Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Chapter 306: Softly

Chapter 306: Softly

Unlike Rias, Koneko, and Akeno, who had moved on, Asia couldn't do so since the person that she had cared about had died. The death of Issei hit her so much, but at the same time, she knew that she needed to do something, especially during the crisis of the Great Red and Tannin.

Whether it was Issei or Riser, the two of them disappeared from this world, bringing a shock to everyone.

Even worse, Tannin went on a rampage in the Gremory House, and Asia knew that she couldn't ignore those who were hurt.

Yet, unlike Issei, who had disappeared and died, Riser returned and brought hope once again to everyone.

At that time, Rias, Koneko, and Akeno became cheerful once again. Their nightmare ended, and their dawn of happiness came.

As for Issei?

They clearly forgot about him.

Yet, Asia didn't blame them since she knew the impression of Issei on everyone wasn't good. Staying with Issei, while she could list some of his good points, she could even better list his bad points. Still, the reason why she came to this room wasn't to talk about Issei.

Issei passed away.

This fact can't be changed no matter what.

While she could see that Rias, Akeno, and many others started to forget about Issei, it didn't matter as long as Asia remembered him.

"What's wrong, Asia?" Rias asked curiously.

"Buchou-san, Riser-sama, I-I want to ask a request."


"Can you not erase the memory of Issei-san's parents?" Asia asked with a hopeful expression on her face. Even though Issei had passed away, his parents were still alive. However, Rias told her that Rias was going to erase the memory of Issei from everyone. While she knew it was necessary, she just... couldn't help it.

"Asia..." Rias looked at Asia helplessly, then said softly, "Asia, you should know how dangerous the supernatural world is. What do you think if they still remember the memory of Issei? Do you want them to die?"


Naturally, Asia didn't want to, but... but... she didn't want it since if Issei's parents forgot about Issei, then who would remember Issei?

"Do you still remember what had happened to my domain? Even we, the famous noble family in the Underworld, are unable to do anything in the face of such a crisis. Issei's parents are just normal humans. I know that you might not be able to accept it, but if you let them remember everything, then they might die, you know?"

"...I-I know."

Asia was helpless, but when she thought about Issei, her courage became stronger.

"But... but... what if I protect them, Rias-buchou?"

"You want to protect them?" Rias raised her eyebrows and shook her head. "It's too dangerous." Asia was the weakest among her peerage, and she felt worried about leaving Asia for such a job, especially when Asia was in a support role and hardly had a means to attack.

"Please, Rias-buchou!"

Rias wanted to say something, but Riser interrupted them. "Can you talk somewhere else?" Frankly, this conversation had nothing to do with him, and he was too lazy to hear about everythingrelated to Issei.

"I-I am sorry, Riser-sama!"

Of all the individuals, Asia didn't want to anger Riser since she knew that Riser hated Issei. If she angered Riser, then she was afraid that he might hurt Issei's parents. While the chances weren't high, as she knew that Riser didn't have a hobby for bullying the weak, if she angered him, then she knew she could do nothing.

Still, Riser noticed the gaze of Rias and Akeno, who were staring at him as if he were bullying Asia. He rolled his eyes, then asked Asia, "Do you want them to remember Issei, or do you want them to remember you?"

"Wh-What do you mean, Riser-sama?"

"Your request. Just what do you want to do? Do you want them to remember the loss of their son, living sadly, or forget about him and live without worry?"


Asia lowered her head since she knew that Riser was correct. Everything was just her selfish request as she knew that if Issei's parents remembered Issei and knew that Issei had died, they would be living in sadness.

Still, she couldn't help it as she thought that she was the cause of Issei's death.

The reason for Issei's death was her being kidnapped by Diodora. If such an accident hadn't happened, then everything wouldn't have become like this.

If she was stronger...

If she was the one that died...

"Are you blaming yourselves for his death?"


Asia was startled by his voice.

"Then, you should continue to blame yourselves."

"Riser!" 2x

Akeno and Rias were shocked by his cold words.

However, Asia tightened her body and lowered her head, trying to make her body as much as possible. Yet, his cold and cruel words were much more comfortable than the kindness and gentleness given by the others who were worried about her.

"Because of that, you need to be responsible for his parents. Give them happiness in the place of his dead son. Be their children in the place of that perverted dragon. As a devil, it is your job to uphold the contract of your contractor."

Riser looked at Asia and asked, "Can you do that?"


The death couldn't be resurrected, so the only way for her to fix everything was to become the child of the Hyodou couple in place of Issei. Still, with this matter settled, everyone would forget the memory of Issei. Only those who were strong and weren't affected by the devil's ability were the only ones who would remember Issei.

Still, Asia knew what to do, and she knew it was her responsibility to take care of the Hyodou couple after the death of Issei.

Hearing Riser's words, Akeno and Rias smiled, thinking that Riser was as tsundere as ever.

"If you are done, then don't bother me."

"Yes, I am sorry for bothering you, Riser-sama, and thank you." Asia lowered her head and apologized before thanking him softly. Still, she peeked at him secretly and thought that she was different from what she imagined.

As the relationship between Issei and Riser was bad, Asia had always thought of Riser as cold and brutal, especially when Riser often beat up Issei, and it was also the reason why she didn't understand why Rias, Akeno, and Koneko were smitten by him.

Yet, after hearing him, Asia realized that he wasn't as bad as he seemed. He might seem cold, but he was warm. Moreover, even if he hated and wished to kill Issei, he had never thought to kill Issei's parents.

Asia felt that Riser was different from what she imagined, and somehow, she became curious about him.

"Then, excuse me."

Asia didn't want to bother Riser anymore and left as she knew what she needed to do.

Only Riser felt Akeno and Rias' gaze on him. "If you have something to say, then say it."

"Nothing~!" 2x

Rias and Akeno somehow worked together to tease him.

Riser stared at the two and said calmly before he continued his work, "Wait in a few hours, I will clean up you two."

"Um." 2x

The two docily answered.


It's a bit plain, but Happy New Year~!

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