Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 231 - See And Be Seen

~ ZEV ~

Sasha tensed in his arm, but he didn't back down. When she straightened to look him in the eyes, she was measuring him.

She'd never liked his jealous side—never understood the need for it. She had no clue the thoughts males had, the ways they might take advantage of her. She thought he only wanted to keep her from other "men," as she called them. She didn't understand that he had watched some of the darkest and most brutal things men did to each other. He knew what could happen to the human body when a malicious man got his hands on it… and he refused to see that happen to her.

Though he was fairly confident that his brother wasn't a threat to Sasha, her attitude towards males—especially when she would need to work so closely with them—could put her in a position of danger. Especially in her world, but in other ways here in Thana.

"Zev," she said, her voice brimming with determination.

"No, listen to me, Sash. I might not like Lhars, or trust him. But I know he won't hurt you. But there are other males here we don't know. Males who were close to Xar. If you make a habit of hugging males, of sharing your scent… if you don't keep some level of separation between you and the males now that we're bonded, it will give those that might want to do you more harm an opportunity to get closer to you than is safe.

"Your humanness is an opportunity for us to use your differences as way to keep you apart—and we should do that until we're certain the hierarchy is stabilized, and no one is targeting you—or me, for that matter." He could admit to himself that it would also keep her away from Lhars who, for some reason was the only male he felt threatened by when it came to Sasha, but he knew she wasn't going to accept that his concerns were for his brother's trustworthiness, not hers.


"Sash, I'm serious. You can do this. I want you to do this. I want to help you succeed. And yes, you should own who you are. But does that really have to include you sharing scents with hundreds of other males?" He pinned her hand against his chest again. "What we have… we have to protect it. We have to cherish it. I can't… Right now, while this is new, the idea of you touching another male—"

"I'm not touching them in that way!"

"I know, but they might not understand that!"

Sasha's brow furrowed, and her fingers under his bent, digging into his chest as if she wanted to take hold of the heart beating under her palm.

"Zev, you can trust me."

"I know I can. I told you, it's not you I'm worried about."

That connection between them glowed, pulsed with their heartbeats, and for a moment they both just listened to it. Zev took comfort that her face softened as she did. He tightened his grip on her hand.

"Please, Sash. I'm not asking you to not to be here, not to talk to them. I'm asking you to keep yourself out of their arms."

Sasha took a deep breath and opened her mouth—to agree, he hoped—but at that moment the door from outside swung open and the man of the hour stalked inside, his eyes falling on their little clutch. He raised a single eyebrow and locked eyes with Zev.

"Down boy," he smirked. "I'm glad you're awake. I need to take Sasha-don."

"Take her where, Lhars?" Zev growled. He was weary and in pain, and every instinct screamed at him to get this male away from his mate, but he could barely move.

Lhars rolled his eyes. "To be seen. She needs to be seen and understood before she starts making changes. Oh, don't growl at me, brother. She stinks of you too much. I wouldn't display for her if she was the last female in Thana."

Sasha turned to Lhars, her lips twisted like she knew something Zev didn't. "No, I'm sure you wouldn't. Don't try to make him believe you're sacrificing for him though, Lhars…"

Lhars cut her a glare, and Sasha grinned. Zev didn't know whether to kiss her for setting his brother down, or snarl about whatever they both knew she was talking about that was flying right over Zev's head.

He opened his mouth to ask what he was missing, but Lhars got in first. "The wolves are set for after dinner. Yhet's outside to take you to for a meal when you're ready—and maybe a walk around the village afterwards? If you're serious about moving back to the City, we need to start organizing a shift. I thought I'd come and bring some of the Alphas to your table to break the ice before you have to start negotiating with them."

Sasha nodded. "Good idea."

"Negotiating what?" Zev growled, wishing his eyes didn't want to drag closed.

"The way forward," Sasha said briskly. "I have ideas. I'll fill you in today so you can help me refine them before the wolf council."

"Okay, but—"

"She needs to be seen, Zev. She was acknowledged, then left a couple hours later. Everyone's curious, and the relief of losing Xar is wearing off. They need to see her in control and moving."

"I wasn't arguing with that," Zev growled, bracing against the pain that crackled through his side with every new breath. "I just want to understand—"

The door flew open again, and all three of them startled. Zev groaned and his breath stopped, Sasha reaching for him in concern as one of the Sentries slid to a halt on her other side, throwing a salute, then pleading with his eyes.

Sasha felt all their eyes on her and turned back to find the male, quivering, eyes wide.

He's awaiting your instruction to speak, Zev said in her head. He probably would have just told me or Lhars, but he doesn't know how you're going to lead. Xar held the reins tightly.

Sasha gave a tiny nod, then turned to the male. "Any time you have important information, just tell me. Don't wait," she said quickly.

The male nodded, his breath rushing out.. "A human came through the Gateway fifteen minutes ago and he's on his way here."

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