Risen World

Chapter 388: The new Recruits Show their Might Part 2

Chapter 388: The new Recruits Show their Might Part 2

Jacob and his wife Evelyn were both standing near the healers in the formation waiting for the large clash that was bound to happen in the upcoming fight. They knew what their role would be in the territory war and they also knew that they would be prime targets once the enemies figured out what they were capable of doing. They hadn't been involved in many territory wars before so they'd be surprised if the enemy guild knew that it would be wise to go after them first.

The moment that the incoming guild got within range of the turret fire they both decided to start playing their music. As long as people were within range of hearing their playing, even if it was the tiniest amount underneath all of the clashing weapons and loud gunfire, then they would be affected by the music. Of course since their mana was being channeled through the instruments they were playing, the sound was a bit wider spread than your usual instruments. It was so spread out that it encompassed the entirety of their side of the battle field along with most of the enemies' side of the conflict.

When it came to Jacob's music of choice for the situation he knew that simply restricting the movement of their enemies wasn't something he should aim for in the upcoming fight. Simply reducing the enemies' movement speed wouldn't matter as much in a large scale fight where all the close ranged fighters were right next to each other without much space to run around the open plains like a smaller skirmish.

Dealing damage over time with a more aggressive music style of choice would also be pointless unless the clash was expected to go on for hours on end. The healers on the opposite side of the fight greatly outnumbered their own side at the amount of three to one. So they would have no trouble healing up their side from a slow damaging over time attack like that unless they had to do it for a long period of time where they would run out of mana.

With those two options off the table Jacob went with a more dreary style of play that would make any enemies that heard his playing fill more tired and weighed down. The weighed down portion was more effective against the close ranged fighters. Their movements in close range fighting became more strenuous which would tire them out quickly and make them make fatal mistakes against the more active opponents. When it came to the mages the tired feeling would make it harder for them to concentrate and cast spells, this also made it so the healers would also slip up and miss out on some of the targets on their side that they should be healing. All in all it was the best choice in his opinion.

Evelyn thinking along the same lines as her husband decided to play an upbeat tune with her violin over his own playing, opposing his style. Her music made it so that their allies felt more energized and made their bodies' natural healing factor multiply. This made it so that most small injuries they gained during their fighting would heal on their own making things easier for their smaller number of healers. The combination of the twos music gave a large advantage to their side of the battlefield.

Robin on the other hand was the focus of Fenrir's Guilds magical potential. At the start of the battle she looked through all of the footage that the drones were getting of the enemies' side before the battle began so that she could spot out her main targets for the upcoming fight. Overall there were a few targets that she planned to go after more than any others. First off was the main mage of the enemy side that was one of the stronger members of their guild. This mage seemed to be a fire specialized mage that was already creating several large fireballs at the back of the enemy group before the fighting started. The power of these fireballs might break a few of their shield walls if given the chance to land, but that wasn't Robin's job to take care of.

The group that Robin was mainly focused on dealing with was the large group of healers near the back line of the approaching force. Henry knew that they needed to take them out quickly otherwise the large group of five hundred enemies would be able to whittle them down over time while their healers kept most of the enemies alive. The enemy would just be able to last much longer in an extended confrontation without the help of the town defenses or without them all getting within the range of the turrets including their back line.

So Robin started channeling a spell that would be able leave a large blast of lightning in the area where the healers were located. She was aided with her attempts by the rain clouds that started to form in the air which she knew was most likely caused by Brook. She gave the lazy girl a short nod before turning her attention towards the new clouds in the sky. She used her staff to enhance her spell a bit more before directing the lightning down directly to where all of the healers were at the back of the enemies' formation.

The flash of lightning shook the entire area as both sides fought amongst each other. That alone had sent a fright into some of their enemies letting Fenrir Guild members take them by surprise while they were off guard. Instead of just outright destroying the group of healers there were a couple of barriers that were shattered that had been placed above the healers. It was clear that the Scavenger's Guild had ways to protect their healers, but even so the force of the attack had stopped several of the mages and healers at the back from being able to continue their spells.

Seeing that her first attack was only partially successful and that another lightning strike from above would probably be blocked as well Robin shifted to another strategy that she had come up with while fighting in the floral dungeon. She formed several barriers in the air above the battle field that constantly shifted around. She tried to avoid having them hit other spells in the air, but some would get hit by other attacks from time to time. Robin then shot out a lightning blast from her hands that bounced across the barriers in random directions before shooting down towards the enemies back lines.

These attacks were blocked as well by barriers sometimes, but other times the shift in direction would take the enemy group off guard and allow a lightning blast to get through. These strikes would then be empowered with her own soul beast ability causing them to bounce from person to person paralyzing them until the spell ran out of mana. This tactic caused all sorts of issues for their enemies back lines which brought a smug smirk to Robin's face as she kept up her constant barrage of spells.

Brook was doing the opposite of what Robin was focused on. Instead of being aggressive and going after the enemy group Brook was playing things more defensive and filling in a more supportive role. The first thing she did when the fighting started was create several rain clouds in the sky's above followed with a drenching downpour that soaked the entire battlefield. There were several reasons for this action.

The first reason was because it would greatly weaken the spells of the Scavenger's Guild's strongest mage. His large fireballs started to dwindle a bit the moment it started raining and Brook was certain that would get on his nerves. Since Julia wasn't participating in this fight at the moment and was guarding the town she didn't have to worry about weakening one of their own strongest mages attacks. Some of the other mages in the Fenrir Guild used fireballs, but not to the same degree as Julia.

The second reason was the fact that the rain clouds and water powered up all of Robin's spells which would greatly increase the damage that they could do to the other side. Having the enemies soaked in water would make it easier for her lightning spells to do more damage to the enemy. It also made it easier for Robin to direct lightning from the clouds above the battlefield time and time again as she slammed lightning strikes in to large groups of their enemies.

The last reason was in conjunction to the mages of the group. Before the territory war Henry had found a simple healing spell from the market that was incredibly useful in large scale battles if used properly. This spell worked better with more healers using it at the same time and it was a spell that could be used constantly as long as it wasn't interrupted. This spell allowed healers to enchant water with healing properties, it didn't matter what type of water as long as it was water. Thus the healers were able to use this spell to enchant the rain water on their side of the battlefield with these slight healing properties.

The only down side to this was the fact that at the center of the battle field enemies would get the same effect, but it wouldn't be to the same degree since they didn't have the benefits of Evelyn's music giving enhanced regeneration. In the end this made it so that everyone on their side was getting a large boost in their healing capabilities constantly while only a small amount of the enemies were getting a weaker version of the same effect. It honestly didn't matter all that much that some of the closed range fighters on the enemy side were getting a bit of healing since Victor and Natsumi were killing several of them before they could even heal up.

The last thing Brook focused on was forming large balls of water from the rain to hang in the air on their side of the battle. These balls of water would move in front of incoming spells helping protect the back line from most of the spells of the enemy group. For someone as tired and easy going as Brook it was a hassle to keep up with.

Luckily for Brook she also had Katsumi around to help when it came to the defensive portion of Henry's plans. Katsumi was currently focused on using three different types of barriers that she formed from her talismans. The first type of barrier was the pyramid barrier. This type of barrier didn't take up a lot of space and was mostly formed around Katsumi herself. She would let any spells that were aimed for her through so that they would hit her barrier giving her an elemental charged arrow to attack back with.

The second barrier she used was the large barrier she had gained from Tank's talisman. This barrier she had set up around the healers so that they wouldn't be stopped from channeling their healing spell. If any stray attacks made it through the air towards the healers this barrier was more than strong enough to withstand them.

The last barrier that Katsumi formed for this battle was a new one she had gained from creating talismans out of Light's blood. This talisman allowed her to project a large shield within a certain range of herself. The shield would remain there until it took enough damage to be broken through. Katsumi had created several of these shields in the air in specific spots that Henry had pointed out to help protect against several of the enemies stronger attacks. From time to time she would have to create more shields, but when she wasn't doing that she focused on locking on to key enemies and firing her elemental arrows at them.

Everyone had their own roles to play in the confrontation and for the time being everything seemed to be going well.

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