Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 310 In My Skin

Chapter 310 In My Skin

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~ ZEV ~

Touching Sasha in his mind, finding her there, ready and aching for him. It was the strangest experience—his mind and body torn in two. He fell into the vision that they built together, exchanging sensations, exchanging images. Adding to each other's experience, receiving each other's offerings.

And yet, as if his world were split in two, he also heard himself groan, and heard it echo in the cave. Was aware of his empty arms, aching to be filled. Was driven by a body still alone, but yearning, burning for her.

Sasha… he groaned, his hips rolling.

Her head fell back and bared her throat to him again, rocking against him, the promise of her too sweet to bear.

Then in his mind, she put her hand between them, to find him, grip him, and stroke, he gasped her name and hurriedly opened his furs to take himself in hand.

The joy of being close to her, of hearing her voice, of sensing her touch, he shuddered with it, her name breaking on his tongue with every breath.

She'd stopped sending words, but instead gave him sensations, feelings, the emotions welling in her chest.

He could feel her burning for him with a fire just as hot as his, and it only peaked his own desire. Then she showed herself, taking his face in her hands, kissing him, and arching against him, her body begging.

In her mind, he rolled her onto her back, still gripping her thigh, high on his hip, his other hand cupped over her head as he kissed his way along her jaw, then tilted his hips to take her.

He cried out, a guttural moan that shuddered into the night as she arched to meet him in their minds, and he entered her, claiming her again, and again. But all the while, the gorgeous things he saw, the things she made him feel, resonated against the chill of the air around him, the hollow grip of his own hand.


He didn't have words for this, kept his eyes screwed tightly shut against the invading images of the real world around him, sought her, desperate and grasping, throwing himself into the vision with abandon, aware that it was dangerous to be so distracted. But he couldn't… he had to have her. Had to remind himself that she was real, and his, and that no matter what Nick and the team did, they couldn't steal this from them.

His body peaked at the thought of losing her, and his thrusts became desperate.

Sasha, please, he gasped in her mind.

I'm here, Zev. Oh god, I'm…

She opened herself completely, let him feel the moment the wave of her climax broke—triggering his own against his will. He'd intended to love her longer, to bring her to climax again and again—to tell with his timeframes. He was lost in her.

But she was too much—feeling her desire for him, feeling her body respond, it tipped him over the edge, and he was carried over the crest, sobbing her name, his body rigid and shuddering.

He didn't open his eyes. He stayed with her in his mind, letting her feel the way his chest rose and fell so quickly because she stole his breath with her beauty.

Then, in his mind, she put her hand to his chest. To that spot, right at the center. She laid her palm flat against it and felt his heart pounding.

Still panting, he placed his hand flat between her breasts, let the flat of his hand rest on the same spot on her chest, and marveled with her as their heartbeats first slowed, then aligned.

My heart literally beats for you, she said, her voice ringed in awe.

Mine too, he whispered back. You're like air to me, Sasha. I can't stand this—

Don't! she rushed in, breaking over him, her voice urgent and quavering. Not right now. Don't focus on anything except this…

She opened her eyes to meet his, then let them slide up to look at the blue-white walls of the cave that loomed up, far over their heads.

This is my happy place, she sent. This is where I would always be if I could. Just with you, Zev. Just you and me and the furs and the fire…

And the tub, he added, his voice dark and husky.

Sasha grinned and her cheeks pinked. Definitely the tub.

Then she sighed and her face pinched as if she was pain.

What is it? he asked her, alarmed.

She shook her head. I just had a flash of a thought about getting pregnant, she said sadly. And for a minute I wished it wasn't happening so they couldn't interfere. But… the truth is, Zev, I want this with you. I want you. I want to be close. I want a family. It scares me how much I want to see you as a dad. Because it drives me. And it's like they know. Like they're using that against me.

Combing his free hand through her hair and down her back, he watched her face.

Do you believe them? That they're considering what you're proposing?

I'm not sure, she admitted. Sometimes it seems like they are. Other times I think they're just stringing me along. I really don't know. But they aren't saying a flat no when I tell them all the reasons the females need to go back to Thana.

Keep trying, he said, still stroking her hair. But you only have a few days. We can't leave you there, Sasha. I won't let them get into your head like they did mine.

Zev, you should prepare, just in case. But give me time to be successful. Use it to get ready. These females are traumatized. They're going to need space to be together without having all the males around, I think.

If you can find a way to get them out, we can go back for them later, Zev said, insistent. But without you, the rest don't matter, Sash.

She tipped her head forward, resting her forehead under his jaw. I know that you mean that with love, but if you could see them, Zev…

I have seen them. Not up close. But I've seen enough. I've heard enough. It makes me sick.

Me too.

So keep trying, he said again, reluctantly. But also get ready, because I am coming for you.


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