Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 150 The One Called Jeremy Lewis

It took some time, but I was able to free up as many as 15 Slots. I didn’t even need to dispose of any Camp supplies and my poop Slot was still intact. It really went to show how inefficient I had been keeping [Subspace] these days, most likely because of how much space I thought I had.

It seemed so much back then, but now it was not nearly enough. Ironic as it may seem, this was how the world truly was. I had grown plenty strong, yet it wasn’t enough. Back at the apartment, I was satisfied with achieving Level 100. Now, I was at Level 170, yet the urge to get stronger hadn’t vanished.

“Just as everyone’s desire to obtain things is endless… so will my possessions be,” I mumbled to myself with an amused smile.

After all… I desired to possess everything. A grand dream that was worth pursuing!

After concluding on the matter of [Subspace], I took a good look around me. So much time had gone and it was already very early the next morning. Who would have thought that the first day of the Subjugation would end in such a bizarre manner?

A lot had died, but the rest were still alive and well. From this moment on, using my disguise as the masked hero, I was going to make the Subjugation easier for them..

I could assist the Subjugation team directly and ease the burden. Since everyone had already experienced despair one too many times, I was certain none of them would voice any complaints concerning the matter.

“Now, then, I should really get some shuteye…” I whispered.

I had been working myself to the bone for so long that I neglected adequate rest. I had a frighteningly high amount of Dexterity, but it wasn’t infinite.

I looked around me for an appropriate place to rest and get a few hours of decent sleep. I chose the far end of the woods, far away from the Hobgoblin base.

The location was among piles of wild shrubs and I intentionally used the overgrown undergrowths as good cover. While I knew it was unnecessary to go so far, I couldn’t help being overly cautious.

“Welp, I’ve done the best I can… time to sleep.” I finally mumbled, collapsing within the tent I had exclusively for myself.

Of course, I summoned the mattress from the bed I had back home. It was heaven to feel its nice comfort. It felt so good that I felt hesitant to sleep on the lush and comfy surface of the bed since there was a high possibility of oversleeping.

Still, I deserved this much pleasure, did I not? I had earned this degree of indulgement. Wasting no further thought on whether or not to sleep on a comfortable bed in contrast to the hard mat provided for in the tent.

My eyes slowly closed as I slipped into the realm of unconsciousness. It was a sleep long overdue, and I was t going to postpone it any longer.

“Zzzzzzzzzzzz…” I heard my voice leak out everything finally faded into pitch-black darkness.


In a faraway place, beyond the bounds and logic of any mortal mind, was a council. Groups of beings clad in pure light and had overall white bodies that shimmered with unbelievable radiance.

The glory that dwelled in this world was unfathomable, unable to be interpreted in mundane things such as words.

The beings were clad in white, also having an entire semblance of a bright overwhelming light.

As was the usual format of their gathering, these beings were in an orderly circle, larger than any that existed in the realm of understanding. They appeared to be infinite in number. However, there was an anomaly in the group of white-lighted beings. One of them was at their center.

What appeared to be a trial seemed to be taking place, and every single radiant being gave silence, allowing the one at the center to speak. They had asked him a question and awaited his answer.

“His name is Jeremy Lewis… and he is a Gifted.” The one in the center spoke, his voice echoed across the vast, seemingly infinite expanse of space.

For another inconceivable amount of time, there was silence again. Finally deeming it fit to break the silence, all the beings that formed the circle spoke at the same time.

“Supreme Being of Sector A-67, The Order shall state your actions that have caused this Convergence to occur. Do you have any objections?”

The one addressed as the Supreme Being of his sector smiled wryly, forming crinkles in the face of pure light that he had.

He already knew what he had done, but this was all procedure, anyway.

“I do not.”

“Very well. The Order shall now list the breach you have instituted.”

Another brief moment of silence ensued. The being at the center braced himself, staring emptily at the colorful space that seemed to stretch forever.

“Supreme Being of Sector A-67, you have abused your power and broken the Supreme Celestial Statute. The order shall explain.”

Another moment of silence.

“You have refused to follow the appropriate procedure for the process known as ‘Gifting’. Rather than summoning all humans and bestowing them with Gifts, you delayed in summoning one. You also kept him in the Sacred Hall for an indefinite period. You also gave him an ‘unregistered Gift’, sending him to his home planet to the time period of 30 days after the tutorial phase of Armageddon began.” As though listing the kneeling being’s wrongdoings one after the other, all the floating white beings used their joint voices to speak.

“As a result, the Order has perceived a peculiar wavelength emanating from the human you made all those exceptions for. This human is none other than Jeremy Lewis of your Sector. This very same Jeremy Lewis has died in all other realities except yours, and the fate of your Sector’s Jeremy Lewis is also meant to be death. According to the future which we have all seen, the insignificant being known as Jeremy Lewis should be among those killed in Armageddon.”

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