Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 197 Apocalypse Of Therut (9): Antares Vs Hallan (1)





Just standing on the same point, their swords drew arcs from different angles and every time they clashed there was a resounding clang that tore the atmosphere. It was not even an intense fight it looked like a mere greeting as both of them were standing at one point.

"I have never heard of you. How can a man of your caliber be in Therut." Hallan Lamar retracted his hand as the shook from the impact of Raith's sword.

Having gotten the hang of Bal's attack power dispensation, Raith released a tremendous amount of it every time he swung his sword toward Hallan Lamar. It was a sudden gravitational release making the sword heavier than it normally is.

Raith's hand shook from having to consistently manage a weight like that without showing that he was going through any difficulty swinging his sword.

"Man of my caliber? What do you mean by that?"

Raith asked him. He didn't consider it to be much so when Hallan said a man of his caliber he was unsure whether to take it as a compliment or as an insult.

"You are strong and you understand me. And yet it seems like you are a little bit crazed. Indeed unique."

"Sorry, did you call me craze?"

"Why else would you suddenly attack me all of a sudden when you have not even gotten the answer to your question."

"I thought you were going to attack me since you look like you weren't ready to answer my question... so I attacked first," Raith replied with a little frown.

He was being serious, Hallan Lamar had tensed his muscle so hard that Raith had thought he was going to strike anytime soon and before that would even dare happen before he would allow another ruler to outdo him, he lunged his strike. Hallan Lamar blocked and immediately countered but Raith blocked again and so that was how the intense exchange began.

The dark sky returned to normal under their brief pause.

Raith looked up at the skies that looked like the final shining of the sun after intense rainfall.

Somehow the beautiful skies reminded Raith that he came here for the archons. As much as he wanted to know how Hallan Lamar was able to crossover, he also wanted to know about the archons. There was so much and he didn't know how to deal with it.

He looked down at his feet, it was clear ground but even Hallan Lamar felt he was staring at something beyond the ground.

'This might be a perfect opportunity to see this guy's skills'

Raith took two steps backward and smiled at Hallan Lamar, some kind of decisive smile because he was about to give him the shocker of his life.

"Rise, Antares"

"Yes, My King" His voice bellowed from the smoke that immediately loomed around Raith's lower body.

It was as if he was waiting to be called and his voice put a tremendous tension in the air, familiar but somewhat unfamiliar. Hallan Lamar was composed and focused on what was to appear next as the smoke rose.

More suspense rose in his heart as the smoke thickened forming a solid mass on the ground and from it came out a hand, a clawed black hand.

Hallan Lamar's sword stiffened from the shock of attack as Antares flung out of the darkness, unseen by many, few with keen eyes saw him as a blur.

Hallan Lamar, shocked and perplexed stumbled two steps back dealing with the recoil of having to deal with a power such as that.

He turned his eyes back to see who the damn striker was.

On the edge of a crumbled debris was standing an entity, exuding pure malice and a murderous aura, he stood with his black claws carved out and almost shining. The black smoke that faintly swirled around it hinted to every strong person in the area of a familiar and unwelcome feeling.

It was because they were strong that they were even able to perceive this much. Another soul would probably have lost their head having no idea what is happening or die from the chokiness of this noxious aura.

Hallan Lamar cocked his head as the familiarity now made sense as he saw the ant's full appearance. But he hesitated to speak at first, carefully observing the ant.

'Could I be mistaken? He looks so much like him, there's no way I'd be mistaken. But he feels different...'

"He looks like an old acquaintance of yours does he not?" Raith said as he stepped closer to him.

Hallan Lamar looked at him with a careful frown and turned his gaze back to the Antares.

"Dharma." He called out with an authoritative and commanding tone.


The death ant flared out, spreading its four hands in a mad frenzy. Like it had been defiled.

He looked down at Hallan Lamar from where he stood, with his shoulders shuddering, one would have thought he was in an ecstatic state if not for the frown that was on its eyes.

Hallan Lamar was still careful in his look. He had called out with the voice of a ruler. When a namer calls his named, there is an authority dispensed on the tone, an authority that makes it very impossible to resist the voice of the caller. Any attempt to resist will bring the named crumbling to its knees.

Much more when it is in regards to a ruler, that authority is stronger than normal, so even if there was an external influence, signs that the ant was struggling should have been seen.

But that was not the case.

"How dare you? How dare you call me by the name of a filth. I am Antares. Antares, you goddamned motherfucker! Antares the Major of the army of death, commander of the vanguard unit!"

He glared at him pointing with one hand, "Let it sink deep into your goddamned head. Do not address me by that humiliating name."

His response was so fierce that Hallan felt utterly embarrassed.

"What have they done to you, dear child?" Hallan's face crumpled to a sad countenance.

"This motherfucker" 

Vile, Antares's words were very vile but it was nothing extraordinary when the amount of brains he had consumed was taken into play. Even in the human realm, he has eaten a lot of brains and has a lot of information, cultures, behaviors at his disposal and so there could be some drastic change in the way he behaved sometimes, and his words might come out even more vile or sensible than a normal human would put forth.

"My king can grant me the privilege to dispose of this trash." He bowed his back ninety degrees to the front.

Raith chuckled, "Why else did I call you? Take care of him." He said and turned to the direction of the town, it was also the direction of the temple, the temple where he was made a hero.

He took a short sigh and glanced back at his father who was looking at him with trembling eyes. Ever since his entrance until now, none of them have been able to settle with the fact that this is Raven Raith, that same Raven Raith.


He had nothing to say, just a pitiful look backed up by the regret of having this man for a father.

"Then... let's go"

The two summoned wyrms shuddered as that humongous wings plunged out of the floor and darted away with Raith.

"Oh oh oh... what is that?"

Even they had no idea.

Amber stood frozen, she had almost stretched out her hand to call for Raith but hesitated the moment the death wyvern came out.

'I'm not mistaken right, that is Raven.' She swung her head in Lambert's direction. If there's anyone that can confirm her speculation then it would be him.

Like a spring she hopped and landed in front of him, destroying the ground to small craters. But she didn't care about that.

She grabbed the old man by the collar, her brows tightly furrowed and her eyes scrunched.

"That man, that man just now. That is him right? Your son."

Lambert frown immediately after she mentioned his son, he twisted away her hand from his clothes causing her to writhe in pain as he stood up, twisting her hand.

"Were you not taught?" He glared at her with his eyes gleaming murderously. He was angry but his facial expression was calm and collected. However, the look in his eyes suggested to her that she might lose her head should she dare what she did again.

The old man had been shaken from seeing someone he deemed a failure and useless stand so mightily in front of him, which was why he was able to try that nonsense in the first place. No, Lambert Dellagado was no slouch even though he is old.

He adjusted his shirt, "I have no child as such." He mumbled and turned.

The fascinating scene of the black humanoid ant cornering Hallan Lambert immediately caught his fancy. Even before him, Draear and the other heroes from the Island who just arrived had been so fixated on the battle.

This was a different level of fight than any of them had ever seen.

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