Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 193 Apocalypse Of Therut (5)


The air shattered with a boom impact as Hallan's fist sent Alexander flying back.

The man looked at his smoking fist and frowned.

With the body of a demon, Hallan had now reached a realm that it was impossible for the human body to attain. His physical capabilities were at a stage were no human can bear, except he wanted to hold back intentionally. That blow was intended to kill Emperor Alexander once and for all.

'Tch, am I subconsciously soft on him because of my relationship with him'

Having hardened himself for this moment, Hallan Lamar expressed a bit of disappointment in himself. Of all his students, Alexander truly was different– even though he had said he wanted to keep him alive so he would see the truth, he wished to kill the young Emperor because he was a weakness. And he hated weaknesses.

His brows deeply furrowed he walked forward– Emperor Alexander's white fabric crackled with a fire shield that had been dispelled milliseconds before Hallan's blow connected with his chest– he was already up on his feet, holding up his sword.

He cast his glance to the side where his brother and some other knights had passed out. 'I can't allow this drag on for long.'

Alexander was no slouch, he was once referred to as a strong hunter too, if not for diplomatic duties, he probably would have been a level O hunter by now. His perceptive and judgmental eyes especially had proved to be very crucial in every battle.

He slanted his sword, angling his elbow backward for a horizontal attack.



A blast of fire exploded from his back and catapulted him forward.

"How useless."

Hallan's word was filled with emptiness, with a bitter face his hand covered Alexander's field of view. Before the Emperor could know what had transpired, his backbone shrieked in pain as he found himself embedded into a webbed-cracked floor.

Hallan Lamar's hand went up opened in the air, a green energy crackled, materializing into a dreadful spear —as the and came down so did the spear, very close.

Alexander rolled away in the nip of time. Watching in unbelief as the ground was supersonically razed, every stone integrating to sound when the spear stabbed the ground.

'That would have been me?'

Unbelievable! He was sure that his speed using Hollow was at least ten times better than a gunshot, by his experience and calculation, he should have appeared in front of his opponent in the blink of an eye.

'Did I slow down? Was I lacking?'

Unadmitting that Hallan Lamar had gotten stronger than he could comprehend, he doubted his skills instead.

"Do you have the time to be thinking like that?"


Alas, it was true as he had suspected, this man was not just a monster in appearance. His skill was like that of a monster.

The Emperor managed to parry the spear tip that was almost at his nose but his entire arm shivered.

Not taking a recess, the spear came back and swing again towards him. He blocked it again.

Again and again from both angles, he continued to block matching the blurry speed of the spear.

Both of them were locked in a fiery exchange that could only be seen as sparks flying. Hallan Lamar's hand movements were snappy, he was holding the spear in the middle and effectively making use of its flexibility to increase the force.

With that much force, even though Alexander was blocking and matching the speed, his muscles were getting worn out.

He blocked a few times but began to slow down

Whish whish whish

Shallow tears appeared on his face and arms amidst the intense exchange.


He couldn't hold onto it anymore, his muscles were giving in.

As he swung to block the coming attack


His sword went flying upward.

"Pick it."

Hallan Lamar stood back with a frown on his face, ever since he had worn a sorrowful expression, his initial mockery face had been discarded. He was serious.

Emperor Alexander was familiar with this seriousness.

He bowed his head, for a moment hiding away his facial expression.

"Are you deaf, I said pick it up."

"Your Majesty"

Hallan Lamar made a flinching pause. The air changed that was why.

"You motherfucka, how dare you speak rudely to the Emperor!"


A man with heavy armor landed on Hallan, desecrating the concrete in that same minute.

"Your majesty, you can't use your dust here. If you use it, your life force will be taken away from you. I can't leave with having to see you wither away because you fought to protect us."

Kathan the Empire's general that succeeded Kollen Asbury who died in the level 10 dungeon raid a few months ago.

He had a hulky body to carry that large armor of his and it explained why there was so much impact when he landed. He held the sharked shape greatsword with both arms as he turned to the Emperor's opponent.

"I will protect your majesty. Please seek refuge somewhere, safe, the heroes are–

What was left of him was a showering of blood as his head rolled into the air.

Alexander was left with a fallen mouth.


This is the Empire's general we are talking about, age apart, no hero had successfully defeated him in combat, it was not because no hero was stronger than him but rather because of his experience on the battlefield. That is why you find the Empire's generals being men that are still filled with vigor despite their old age– that is because the soldiers do not only need a strong man, they need a wise man, whose senses and judgment had been formed by hundreds of battlefields.

He had undergone rigorous training after becoming the Empire's general, Kathan was especially known for his hard work. And he was strong!

Yet such a man, in one swing?

"How irritating... vile human."

What Alexander's eyes saw left him with a thousand questions in his head.

Very much, if Hallan wanted to kill him from the beginning he wouldn't be standing here right now.

Hallan kicked away the general's head and looked to Alexander. "Now, your majesty... as you demanded. Pick your sword and let us continue."

He swirled his spear and pointed slammed the bottom on the ground, standing at ease.

Emperor Alexander was left feeling like this guy had come to play with him.

'No matter what I do, he just wants to amuse himself.' He bowed his head in frustration once again.

'Do I really have no choice?'

Kathan had jumped in when he was about to unleash his dust ability. He had jumped in to protect him but it was all futile, Alexander was filled with so much bitterness, fighting to live would honor the man's sacrifice but he would be throwing his pride out the window.

He didn't care if he died, there are some things that an Emperor must not be found doing. Such is running.

'I'm sorry Kathan.'

He said opening his hand to the air.


After wriggling on the floor, Tempest; his flamberge flew into his hands.


The air out of his clenched teeth became hot and so did the air around.

Hallan Lamar switched to a scrutinizing gaze, carefully laying his eyes upon the Emperor. For he of all people knew how strong the heroes of Therut can be even though. They are surrounded by fallacies.

The truth is that the archons' dust is real, the power that heroes have are real and truly they are given by archons and so it is real but it is a mere fragment of the true power they can have. Yet all this power was bound to return to the rightful owner once they woke up. They will be left with nothing and see the true colors of the archons.

What did he see? At what point did he begin to realize? How did it all happen? Hallan Lamar was a man that piqued many questions. He knew so much that it was only right that the origin of his knowledge should be questioned.

The Emperor in his turmoil of thoughts demanded these answers but right now only one thing mattered.

'I will restore my honor when I kill you.'

His anger rose from within and became almost palpable outside– yellow flames shimmered from just sparks to fire, burning his body and elegant suit.

His skin darkened, a burn effect to the flames but in that was the underlying appearance of the power of his dust.

The throne archon dust: Honor And Power, it granted him enormous power in exchange for his life force and honor on the line. The more dishonorable the situation is, the more he was bound to get stronger.

Although this is a bit tricky, if the opponent should find out, all they just had to be is be sincerely honorable to him and he won't be able to bring out his true potential. But there was no way others would know– Therut heroes don't speak of their dust attributes to each other for a reason.

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