Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 156 Domain Of Darkness

There was no end to them no matter how much, cut one it turns to two, cut two it turns to four and it kept multiplying over and over again, that the whole place was surrounded with Raith and Jarvis trapped in the middle of them.

"Ah... you have pushed my back against the wall," Raith said, relaxing his formerly tensed composure, he was in a stance that readied him to take action anytime, whether it was attack or defense but now he was standing freely with the edge of his blade pointing to the ground.

"Have you finally decided to give up?" The clones uttered altogether.

"Give up? tch... I haven't even been using all that is at my disposal to fight you and you think I want to give up?"

Raith chuckled, slapping his face with his palm. He covered his upper face for a few seconds and took his hands away.

"Domain Of Darkness."



[All laws will be subjected to your will for 5.0 minutes]

The whole place began to shift and twist as if the fabric of reality was warping to respond to his will.

The air around grew cold and heavy and Raith could feel the weight of his power pressing down on him like a heavy cloak. It wasn't like this before now, to be able to feel the immense strength he commanded in the domain of darkness has never happened to him.

As he raised his head, he was momentarily blinded by the sudden darkness that surrounded him, it was just like 'Darker than Black' The darkness was so thick and was as if it could be touched.

It took a while for his vision to adjust and he saw that the entire space around him had changed, now shrouded in inky black both the skies and clouds. The ground beneath him was no longer solid earth but a shifting, misty darkness that seemed to writhe and twist beneath him.

The sounds of the clones that had filled his ears only moments ago were now gone, replaced by a deafening silence that seemed to stretch on forever. And yet, Raith could sense their presence around him.

He knew very much that he had overturned their reality with the domain of darkness but it felt like he was in a higher plane of the domain of darkness. As if he was in the heaven of domain of darkness and the others were in the earth of it– the heaven, where he could oversee things without being reachable by them.

'...this is an effect of embracing my darkness too?' He wondered as he looked around the clear darkness around him. He closed his eyes and opened it.

The plane he was standing on turned upside down and behold he was already standing amidst the clones who were dumbfounded.

"What have you done?" Egard-Hearl asked, his voice resounding in the mouths of the multiple Egard-Hearl that stood surrounding Raith in the dark domain.

Not being bound by any laws whatsoever, of physics? or metaphysical. Raith could move freely and effortlessly through the darkness as if he were weightless and invincible.

He darted through the darkness like a creature born into it his sword flashing as he cut through the never-ending horde of clones that assailed him. They came at him in waves, golden swords raised high in the air with defeating battle cries as they threw themselves at him.

But Raith was unflappable. He moved with a fluid grace that belied his power, ducking and weaving through the endless swarm of attackers. His sword was an extension of his will, an unstoppable force that cut through the clones like a knife through butter.

Jarvis had been out of sight since Raith activated Domain Of Darkness, which meant he had returned his death knight to the abyss because he wanted to do this alone.

As he fought, he could feel the darkness itself surging up to meet him, lending him its strength and fueling his power.

Before now, Raith knew that in domain of darkness, he is bounded by nothing but hasn't had an idea as to what to do about that, the only time he creatively used that feature was when he overturned the world in his fight with Turner.

Right now, he was about to be very innovative with his skills, a thought that had never once crossed his mind before, today crossed him.

It is no easy task to reshape the very fabric of this reality to suit his needs.

With a flick of his wrist, he sent a wave of energy rippling through the darkness, sending the clones tumbling backward in a storm of blackness. He laughed as they flailed and fell, their forms dissipating into nothingness as they struggled to regain their footing.

Raith fought on. His sword was a blur of motion as he hacked and slashed his way through them with tremendous speed. Unlike before, the clones could not multiply and with each passing strike, they dissipated.

As he pressed on, pushing himself beyond his capabilities, the darkness began to grow on him, even his flesh was blacking and some part was smoky as if he was becoming a darkness himself. He could feel the darkness grow heavier, and it was like it was trying to drag him into its endless depths.

'There is more, surrender yourself to the darkness beyond' The words resounded in Raith's mind, he wasn't sure from whom they were coming but this feeling was not to be resisted, that he was sure about.

And so he didn't resist the pull. With a loud yell, he threw himself into the fray, ferociously splitting the Egard-Hearl in his many clones with incredible velocity.

The cut left a tear in space everywhere Raith cornered to and slashed. He didn't stop speeding, his legs didn't rest– he ran through the clones and endlessly cut them, cutting the space too.

He suddenly came to a halt, the ground splattering and his sword behind him ready for another arc swing.

"Found you..." He mumbled with a smirk.


He slashed the space in front of him cutting it open and shocking the real Egard-Hearl who had been hidden all this while.

Raith immediately plunged his sword into his widened mouth before he could do anything.

Egard-Hearl froze immediately, with a sword in his mouth he was out of tricks. If Raith pushed the sword any further, he was bound to die.

He raised his hand in surrender.

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