Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 339: See Brother Li

Chapter 339

After changing into fresh clothes, Yi Bing applied a light makeup.

With her new look, Yi Bing admired herself in the mirror and felt satisfied.

"Let's go," Huang De Han urged softly.

Seeing how Yi Bing had put so much effort into dressing up, he felt a sense of unease.

Yi Bing hooked her arm through Huang De Han's, and as soon as they stepped out of the inn, a van stopped right in front of them.

The door opened, revealing three men sitting inside.

They shamelessly ogled Yi Bing, wearing malicious smiles on their faces.

One of the men even whistled at Yi Bing in a vulgar manner.

Feeling a sense of fear, Yi Bing instinctively held onto Huang De Han's arm and asked softly, "Are they your friends?"

Huang De Han nodded and climbed into the van.

Although he didn't like the men in the van, Yi Bing still followed Huang De Han inside.

Once they were seated, Huang De Han tightly held onto Yi Bing's hand, afraid that she might resist if someone tried to blindfold them.

Fortunately, no one blindfolded them.

Huang De Han let out a sigh of relief.

The van drove straight ahead, and Huang De Han felt anxious and uneasy, but he didn't dare to ask too many questions.

The atmosphere inside the van was oppressive, which made Yi Bing feel uneasy. She leaned closer to Huang De Han and asked softly, "Where are we going?"

Huang De Han didn't know either. He gently squeezed Yi Bing's hand and tried to reassure her, "We'll find out when we get there."

Yi Bing furrowed her brows, sensing that Huang De Han was hiding something from her, but she couldn't ask too much while they were in the van.

Soon, the van stopped at a KTV.

"Let's go, Brother Li is waiting for you upstairs," one of the men said loudly to Huang De Han.

Feeling even more uneasy after seeing how impolite the man was towards Huang De Han, Yi Bing didn't want to accompany him to meet any friends.

After getting off the van, she said to Huang De Han, "I don't want to go. I don't know your friends."

"We've come this far, how can we not go?" Huang De Han quickly coaxed. "Please, come up with me to meet a friend."

Yi Bing wanted to say something more, but the three men urged them, "Hurry up!"

Huang De Han quickly grabbed Yi Bing's hand and followed the three men into the KTV.

Yi Bing followed Huang De Han into the private room of the KTV, feeling confused and disoriented.

The room was lively, with several well-dressed men and women dancing to energetic music, having a great time.

Some men sat on the couch, blowing smoke rings.

One of them was Brother Li. When he saw Huang De Han entering with Yi Bing, he quickly waved at them.

Huang De Han held Yi Bing's hand and walked towards Brother Li.

Brother Li patted the couch next to him, and Huang De Han understood, so he asked Yi Bing to sit next to Brother Li while he sat beside Yi Bing.

Yi Bing noticed the scar on Brother Li's face and felt scared. Subconsciously, she moved away from him.

Brother Li looked at Yi Bing with satisfaction, smiled, picked up a glass from the table, and handed it to her, saying, "Beautiful lady, have a drink with me."

"Yi Bing coldly refused, 'I'm sorry, I don't drink.'

Huang De Han grew increasingly nervous, worried that Brother Li would get angry. He was about to persuade Yi Bing to have a drink when he saw Brother Li put down his wine glass and pick up a glass of juice from the table.

'Can you at least have the juice?' Brother Li asked, holding up the glass.

Yi Bing was still considering refusing, but Huang De Han quickly took the juice from Brother Li's hand and urged Yi Bing, 'Come on, be a good sport and give Brother Li some face. Let's toast Brother Li with the juice instead of alcohol.'

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