Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 145 - Pretty Girl

10 DAYS LEFT! Zev's Werewolf competition closes on 5 January. I know it's an expensive time, but any comments, votes, Golden Tickets, gifts, chapters/privilege through 5 January help! I'm planning a mass release for January to say THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!



Sasha was standing in front of a tall, if slightly warped mirror that Kyelle had dragged out from behind the closet, staring at herself, with her mouth open in the feather-dress.

It flowed like water down her sides, hugging every curve, but with a softness to it that made her want to hug herself. The downy feathers drifted in the lightest airflow, making her feel like she floated, while softening every line and curve and hiding the seams, so the dress seemed like a second, very soft, very inviting skin.

Zev was going to freak.

"Kyelle," Sasha said, her mouth slightly dry. "This dress is incredible."

Kyelle smiled sadly. "Thank you. I designed it."

Sasha turned, snapping her head to look at the woman. "Seriously? You're so talented!"

But Kyelle shook her head. "No, it's very simple. It's just a fabric that is hard to achieve. It took me some time…"

Sasha shook her head, turning back to the mirror. "Why would you let me wear this?" she asked softly, stroking her hands down the sides.

Kyelle looked at her hands. "Because I don't believe I ever will, and I want to see it live. It should be… seen…" she said quietly.

There was a strange, tense moment between them, where Sasha finally understood what this was.

Kyelle had made this dress for herself, imagined herself wearing it to do this same ritual with Zev—wanted him to see it. She wanted to see him enjoy it.

But when she met the woman's eyes, they lit with alarm, and Kyelle raised a hand as if she would ask her not to speak.

Sasha almost choked swallowing the words back, but before she had to find an awkward bridge through the situation, the door swung open and a male voice on its other side said, "Kyelle, I'm sorry, I meant to drop by sooner but—"

Sasha tensed as Lhars appeared around the thick door, his face and posture relaxed until his eyes landed on her and he stopped, blinking, like he'd been smacked with a club and was still trying to figure out what had happened.

"I—Oh. Sasha. I…" Then he turned to find Kyelle standing next to her, who was reaching for a pin cushion she'd left on a small table beside them. He frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Sasha and Kyelle both said at the same time, them looked at each other. Kyelle even smiled slightly.

Lhars snorted. "Right."

"What did you need, Lhars?" Kyelle said, circling Sasha and pinching at the dress, testing where she might adjust it.

"I wanted to see if you were… I knew you were arranging the ritual and I wasn't sure if you needed… help," he ended lamely.

Sasha watched him warily, still uncertain of Zev's brother, especially given how he'd left the meeting the night before. But Lhars almost ignored her. If his eyes hadn't drifted back to her form in the dress a couple of times, she would have thought she wasn't even there.

"Thank you," Kyelle said, kneeling in front of Sasha to crouch and play with the hem of the dress. "Can you check with the Fire Master that he will set the bonfire?"

"Of course."

Sasha had the impression Lhars almost bowed. But his brow was lined—with frustration or worry.

"Are you…" he started, then swallowed with a glance at Sasha. "Is there anything I can get for you or to help?"

Kyelle shook her head without turning looking at him. "No, thank you. It's just going to be filling Sasha in and making sure she understands how it all works. Then getting the bonfire and feast organized." She continued fiddling with the hem, frowning at is, as if her mind wasn't really on what she was saying.

But Lhars watched Kyelle for a beat too long. And his expression was strange. It took her a moment, but then inspiration struck Sasha. Lhars looked like…

Lhars looked like Kyelle looked when she looked at Zev.



Sasha stared at Lhars and, as if she'd spoken his name, his eyes snapped to hers, widening when he saw her expression.

His face went brittle, a warning flashing in his eyes.

Sasha blinked. Oh, right. Stupid chimera scents and things.

But how could he smell her thinking it was sweet that he cared about Kyelle? And being sad that Kyelle hadn't noticed?

Maybe she was just giving off vibes.

Kyelle straightened from where she'd crouched to block Sasha's view of Lhars and her eyes caught on Sasha's.


Sasha blinked. "What?"

"You look as if you're startled. And you smell… pleased?"

"Do I?"

"Yes," Kyelle said, raising one eyebrow. "You should also know, when any of us are scheming, we all smell… sharper. Is there something you'd like to share, Sasha?"

"There's no secrets with you people," Sasha grumbled.

Lhars snorted and muttered something about humans being more perceptive than he gave them credit for, but flapped his hand when Kyelle turned to give him a questioning look.

"You're thoughtful to stop by, Lhars," Kyelle said, turning back to play with the neckline on the dress. "But it is likely Zev who needs more support today. My tasks are purely practical. His need… better judgment."

She shot him a look over her shoulder and Lhars' face lost all sense of the ache, and instead went hard. "He does not like to take advice on judgment from me."

"Then explain to him—calmly—how he's wrong," Kyelle said simply. "He will need you in the coming weeks. He knows that. He already said you remain in Second."

Lhars rolled his eyes and Sasha caught it. They stared at each other for a moment and she wondered… wondered how much he really was like Zev down deep. And whether standing in Zev's shadow was part of the cause for his darkness.

Sasha knew how that felt. She'd just always benefited from standing in Zev's shadow. To her, it was a safe place to be. She imagined that likely wasn't the feeling another man—especially his brother—would have, though.

She didn't think she could ask that though. And even if it was true, if it had darkened Lhars to the point of being toxic… she didn't want him around Zev. So she kept her mouth shut and waited for the two of them to discuss a few details, then Lhars bid them both goodbye.

"I'll see you at dinner," he said, his eyes on the back of Kyelle's neck.

"Probably," she said, sighing. "It'll depend."

Sasha pretended not to see the shadow that passed behind his eyes when she said that, and offered an awkward wave to the dark man as he tipped his head and opened the door again.

"Enjoy your afternoon, Sasha," he said politely.

"You too."

A shot of adrenalin raced through her veins for a split-second. But then she remembered, and relaxed.

At least she could be polite now.

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