Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 221 - The City Of Thana - Part 6

READER SHOUT OUT: Thank you (yes, YOU) for all your support of Zev & Sasha this month. I've been truly blown away. To say thank you, I've managed to write some extra content for the next couple weeks: Tomorrow when the month resets there will not only be 5 new chapters in Privilege, there will also be 2 standard release chapters as well (so if you buy top-tier privilege you'll receive 7 new chapters over the course of the day). And I am working on a mass release for the beginning of Volume 2 in about 12 days, so look forward to another FIVE chapters that day!

Thank you for everything you've given--your votes, gifts, comments, and encouragement have been a true gift to me to kick off 2022!


~ ZEV ~

They started towards the trail out of the city, and Zev bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from groaning. His entire body hurt. As soon as the adrenaline of Aurelia's appearance and threat had passed and he'd relaxed, he started to feel weak. He was carrying both bags on one shoulder to keep his sore side free, but that entire side of his ribs and back burned now.

Sasha hovered, but did a good job of keeping the twins focused on her and her questions, and not drawing their attention to him. But he was beginning to weaken. His knees felt a little shaky as they walked. He needed a drink—had planned to get one from the spring at the center of the city, but he wasn't going back now that they were finally moving towards the village.

He needed help.

Cursing to himself on the terrible timing, he barely caught it when Axe led them a little off the trail, to show Sasha a building that had a wall caving in so she could see the risks of certain spots in the city.

Normally, Zev would have stayed at the ground, guarded the entrance, and allowed them to move together. But he still didn't trust Aurelia with Sasha—and it was a single story structure, open on two sides. So he dropped the bags at the door and followed the others in.

It wasn't a lot discussion, maybe ten minutes, Sasha's eyes flicking to Zev's face more than once. But they'd expect her to be checking with him under the circumstances.

He struggled, wanting to stay far enough away from the twins that they wouldn't sense the heat coming off him, but close enough that he could help Sasha if there was threat.

By the time they turned to leave the building, his head was beginning to spin.

"You two should select the place you want to settle," Sasha said quietly as they moved out. "When we bring everyone back, if you're already established it will be a lot less likely that you'll lose your space. I'll do what I can to keep you wherever you choose—"

"Not the Alpha's home," Zev said through his teeth with a warning look at Aurelia. "You'll have to give that up. I'm sorry."

The female didn't meet his eyes, but Axe shrugged. "We moved out of there months ago. It's actually not that comfortable when there's only two of you."

"Well, just make sure you find the space that does make you comfortable," Sasha said. "I'll tell the males to leave you wherever it is."

Aurelia blinked, then finally met and held Sasha's gaze. "Thank you," she said quietly. "That's… thoughtful."

Sasha gave her a grim smile. "I'm not your enemy, Aurelia," she said. "I promise."

Everyone was still tense, but Zev could feel Aurelia thawing at that. Thankfully, the twins were as eager to be alone as he and Sasha were to leave, so the farewells, though stilted, were quick, the twins sinking into the forest as soon as they got out of the building, before Zev even had the bags back on his shoulder.

As soon as they disappeared, Sasha eyed Zev sharply, but he warned her in her head not to say anything until he told her they were free. Axe was an excellent tracker. He'd likely follow them to make sure they were truly headed back to the village.

So it they walked in silence for ten minutes until the hair on the back of Zev's neck stopped standing up and he heaved a sigh of relief. "I think we're alone now," he said quietly, hoisting the bags on his shoulder, wincing at the pain in his joints.

Sasha stopped walking immediately and held out her hand. "Give me my bag," she demanded, every ounce of her new Alpha authority pressed into those words.

"Sash, I'm—"

"Zev, you look like you're about to topple. Give me my bag!"

He sighed, but did as she said, embarrassed by the relief he felt.

She shook her head and pulled the one waterskin she'd packed out of her bag and handed it to him. "Drink. Right now. The whole thing."

"If I drink all of that now it'll just come right back up," he said, taking it from her. "I need to sip it while we walk."

Sasha's lips thinned. "Fine. Then… keep drinking. You go whatever pace you can stand and I'll follow."

He nodded and started walking again, sighing against the pain in his body, and the weakness of his knees.

Twenty minutes later he stepped over a root in the path they were now following and his head swam suddenly. He wavered sideways, caught himself on the trunk of the tree, then kept walking, but Sasha gasped and pulled him to a stop.

"How much longer will it take us to get to the village?" she asked worriedly, holding his arms.

"At this pace? Probably an hour, hour and a half." They were going to be the longest minutes of his life. He prayed he could sustain even this snail's pace that long. His vision was beginning to tunnel.

"Let's just leave our bags here," Sasha said firmly. "It'll make the walk easier, and maybe a little quicker. I'm sure Yhet can come get our bags for us."

"Sash, I'm—"

"You're not fine and would you please stop pretending so I won't get scared? I'm already scared, Zev. You're getting worse by the minute and you're too big and heavy for me to carry. I'm… you're scaring me already, okay? Please. Put the bag down. I'll leave mine too. And we'll just go as quickly as we can. Together."

He sighed, but knew she was right. Dropping the bag was a relief and it was easier to walk for the next half hour. But his vision continued to flash and flare, the edges darkening. He had to focus to keep his ears on the forest around them and make sure they wouldn't be surprised.

At some point he became aware of breath heaving… then realized it was his. Sasha wasn't talking, just holding his arm, leading him forward.

Then she turned to look up at him, and he looked down at her and he missed a hollow in the trail and when his foot jolted, his knee didn't brace, and he was going down.

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