Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 113: The Provocation of the Mistress

Chapter 113

But things weren't as simple as Tan Xi Yuan had imagined.

She wanted to escape, to bury her head in the sand like an ostrich, but someone wouldn't allow her to have her way.

One morning, when she woke up and habitually checked her phone, she discovered a text message from an unknown number: "I'm pregnant."

That message hit her like a heavy bomb, exploding in her heart and leaving it in a state of bloody mess. In an instant, a tremendous dull pain spread from her heart to every fiber of her being.

Her vision went black, and she collapsed onto the bed.

Tears streamed down uncontrollably as she clutched her chest, curling up in agony, her body trembling uncontrollably.

The thing she least wanted to happen had come to pass. Despite being mentally prepared for it, she couldn't accept it. She lay on the bed, wailing and sobbing.

Lu Feng had already left for work, leaving only Tan Xi Yuan alone at home.

After crying for a long time, she slowly began to accept the reality.

What else could she do but accept it? Who was to blame but herself for being unable to conceive?

But her heart ached so much. Didn't he say it didn't matter if they didn't have a child? Didn't he promise to love her forever?

Why was he betraying her now?

Why? Was it because she couldn't bear children?

Tan Xi Yuan felt a sense of injustice in her heart. She picked up her phone and replied to the unfamiliar number: "So what if you're pregnant? Lu Feng loves me, not you. He just wanted a child, that's all. Thank you for helping us conceive. Don't worry, I will treat this child as my own. Once the child is born, you can get lost!"

After sending the message, Tan Xi Yuan suddenly felt a sense of relief. She consoled herself, saying, "Yes, Lu Feng still loves me. He just wanted a child, and he had no other choice."

A quick response came back: "You're really pitiful. Even now, you're still deceiving yourself."

Yes, she had just sought momentary comfort with her words. Lu Feng had already impregnated another woman. How could he still love her?

If he still loved her, how could he do such a thing?

She was only deceiving herself, and it was truly pitiful.

But she didn't want to admit it. She retorted, "You're the pitiful one. Getting pregnant without being married, you shameless woman!"

Tan Xi Yuan wasn't an uncultured person, but in her anger, she forgot about manners and etiquette. Right now, she just wanted to tear apart the woman involved.

In the past, when she saw the original wife attacking the other woman, she didn't care, thinking that if anyone should be hit, it should be her own husband. What was the use of hitting the other woman? If it wasn't this woman, it would be another. The real culprit was the man.

But now that it had happened to her, she realized how infuriating it was.

People who could become the other woman weren't simple individuals. To put it bluntly, they were shameless. Would a respectable person become someone's mistress?

Since she herself was shameless, she couldn't blame others for hitting her.

Such people truly deserved to be beaten.

Just like the woman who sent her that message. She clearly knew that the man she was with had a wife, yet she still chose to be with him and even got pregnant. It would have been one thing if she had just gotten pregnant, but she also sent a message to the original wife, provoking her. Tell me, shouldn't a woman like this be beaten?

A woman like her deserves to be beaten to death without any injustice!

The other person seemed to be provoked, as their response was a bit slow: "Regardless, the one who will have the last laugh is me. You, this useless mother hen, better make way and don't end up making a fool of yourself in the end."

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