Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 298 Wild Tide Reef (Part 1)

Adam might be an idiot from Daimon's point of view, but he is still a system bearer, so who knows what kind of tricks he might have up his sleeves, not to mention Marcus who is still missing in the picture.

"Now, please enjoy the dinner, we'll be leaving in the morning to the Wild Tide Reef… ah right, the Blackfin Duke has sent what I told you, but it will only arrive tomorrow night since it has to go through a personal inspection by the Trident Marshal".

"Don't worry, I can guarantee he won't play any tricks, by the end of the magic beast hunt I will personally hand what I promised to you".

Daimon nodded, he had no reasons to doubt about Annete's words, besides even if he got whatever might be the main ingredient for the Blood Shark liqueur, after getting the Ruler of the sea, his instincts told him to not drink mor of the liqueur, so he wasn't in a hurry for the reward promised by the queen.

After saying that, Annete who didn't seem to be in the best mood, said goodnight and then retired to her room.

Daimon and the others finished their meal, and then Mellie also excused herself.

"Don't' stay up until late ladies, goodnight".

The next one to leave was none other than Daimon, leaving the girls alone in the dining room for a moment.

The Risha sisters who remained silent during the whole dinner, suddenly all stared at Aisha at the same time.

A slightly awkward silence fell in the dining room for a split of a second, but Aisha could tell by their gazes that something has changed for her friends.

"Are you three that troubled because he touched the base of your wings?", asked Aisha with a playful voice.

"No… it felt good, like being covered by a blanket of the softest silk in a cold day", mumbled Leslie, while she softly smiled.

"Mm, a warmth that fills your heart", said Liliana as she placed her hand in her chest

"Or a gentle light that illuminates even the darkest place", added Yvonne.

Aisha saw those three genuinely happy expressions, and she was lost for a moment.

'Love is certainly a scary marvelous thing darling, to be honest I don't think these three will leave your side… even if you decide that is what you want', she thought before saying.

"We don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, so why don't you stay with me and Daimon tonight~".

The Risha sisters furiously blushed, which made Aisha laugh to herself.

"Don't be perverts, we are only sharing a room as a group just like you stayed together in that cave, nothing else is going to happen", said Aisha.

"Mm", the three didn't doubt to accept Aisha's invitation after listening to her logic, or at least that's what they used as an excuse.

As they were walking towards Daimon's room, Aisha slowed down for a moment before she whispered to her friends.

"Before you three decide to completely go down this path, think to yourselves, is your love unconditional and limitless… because I can assure you Daimon's is".

The Risha sisters suspiciously looked at Aisha for a split of a second, but before they could ask anything, Aisha opened the door of the room.

Luckily for them, Daimon was still using shorts instead of being naked like he's used to when he is alone with Aisha in their bedroom.

"Mm?", needless to say but Daimon was confused to see the four girls entering the room, but then he saw an almost unnoticeable smile reflect in his mother's face and he raised an eyebrow.

'Mom, what did you tell them this time?', he asked directly to her, in her mind.

Aisha winked at Daimon and as she went to the bathroom to change for more comfortable clothes, she spoke out loud.

"Tomorrow is going to be a rough day, so I thought it would be a good idea to "bond" a bit to improve our teamwork, you know like those legendary warriors, who ate together, trained together and slept together~".

Daimon didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, he never thought one of the movies he showed to his soulmates for entertainment would come to bite him in the ass like this.

Still, it's not like it changed anything, since tomorrow was indeed going to be a long day, he had already decided to abstain from night activities with Aisha.

He then turned to see the Risha sisters, and had to admit that they looked pretty with their faces flushed, the bed was really big and it was obvious they didn't bring the one from their room.

"Come on you three, go change yourselves, we need to go to sleep", said Aisha as she left the bathroom, she was now wearing a loose shirt and shorts, nothing exactly tempting or feminine and yet she looked stunning.

The Risha sisters entered the bathroom together, leaving Daimon and his mother alone for a moment, Aisha jumped on the bed and after she accommodated herself face up, she tapped the place at her left which was one of the sides of the mattress.

Daimon chuckled; he got on the bed next to Aisha as he gazed at her.

"I told you to not tease them that much, you know why I'm worried about them getting to attached to me".

Aisha shook her head before saying.

"I previously agreed with you darling, but I think it's a bit too late for that now, just let nature follow its course, believe it or not… but their answers regarding you were pretty similar to Erin, Liz and Elaine's, I don't think you'll be able to make them leave you, that's your fault for being a "Casanova" was it, hehehe~".

Daimon saw his mother giggling at him and he sighed.

"Fine, I won't stop things from happening, but that includes possibility of they finding out about us, and you know that it might end up bad".

"Mm, but I consider them my friends and am willing to share my most precious thing with them, so I'm giving them a chance, whether they take it or not it's up to them", mumbled Aisha as she entered her son's embrace.

Just in time for the Risha sisters to come out in their sleeping clothes to see Daimon and Aisha hugging, and while they were a bit surprised, Daimon could see the slight traces of jealousy that flashed in their eyes for a split of a second.

Still, they didn't say anything and just got on the bed with Aisha separating them from Daimon of course, at first it was a bit awkward, but after a couple of seconds they stared chatting about random things and soon everything was like normal.

Aisha even got them to laugh with some stories of when Daimon was a baby, things like how he never cried nor made any mess even in his first days.

"Hoh, so since his birth he was a weird one?", said Yvonne with a mocking voice.

After other similar comments made by Leslie and even the normally emotionless Liliana, Daimon chuckled, as he got back at them.

"Perhaps I should have a long and detailed conversation with your mothers, I'm pretty sure they'll be more than charmed to tell me some interesting stories and show me those albums they mentioned once before".

"Ahhh no fair!", Leslie reacted like a cat whose tail is stepped on, out of the three of them she was the one that was the most photographed by her mother.

That being said, Yvonne and Liliana weren't any better, apparently when Yvonne was little although she doesn't have memories of that, she used to act in a similar way as when she used her wings the first times, a bit narcissist and cheeky.

Liliana on the other hand, had a diary in which she wrote everyday with her mother's help, because she didn't want her daughter to freeze her emotions like it happened to her.

Aisha was the happiest here though, seeing her son getting along with those three somehow made her feel good.

'How weird, perhaps this is how a mother feels when their son brings home a girl', she thoughts.

As weird as it might sound, for Aisha, Erin, Liz and Elaine were part of the family from the very beginning, so they joining her felt pretty natural as if it was meant to happen, Aura was the same, it was probably related to the fact that all of them trusted the other to the point that they were willing to put their life in the hands of the other.

But the Risha sisters were a complete separate matter, from the very beginning it was Daimon, the one that involved with them, though it happened because he was worried about them, he still stood up for Leslie after seeing Aisha was in no danger.

'The old you wouldn't have cared about them, these three have had a positive impact in you darling', thought Aisha as she turned off the lights, putting an end to the "children" playing with each other.

They soon fell asleep as the room was now filled with a harmonious sensation, no one felt awkward about anything anymore.

The rest of the night went uneventful and soon the sun raised on the horizon, bringing a new day with it.

Daimon slowly opened his eyes as soon as he felt a presence outside of the room, then a second later the voice of the head maid Martha could be heard coming from the other side of the door.

"Good morning young master Daimon, lady Annete has asked me to wake you up, please get ready to leave in an hour at most… please inform the young ladies about it".

Daimon saw the sleeping beauties next to him on the bed, and chuckled, Aisha was of course hugging him to sleep, and the Risha sisters were a sight to behold, Leslie was sleeping in a strange position with her arms and legs extended, Yvonne had her hair covering her face while Liliana was curled up.

"Thanks, miss Martha, we'll be there in a minute".

Daimon heard the footsteps of the head maid as she left, before he looked at the girls, he sneakily kissed Aisha's cheek before throwing pillows at the Risha sisters.

"Wake up ladies, we need to get ready now".

After saying that, Daimon uncovered them and then went to the bathroom to wash his face and change into the hollow suit, the only thing he didn't put was the mask.

When he came out the girls were completely ready, to their surprise Aisha was also using her own hollow suits, while the Risha sisters had altered their appearances to have those fan fin-like ears similar to Mellie and also changed some of their characteristics with the help of the bracelet of the god of mischief, Yvonne for example changed her pupil color to the beast-like yellow that manifested when she used her special eyes.

Leslie made it so that the surface of her hair became black but the backside was still that pretty orange-red, and last but not least Liliana who added some blue strands to her silver-white hair and also changed her eye color to an aquamarine similar to Annete and Mellie.

"What do you think, with this, that light guy won't be able to recognize us right?", asked Yvonne as she did a turn to show her disguise.

"We also learned to change how our wings look, just to mess with him~", said Leslie, then under the surprised eyes of Daimon, a pair of bat-like wings spread behind the backs of the Risha sisters.

"Not bad, we are fighting an idiot with hero complex, so I guess we'll be the evil demons of the story", mumbled Daimon, they still made those wings look completely different to any of the ones known in the Wonder Myriad stellar chart, so no one will be able to tell who they are.

"Let's go", after saying that, Daimon and the girls left to the dining room, to have breakfast with the queen and Mellie.

As soon as they entered the room, the queen couldn't help but look at them and admit, even she couldn't see they were disguised, and the Trident Marshal only knew about Daimon changing his face a bit, because he allowed him to.

That's right, Evangeline warned Daimon that there was someone looking at them, so he purposedly created the illusion that his disguise could be seen through by that old man.

"It's better like this, others can't look for trouble when their targets don't exist to begin with", said Daimon, which earned him a nod of affirmation from the queen.

'Well, it seems battle isn't the only thing you excel in, let's see what other miracles can you work out… child of the promise', thought Annete as she took a sip from her cup of tea.

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