Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 111: Pick Up the Plane

Chapter 111

Under the cover of night, the plane slowly descended at Anbao Airport.

Long Kun walked out of the cabin carrying a small cloth bag.

Gu Ya's driver, Da Wei, stood among the crowd, holding a sign with the words "Long Kun" written on it.

As soon as he saw someone coming out, he quickly raised the sign high above his head.

A middle-aged man with half-white hair and a cold gaze approached him.

"Hello, are you Master Long Kun?" Da Wei respectfully asked.

The man nodded, his face expressionless and cold.

"Please follow me. Our madam is waiting for you at the hotel," Da Wei slightly bowed, extending his right hand and making a gesture of invitation.

Although Li Man's poison had been cured, Gu Ya still received Long Kun.

Because she wanted to make friends with such a master, as they say, the more friends, the more paths there are. Perhaps there would be a use for it in the future.

Although she had no ill intentions, she also had to guard against others harming her.

If she encountered another incident of being poisoned, she would be able to handle it.

She wouldn't have to make phone calls everywhere, begging for help like she was doing now.

After confirming that Li Man was safe and sound, Chen Xiaohui left. She was going to the hospital to take over the care of her daughter from Tan Xi Yuan, who had been taking care of her daughter for a whole day and night.

An Xin's body had almost recovered, and she would be discharged from the hospital in a few days.

"You're here. How is Li Man? Is she okay?" Tan Xi Yuan asked Chen Xiaohui eagerly as soon as she entered the ward.

Chen Xiaohui smiled and said, "Don't worry, she's fine. The poison has been cured."

Upon hearing this, Tan Xi Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. When she learned that Li Man had been poisoned, she was extremely worried.

"That's good. It's really a blessing!" Tan Xi Yuan clasped her hands together, looking devout.

Chen Xiaohui was amused by Tan Xi Yuan's appearance and said, "Li Man is fine, it has nothing to do with the heavens. If it weren't for Gu Ya threatening Huang Dehan with a phone call, he wouldn't have produced the antidote."

"I knew it was Huang Dehan's doing. He's really despicable." Tan Xi Yuan said angrily.

"Not just despicable, he's downright insane and heartless, a human-faced beast." Chen Xiaohui cursed.

The two of them cursed Huang Dehan and his ancestors for eighteen generations, but they still couldn't let go of their resentment.

"Is that all we're going to do? Why don't we report him to the police and catch him?" Tan Xi Yuan said with dissatisfaction.

"Gu Ya has already reported him to the police, but because of insufficient evidence, they can't charge him with a crime."

"How can there be insufficient evidence? Didn't he give you the antidote? If it wasn't him who poisoned you, how could there be an antidote?" Tan Xi Yuan was puzzled.

"The problem is that Li Man was poisoned with a curse, not a poison. Curses can't be detected in hospitals, and since Li Man is fine now, you can't convict him. So in the end, he can only be released without charges."

"He's really getting away with it." Tan Xi Yuan said indignantly.

"What else can we do?" Chen Xiaohui sighed helplessly and comforted her, "Alright, don't be angry. Go back and rest."

"Alright, I'll go take a shower. I didn't shower last night, and I feel uncomfortable all over."

Tan Xi Yuan stood up and stretched lazily. "An Xin, Auntie is leaving now. I'll come to see you again tomorrow."

"Okay, Auntie. Take care," An Xin replied with a smile.

Wang Jun Feng didn't come, and An Xin has become more cheerful now.

Tan Xi Yuan returned home to a dark and empty house. He pushed open the bedroom door but didn't see Lu Feng.

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