remembering the terrifying fight that had taken place not too long ago, she shudders before answering me.

"Uhm, you killed him... as for his subordinates, that's a bit more difficult to explain." - Mia

Although she looked a bit confused, it didn't look like there was any imminent danger to worry about. So I just decided to wave it off and take care of it later.

My will has really shot up compared to how much it usually does. It must have something to do with that new trait I got before passing out.




A natural ability of monster-type mosquitoes. Consuming blood provides the user with EXP and attribute increases. The stats that are added by siphon are the two highest attributes of the selected creature. A higher difference power will either garner fewer or more stat points to the user depending on which way the difference swings. Drinking the blood of a rare creature or drinking blood a great number of times of the same creature with similar or higher power level to the user provides the user with a very small chance of acquiring a compatible skill from said creature.

-Skill Shop-

A unique trait that provides the user with skill points at each level and allows the user to use the system to open a shop, where they can purchase skills with said skill points.

-Limit Breaker-

A unique trait that allows the user to be unhindered by the limitations of levels, evolutions, and skills.

-Sanguine Blood-

Your blood is sanguine blood. Your blood carries the sanguine plague and other effects.

-Crimson Mana Veins-

Mana veins created by matured cores increase the magic power of the body. The mana veins created by your core have turned into crimson mana veins due to the alignment of your core and your body's natural affinity for it.

-A Conqueror's Will- NEW

A will born from defiance and the hunger to conquer.

As usual, very limited information.

But it seems that this "Conqueror's Will" is what I felt that one time where my aura overwhelmed Gurok's own and when I summoned the last vestiges of my strength for that last killing blow.

Other than that, everything seems A-okay.

After healing surge had taken effect, it wasn't long before I had regained most of my ability to move without inadvertently hurting myself even more.

I slowly get to my feet with the help of Mia. But as soon as I had gotten to my feet, I was almost knocked straight off them again.

It would seem that I had woken the snoring Bob. He had lunged for me and was now clutching me in a big one-armed embrace.

"MASTA! You're awake!" - Bob

Managing to ease his grip on my rather sore and wounded body, I chuckle.

"Hey you big loaf, I could barely sleep with your loud snoring so I decided it was time to wake up." - Me

Seeing the genuine concern on his face, actually thinking that he had done something wrong, I just laugh and pat his bald head.

"Don't worry big fella. Now let go, you're crushing me." - Me

Letting me go immediately, he takes a few steps back to apologize in a very shy, although it was rather funny way since it was coming from someone like Bob.

"Sorry, masta..." - Bob

Inspecting him, I was quite surprised to see what had happened to his arm.

The wound had already closed and a new stump had even appeared. It would seem that corpse mending skill of his could even regrow lost limbs.

Going over to the comical and big hobgoblin, I pat him on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Bob. You saved me and have made me proud once again. I honestly couldn't ask for a better right-hand man and friend." - Me

Now with a radiant and silly smile plastered on his stupid mug, Bob simply lavished in the bliss of being praised.

Although it wasn't long since Bob and I had first met, and were nothing more than just prey and predator, we've actually built a deep connection to each other.

While I was a vicious killer, who didn't care for others who were strangers. I valued people close to me with the same gravity I did my own.

I live only, and only my own happiness. Consequently, my happiness is directly tied to them close to me.

Creatures are naturally selfish beings. So I believe that only those who are important to me and myself, deserve to accompany in my journey. I would set this entire world aflame and the torch people within it if it meant the survival and happiness of those dear to me and myself.

This might brand me as "evil" by most ignorant people. They just don't realize the reality of their own moral compass yet. Good and evil are such nonsense concepts. The world isn't black and white.

Well, enough introspection.

Let's take stock of the current situation of the tribe's matters.

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