Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 240 - Don’t Want To Be Right


While the others all chuckled and sniggered at Nick's fear, Sasha had a very, very bad feeling that she understood something they didn't.

"Stop crowding him," she said quietly.

She knew they heard, but she wasn't sure how much authority she carried with the Chimera who didn't live in the Clans. But she gave a pointed look right in Ernie's eyes—though it made her shudder, and the pig-snouted man, too. They both took their time backing away, but they did it as the others quieted.

Nick's chest was heaving, but she stepped between him and the creatures and forced him to look at her. Turning her back on Ernie was perhaps the bravest thing she'd ever done, but she was reassured by the fact that he'd backed off when she asked him to.

Swallowing hard, she forced Nick to meet her eyes and spoke quietly for him.

"If they release you and you run, our friends here won't be able to… curb their instincts. So my advice is that, no matter how wet your pants might be, that you stay here and finish our conversation."

Nick nodded quickly, his shoulders rising and falling with his heaving breaths.

Then she looked at the wolves and though they rolled their eyes, they released him.

He stumbled back a step, but caught himself, then stood there, facing her, hands fisted at his sides, his eyes darting around at the Chimera.

She didn't have any sympathy for him, if her suspicions about why he was so terrified of the creatures were right, she hoped he actually shit himself.

"I don't get it," Sasha said bluntly. "Why put yourself through this? What is it you think you're gaining by being here yourself?"

"I told you!" Nick snarled. "He's my son and his life is in danger—and if he's in danger, you're all in danger. And if you're in danger, Sasha, I know he won't leave you or do anything except try to keep you close and safe. So if I save him, I save all of you."

One of the wolves growled, but she turned to Lhars and Yhet. "Can you tell if he's telling the truth?"

Lhars shrugged, but his eyes were sharp and bitter. He didn't like Nick. At all. "It's impossible to know with a snake like him. He can mean what he says, but his motives? Who knows?"

"Does he mean it?" she persisted.

Yhet was the one who answered. "He doesn't smell of nerves or suspicion. Usually if a human deceives there is something of fear or tension in them. But he's already so afraid, it's hard to decipher."

Sasha turned back to the man whose body trembled, but he stood there, facing her.

"Look," he spat. "We can stand here and you can question me until the others get themselves organized and turn up as a team and all hell breaks loose. Or Lhars can call Zev and he can come with me and we can get this under some control before everyone starts dying!"

Ignoring him, Sasha asked, "If I bring you the Alpha, what are you going do? Specifically."

Nick's jaw twitched, but he kept his voice low. "I'm going to explain to him what the response to Xar's death has been within the organization. Their fears, and their hopes. I'm going to coach him on what to say, and when, and to whom. And then I'm going to take him back with me and present him to them—willingly. So they'll believe it. And pray that he can convince them. Because if he does, things continue as normal and no one gets hurt."

"Why would they believe him if he fled?"

"Because if you're here, they know you're where he wants to be. He'll do anything to keep you safe."

Not anymore, she hoped.

"How long will all of this take?"

"I told you, a day. Maybe two. Then I'll personally bring him back to the gateway and let him come back on his own. I won't even come back here myself," he said, flinching when someone behind Sasha moved.

"If it's just a meeting, why come yourself? Why not just send a messenger and call for him? You're clearly terrified. If you really thought Zev would just come because you called, why did you need to brave this?"

Nick gave her a flat look. "We are not stupid people, so let's not pretend, Sasha. You and I both know he's going to be very reluctant to leave you. I had to come. It's the only way he'll know how serious I am." When she didn't respond immediately he kept going. "They're convinced he's gone rogue. They think they're coming back here to take over. Even if he surrenders, they're shooting first. They think they're putting down a rebellion. Chimera are going to die! This is my life's work. I'm not giving them an excuse to kill my son and my people because they've lost patience!"

"They aren't your people."

Nick snorted. "That just shows how little you know."

Sasha's stomach turned over.

Then Nick's hands went white-knuckled, and forcing himself, trembling, he stepped forward, towards Sasha—and towards the Creatures behind her. He was close enough then that even Sasha could smell his stress sweat.

"Look, believe me or don't. But even if I was exaggerating the danger—and I'm not!—you have to have seen enough to realize they won't just let Zev take Alpha without talking to them about it. And how happy do you think they're going to be about having their submissive Tiger replaced with a rogue wolf? They've already lost the use of him in operations. I'm not making this up. They're headed here with a full team and enough weapons to bring down the mountain. You won't even know they've stepped through before they'll be taking control. You guys aren't worth the work to them anymore. They'll take the ones they want and kill everyone else."

"Take… why would they take any if they aren't concerned about the experiment anymore?"

"Because these people are sick and the Chimera are their toys. Wake up, Sasha. You've walked into a man-made lab. These people are not animals. They're far more valuable. Far more fascinating." He leaned in again, his eyes fixed on hers. "Those people aren't accustomed to losing anything. To anyone. Let alone one of their own creations."

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