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Chapter 145: Slera (3)

Chapter 145: Slera (3)

The moment the old man, Renryth entered into the castle hallways with a firm voice on meeting the kingMost, if not all the slimes within the area turned towards him in a bewildered manner.

"...him? He is the one who was with Sanke before, right?"

"What the? I thought he was banned from here!"

"Banned? Wasn't he imprisoned?"

Soon meeting eyes with the human, countless murmurs began to resound through the hallways.

"R-Renryth... Did we had to barge in like that?" Rustly muttered out. "Now we're the center of attention..."

"It's fine. It doesn't matter whether rumours of me are spread around or not. It's partially my fault in all this anyway," Renryth uttered out as he soon scanned around the area. "Now where is he?"

"...Renryth?" Though the old man was searching around the area in a hurried manner, he didn't need to as Reru called out to him in a hushed voice. "What are you doing here? You know that you'll cause a ruckus here..."

"Ah, Reru. You're here," noting that Reru was over by the corners of the hallway which led into the king's chamber

"Ah. Reru, you're here." Noting that Reru was over by the corner of the hallway that led into the king's chamberRenryth quickened his steps as he walked over to him. "Is the group back yet?"

"The humans? No," Reru seemed to be shaking his head. "I thought you'd be the first to see them?"

"Ugh... Never mind," Renryth hurriedly shook his head. "We'll have Rustly wait for them instead. For now... Where is his majesty?"

"The last I saw of him was in his chambers," the guard stated. "Though, it's off-limits now with his orders of everyone leaving the premise..."

"Off-limits?" Renryth raised his brow. "No... That isn't good. We're in trouble now."

"Huh? trouble in what sense?" the guard tilted his head.

"...tch, there's no time to explain," Renryth clicked his tongue as he turned his head over to Reru. "Reru, show me the way to his chambers. I'll find a way to get myself in."

"Right," Reru nodded his head.

"What about us?" Rustly questioned.

"The group should be coming here at any moment now. So, go to them and inform them on what's going on," Renryth stated. "Though... Is Madam Ru still around? If so... Could you please go to her too and request help from her?"

"Madam Ru? Just what's going on?" the guard seemed to be raising his brow.

"Ahh, Erith! Just come with me and you'll see!" Rustly attached himself over to Erith. Soon after, he dragged him away, quickly heading out of the hallway.


Through the Catacombs of the Deserted Sanke, the group hurriedly made their way through as they reached towards the end of the hall. Soon after, they quickly noted that the passage that led into the library was still open.

"Alright, we're at the castle now," Shinto nodded his head as the group entered the castle. "Now... All we have to do is to find where Reru and Rustly are and

The moment Shinto mentioned Rustly's name, he heard a sudden loud shout coming from the entrance of the library.

"GLOOP! GLOOP!" The voice of a slime rang throughout the area, though it wasn't understandable to a normal human's ear.

"Well speak of the devil..." Shinto muttered out as he took out [ Necklace of the Gloop ] which had its content updated post-battle with Sanke from his inventory.

[ Necklace of the Gloop ]

Rarity: Rare

Stats: +70% Poison RES / Damage against enemies inflicted with Slow +10% / +60 MP

*The passive 'Gloop Understanding Proficiency' is generated.

*The passive 'Let's be Friends, Gloop!' is generated.

A necklace that seemed to be made from the goo of the king slime. Once cherished as a national treasure, now abandoned due to the darkness which had previously enshrouded it.

Condition(s): Only when you receive permission from a slime will you be eligible to wear this item.


"Ack- Rustly! Could you stop dragging me?!" Erith cried out. "I can walk on my own..."

"Ahem- My bad! It's just that we're in a hurry!" Rustly stated. "Anyways, humans! Or whoever has the necklace on right now! What's the status update of Sanke?"

"...Rustly," Hearing the question from him, Shinto helplessly let out a sigh. "We failed to defeat him. He ran away at the last hit which is why..."

"He wasn't defeated?" Rustly's expression turned difficult. "So it's true... Then we've got no time!"

"'s because of the Pendant of Flaming Purity, isn't it?" Shinto uttered.

"Huh?" Rustly mumbled out in slight confusion as he heard Shinto's words. " do you know fo such thing?!"

"...the Pendant of Flaming Purity?" Erith seemed to be raising his brow. "What's that? Is it what Sanke's after all this time?"

"..." Noting that the slime beside Rustly seemed to know nothing of the pendant, he nodded his head as he soon continued his sentence. "I heard from Sanke. He said something about the Pendant of Flaming Purity or something."

"Ugh... He said it? We're in the deep now..." Rustly seemed to be frowning. "Whatever! Humans, please go to Renryth this instant! We gotta prevent Sanke from taking the Pendant away!"

"What about you?" Shinto questioned.

"I have to see Madam Ru, it's very important! Anyways, Erith will take you to him, so please shoo!" Rustly cried out as he soon left the premise.

"...umm, translation?" Frey asked in a confused tone seeing that Rustly had left the room in such a hurry. "Like, what the heck's going on?! Pendant of Flaming Purity? What's this about? Huh?! What did I miss?!"

"Mmm... This is confusing. Why is this confusing?" Kon cried out.

"Hah... What are we supposed to do now?" Raina inquired. "From what I got from the conversation... Sanke's after this item and but the reasons to us is unknown?"

"More or less. We have to head to see the Renryth now, so..." Turning towards the guard, he soon gestured. "Would you lead the way?"

"...I feel like I'm the most confused out of everyone here..." Erith muttered out as he soon shook his head. "Argh, it's this way."


Within the throne room, a giant slime restlessly leapt around the room.

"...the curse is lifted, but I can still feel Sanke's darkness and sin..." Leloop muttered to himself. "It's growing more and more..." Stopping at his footsteps, he soon turned towards the empty throne. "If Sanke were to head here... It means that the Pendant bestowed upon Uriel of Eden is not safe any longer..."

With a sigh, the king leapt over towards the throne as he shook his body to the right. Soon after, shaking it to the left and then jumping up and down.

"Oh light of flames whom you bless us," Leloop chanted out. "Reveal thy way and open up the gates to the purifying flame."

Ending his chant, the throne room suddenly shook as the walls behind the throne tore apart, quickly opening up a hidden passage behind it.

"It has been a long time since I walked into this place..." Leloop mumbled to himself. "Was it ever since Lier's death? She was such a kind soul..."

With words of regret, the king entered into the passageway.


Thuck Thuck Thuck...

Into the dark passageway, the king of SlerasLeloop paved the way through it.


The hallway was eerie. It was quiet and the atmosphere was that of darkness fully enveloping the area.


Upon reaching towards the end of the hallwayThe king quickly took notice of a glass casing at the front. Although he was underground, there was small gleaming sunlight shining down on the glass, revealing that of a small golden pendant within it.

[ Pendant of Flaming Purity ]

"It's still here..." Leloop let out a sigh of relief as he made his way over towards the glass casing. Soon after, with a deep breath, he hurriedly shot out a ball of slime over to its glass, soon breaking it. "I can no longer protect it with my weakened body... However, I can still move it away before he comes."

Grabbing hold onto the pendant within his body, he soon hurriedly turned around. However, the moment he did so, the king's eyes widened in shock.

"Kukukuku... It seems you were a minute ahead of me?" At the sight of the figure in front of him, Leloop noted that it was Sanke. "Hmm... Maybe I shouldn't have lifted the curse for an easier time to take this item? But then... Renryth and Reru wouldn't be able to revel before this sight."

With darkness suddenly protruding out into the room, Sanke shot out a ball of shadows onto Leloop, soon pushing him back.

"Ack...!" Leloop cried out as the pendant dropped onto the floor.

"Kukuku... I'll be taking this," Sanke smirked. "You do not have to worry about what's to happen to this place. The blessing of her flames is futile for you all. It is much better within my hands."

"Sanke... You..."

"Hahaha... Please, sleep for a while. I'm sure you haven't gotten enough sleep ever since the curse?" Sanke chuckled as his figure slowly disappeared away from the area. "Have a nice rest after a long time, your majesty."

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