Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 756 The Threat That Is The Cult.

It became a race of sorts with the winner being the first to bring the other to climax.

The fact that they were both capable of flight came into play twenty minutes after the implementation of the upside-down tactic.

Hal spread his devil wings but it was really Elenor's flight ability that took them up and kept them up. Hal's wings were basically insurance in case of a knockdown.

Anyway, the competition continued with intensity.

Hal had one hand teasing Elenor's clit and pinching it hard while his tongue explored her insides and focused at a point within her that most drove her crazy with pleasure.

Elenor had been pleasantly surprised when it only took Hal a minute of exploring her pussy with his elongated tongue to find that spot.

Alas, the pleasant surprise was a tad bitter Sweet as that spot became the main focus of Hal's oral attacks with which he drove her ever closer towards climax.

In retaliation, Elenor found the part of his cock that most resonated with his being and doubled down on it.

She also cast a Devil spell on her fingers and they increased the sensitivity of Hal's cock and intensified the pleasure she could cause him to feel.

Surely, anyone who happens to enter the hall was sure to find the scene peculiar but there was no denying how hot it was and how invested both Hal and Elenor were.

The goal was in sight and for the next hour, they both worked towards it.

And then, it happened...

Elenor reached the limit of how much she could hold back and she climaxed with a groan while spasming with his tongue still inside her.

She tightened her pussy around the long flexible fleshy muscle as though to stop it from maneuvering around inside her.

Meanwhile, seconds after Elenor's climax hit, Hal let loose his seed into her mouth, and even as she passed and groaned, the Devil Chieftess guzzled it all down.

Hal thrust his hips occasionally at Elenor which better facilitated his hard shots of cum down her gullet and in turn, Elenor contorted a fair bit during her climax.

She and Hal both slowly descended from the air to the ground where they lay with a bit of distance between them.

They just lay there for a minute in silence and then Hal smiled,

"I won," he said before getting to his feet and fixing his clothes while Elenor rolled her eyes,

"You were lucky," she said.

"Luck had nothing to do with it," he said with a chuckle while one of Elenor's hands went to her flat stomach while her other arm was across her forehead.

"So what was it? I admit you have skill... But skill is not enough to describe your very slim win"

Hal just shrugged,

"If you say so. Now I really must be leaving... I have matters to attend to" he said and approached the doors to the hall which he opened just enough to let himself hog was then closed behind him...  Leaving the Devil Chieftess lying on the ground while feeling the energy boost his seeds had granted her.

"Hmm, interesting..." she said with a wide smile "Very interesting"



Things were coming together nicely.

The movement of the Sapphirine Cult was finally at its height and it was now official that every single county in the Silva Duchy had accepted the faith of the Sapphirine Prince.

The influence of the Devil seed had spread to them all and the corruption of the Silva Duchy was almost complete... Almost.

The capital of the Duchy was still relatively untouched and as it was the location on which resided the most powerful individuals and families of the entire Duchy, complete control over the Duchy could not be claimed without control over it(The capital).

The good news was that this was happening sooner rather than later.

The capital was now isolated and on its own... Whatever support they had in the counties they controlled was now in the hands of the cult.

A lot had happened during the past week which Hal had spent mostly in the Harem Space attempting his breakthrough into the Semi-Saint realm.

It all actually started around the same time Hal was having his meeting with the Empress of the Haron Empire...

During this last week, the Silvas had finally begun to consider the cult an issue worth their attention.

They sent Envoys to Sapphire city, the source of this religion that had taken the Duchy by storm.

Along with the envoys, they also sent spies to better understand the Cult and how it was run as well as to better understand how much of a threat the cult could pose.

When the Envoys sought an audience with the Mayor though, they were all slaughtered... All of them to the very last man.

The High Priestess of the Cult, Selina Krast, tapped into the Devil seed, as she was allowed by Hal, and used it to pinpoint the location of every intruder following which, they were all found and executed with their communication Talismans confiscated.

Rita then used one of the talismans to contact the base they had deployed from to deliver a chilling message that expressed the intent for combat.

"Every county that accepts the faith of the Sapphirine Prince will henceforth be separate from the authority of the Silvas and no longer pay tribute."

She did not wait to receive a reply and disconnected soon after.

Getting rid of the envoys that were sent to the City as well as the spies had been especially easy on account of them all not being past the peak Phenomenon realm.

It took their deaths for the strength of the members of the Sapphirine Cult to truly be respected and wary of.

When the next envoys were sent to the cult, a distance was maintained and the tone was purely antagonistic.

No diplomacy was employed.

Sapphire city was warned to stop this rebellion of theirs as they were reminded of the massive gap in strength between their backwater location and the Duchy capital within which resided powerful families like the Silvas and the Danes.

The response from Sapphire city was always disrespectful and their stance never changed. In fact, they still found ways to kill some of the enjoys sent despite the distance that was maintained.

Thing was, despite the words of the envoys which had downplayed their strength, they were now being taken seriously by the Silvas.

All counties had affirmed that as long as the center of their new-found faith in their new-found god was still standing, they would not submit to outside authority.

The Silvas of course considered this all to be just a convenience for the counties who were uniting under a common banner and were using that banner as an excuse but even then, the Sapphirine Cult was decided as deserving of annihilation.

Once the cult was destroyed, the proper sanction could be mete to the fools that were the counties.

A small battling force, straight from the capital was organized and sent forth to Sapphire city to the very root of the infestation that was faith in this false god.

The Kirsten Barony which possessed the most direct teleportation circle to arrive on from the Duchy capital, if one were to be making a move towards Sapphire city, was quickly swarmed by the armed forces sent from the Duchy capital.

They imposed martial law on the entire barony and locked it down with their sights set on Sapphire City.

"Baron, I know you have all been bamboozled by this false religion and might be feeling an obligation to fight alongside them but I assure you, no good can come from such a decision.

You will not want to get on the bad side of the great Silva Duke and his allies in the Capital" said the commander of the battle force that had overrun the Kirsten Barony.

"No, Commander Ghan, I suppose I would not," said Baron Aaro.

Commander Ghan scoffed,

"The Duke has nothing against the practice of religion... The gods my family defers to are surely different from that of the Silvas or the Danes but one thing that is not allowed is to use religion as a banner for rebellion.

One can only hope that all this rubbish of a Sapphirine Prince is rid of with the defeat of that insufferable city."

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