Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 208: Jealous

Chapter 208: Jealous

Aiden wasn't willing to let it go that easily. He had a knowing smile on his face. "Something good must have happened with Keeley, huh?"

"Yeah," Aaron said with a soft expression, watching her dance around crazily with her roommate.

"Good for you, man. She did catch the bouquet after all," he said with a wink.

That wouldn't make a difference. Aaron knew she would never marry him again. He would have to content himself with the fact that she allowed him in her life at all.

He frowned. "I don't believe in silly traditions like that."

Aiden sighed and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Do you believe in anything, dude?"

An excellent question. He wasn't sure he did. Once he had believed in Keeley's love for him—it was his only guiding light. Now that he didn't even have that…


"I'm sorry I asked."

The soft lighting of the venue made the air seem romantic even though there was a fast song playing. There weren't any couples together on the floor aside from Cameron and Jennica, who had found a way to dance together regardless of tempo.

Keeley was spinning around in endless circles as she waved her arms above her head. It reminded him of how she had danced on Valentine's Day in their first life. She was a free spirit and always had been.

He should have realized that a free spirit wouldn't have been happy in his world. He should have left it all behind for her in the beginning. Then they wouldn't be here now.

Aaron wouldn't have known Cameron because they wouldn't have had unresolved business causing them to be reborn but they might have been dancing together at some other friends' wedding eventually. They surely would have had a child at this point.

He was jealous. Jealous that Cameron was able to lead the kind of life he never could. Today he was marrying the love of his life and he would be able to be with her without anyone trying to tear them apart.

They would have a family and grow old together. In that moment Aaron felt the pain of the life he lost so much it hurt.

Keeley died young and he grew older alone, dying before his time as well because of stress. Their family never got any bigger. When he was younger of course he expected he would have children someday but he never truly wanted them until the opportunity was gone.

Keeley would have made a wonderful mother. His own family left no expectations of a happy family life for him but with her…it would have been possible. He knew it. And now he would never have the chance.

"When are you going to propose to Nova?" Aaron asked out of the blue. One of his friends was happily settled; the other may as well get moving since his chance was lost.

Aiden's eyes widened and he held his hands up. "Whoa man, I'm only twenty-one."

"Why does that make a difference?"

He had been twenty-one when he married Keeley. Age wasn't a sufficient reason not to get married. Whatever their problems were, getting married too early wasn't one of them. It was more the fact that they got married at all even though Aaron knew his family didn't approve and people were out to get her.

"She's even younger than I am and still has two and a half years left of college. If she even is willing to move to New York it would have to be then. I don't know if she'll still be interested in me that far out."

Aaron was friends with Aiden on Facebook. Nova took pictures and posted them every single day that he was visiting her during that month in Sweden, being sure to tag him.

She had the same light in her eyes when smiling at Aiden that Keeley used to when she was with him. She definitely loved that idiot.

"Will you ask her to make the move if she is?" he asked.

Aiden's ears turned slightly pink. "I dunno, man. We barely started saying 'I love you' to each other on that trip. I miss her when I'm not with her and we video call every day but I don't know if that's enough to ask her to uproot her life for me."

Aiden was a lot less selfish than Aaron was. He uprooted Keeley from her middle class existence without a single thought for no other reason than that he wanted to be with her always. He never thought about what she was leaving behind or all that she gave up.

Their conversation was derailed when the couple announced they would be cutting the cake. The samples he had before were delicious so this was something to look forward to.

He noticed Keeley held back on getting a slice of cake until they got to the chocolate mousse layer, since that had been her favorite at the cake tasting. A small half-smile appeared on his face. She was so cute.

She held out a piece of the chocolate mousse cake to her friends to try with a bright smile on her face. His heart clenched a little.

She used to do that for him. She always wanted to give him anything that she found enjoyment in. It was in her nature; she did that for the people she liked. He wasn't one of them anymore.

"Aiden!" Keeley whisper-yelled somewhat dramatically while cupping her hands around her mouth. "Come try the chocolate mousse!"

Aiden gave Aaron a mock salute. "I've been summoned by your lady, boss man. You should come too."

He would have been insulted that she didn't care about calling him over to try it if not for the fact that she knew he had had some of the cake before. He went over anyway; cake sounded really good about now.

Ryan, who stood next to Keeley as she gleefully consumed her cake, stiffened when they approached. "What happened to your face?" he asked in a not-very-concerned tone.

Aiden slung an arm around his shoulders in a gesture that seemed casual but Aaron knew was protective. He experienced a slight flicker of affection for the kid.

"My dude here got nailed in the face by a paintball at Cameron's bachelor party. Malfunctioning goggles, can you believe it?"

"That sucks."

"Yep but he's a tough guy. Didn't even faze him," Aiden bragged.

Valentina giggled and set down her fork to join the conversation. "You call nearly passing out so Keeley had to drive him home during the rehearsal not being fazed?"

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