Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 284 A Strange Mission From The System (Part 5)

Aisha saw her son's current appearance and she raised an eyebrow, he was wearing the hollow suit, but that's not what got her attention, but the overall sensation her son was giving off right now.

'Darling, what happened to you?', Aisha's voice made its way into Daimon's mind through the mental connection.

Daimon smiled in response, as the memories of the past hour or so played in his mind.

"Ahh damn it!", Daimon who was running from the sea magic beasts suddenly found a dead end, the seemingly endless sea was still there, but there was an invisible wall that prevented him from advancing.

Daimon jumped back wards avoiding by the skin of his teeth a shark that came from below with its jaws ready to shred him to pieces, he then looked at his surroundings.

With the pass of the time in the special space of the Lineage Temple, the magic beasts became more and more clever, there were six whose sizes were rmarkable among them.

The first one was that shark that he fought from the very beginning the one with black bone plaques on its body, the second was another shark but this one was slimmer and larger also instead of black most of its body was white, and light blue with a strange mark on its forehead.

The third creature was completely different, it was an immense jellyfish one large enough to cover a whole island, surpassing the size of all the other four giants, unfortunately its element was lightning so all its attacks were useless against Daimon, but it knew how to use its body to cut Daimon's way more than once, allowing the other creatures to land their attacks on Daimon's body from time to time.

Then there was a turtle that who had the capacity to control ice, Daimon was able to push all the other magic beasts aside, using either his insanely high physical strength along with a metal element boost spell, or by using Demon Light to chase them away, but this turtle covered itself with a thick layer of ice, which was enough to protect itself from everything.

Next continuing with the shark races, there was a hammerhead shark, with the capacity to give shape to the water to create different objects, spikes, walls, spears, Daimon had to dodge or destroy a lot of them along the way.

The last of the giant magic sea beasts was a whale shark, and while it looked the less threatening among the three giants, it had the troublesome ability to gather the water mana of its surroundings, compressing it and then shooting it in a stream, out of all the four its attack had the smaller range but it was the hardest to dodge, every time Daimon felt the mana surge, he immediately activated blink at least three times in a row to get away from the shockwave.

Besides the five giants, there were other smaller but equally problematic magic beasts which stood from the rest, swordfish and narwhals which didn't stop trying to open a hole in Daimon's body, a dolphin which coordinated others to attack in group and was responsible for most of the wounds Daimon received from the smaller magic beasts, and a sea snake that kept ambushing Daimon by spiting poison at him from afar.

Of course, there were other sea magic beasts, but those were the ones that Daimon noticed the most, because there was only of each of them, while the other magic beasts came in group.

Daimon looked at his surroundings only to find himself completely surrounded, he looked at the clock of the mission and gritted his teeth, he still needed a couple of hours to break the record.

It would have been easier to end the trial right now, he has gotten to the maximum registered point anyway, but something told him that if he didn't go all in, he would regret it.

And so, he found himself in a limitless net of attacks from the magic beast all at the same time, forcing him to fight with teeth and claw, dodging the lethal attacks and parrying the weaker ones with his own body or redirecting them.

Then after about three hours of that, Daimon who was completely drenched in blood slipped and one of the many tentacles of the jellyfish managed to land a solid attack on him.

"Clang!", the sound of metals colliding echoed through the whole area as Daimon's body was sent flying all the way to the other side of the battlefield, landing on the head of the shark with the black bone plaques.

The impact was so strong that even the shark was forced backwards, let alone Daimon who was now coughing feeling his skin itching due to the impact.

"Damn it, that fucking hurt!".

Daimon took a second to recover and then got up again, preparing himself to continue with the trial, but what welcomed him instead was the sight of countless magic beasts, lining up in front of him and next to him.

The six giant creatures lined besides him, then the others in front of him, but all of them had a thing in common, they were lowering their heads, as if they revered him, and then the sound that he has been waiting since about ten hours finally blessed him with its presence.


[Congratulations to the host for having cleared the second and last part of the trial "Commander of the sea", the rewards will be calculated now…]

[The host has surpassed the historical maximum, the rewards had completed a cycle and reached a higher grade, the host can now choose from the following options:

[Maximum reward (low grade)]

[Low reward (middle grade)]

[Random reward (test your luck)]

Daimon raised an eyebrow, the display of the system changed, similar to that time he got the reward which allowed him to bring Aisha back to life.

"That's the interface of the mission temple, you should have checked it earlier, but I guess it was to be expected that you were to be so excited about finally finding a lineage with roots decent enough to be assimilated for the first time".

Apparently, Evangeline was now able to communicate with him again, in fact even Narasha reached this place.

"Daimon, let me heal you…", the sight of Daimon covered in wounds was new for Narasha, and the feelings that came along it were hard for her who recently started to understand romantic love, to process, but all she new is that she didn't like to see Daimon in that state.

Daimon shook his head, in a split of a second all the wounds disappeared and even his clothes returned to its original state.

"It's okay, this is not my real body so all these wounds were non-existent, but thanks for being worried about me, unlike a certain someone".

Narasha giggled, but she still stepped in for Evangeline.

"Don't be angry at Eve, she freaked out first when she noticed she couldn't speak nor see you, only when you reached the second part of the trial, she calmed down~".

"Hey, Nasha we need to speak about boundaries, what's the point in telling me you won't tell him… just for you to give me in at the first opportunity", Evangeline sighed at her friend giving her away.

Daimon chuckled and then pointed at the screens from the system.

"We'll have a nice conversation later, for the time being, can you tell me what does this lower and middle grade reward thing means?".

Evangeline remained silent for a moment before saying.

"I can't disclose too much, but in short, you can take it that the lower grade means… all what should be within the rank of knowledge you have, the difference is that being of the maximum quality means you won't find it in the shop as these things are only available as rewards, you can treat it as the "peak" of it so to speak".

"Then the middle grade would be next level stuff, which aren't available even in the shop for the time being, it's a low regard because the quantity of it would be far less what you would get if you chose the other option, as for the random I guess it explains itself and I wouldn't recommend it, unless you have more than one reward pending to be claimed".

Daimon nodded; Evangeline's explanation convinced him that his decision was the correct one.

[The Low reward (middle grade) was chosen, processing…]

[The information of the Lineage temple has been updated]

[Current lineages acquired]

[#&%$#: 1%]

[Apex Predator: 1%]

[Vampire: 10% concentration (Originally 100%) <!>]

[Black Armored Shark: 10% concentration]

[Drakolevia: 0.1% concentration <!>:

[By surpassing the limits of the species in the second trial, the host has received a hint of its ancient root, "Commander of the sea" à "Ruler of the sea"]


[The reward mission "Stealing from the hero", was added to the mission temple <!>]

Daimon frowned, he opened the mission temple since that symbol was starting to get into his nerves, and after reading the only two missions he had available he was speechless.

"Oi, Eve is this your doing?", asked Daimon.

Evangeline who was laughing throughout the whole thing, only stopped to answer a couple of seconds later.

"I told you, the system grows according to your necessities and wishes, the missions are designed to challenge you, but ultimately they don't go against your principles~".

Daimon felt a headache coming his way, but then he had a hunch that someone was calling for him, and since he stopped being able to know what was happening outside after the situation with the crocodiles, he thought that it was probably Aisha and that meant something serious was ongoing.

With just wishing it, he left the special space of the Lineage Temple, and then as soon as he opened his eyes, his body was full of energy, to the point that right now he felt the urge to fight.

He looked downwards just to see he was practically naked, his clothes disappeared thanks to Demon Light at some point.

'Whatever, I need to use the hollow suit anyway', he thought, with a wave of his hand, the suit covered his body and then as he stood up, Demon Light roared and ended up shooting itself through the ice dome reaching quite a high distance.

All the previous might have taken some time to be explained, but for Aisha it was just a split of a second since she saw her son smiled.

"Horals, Rita come out", since the battlefield was completely silent, Daimon's voice echoed through the area, then to all the present people surprise, a green gate made out of battle aura opened at Daimon's right, while Aisha's shadow projected thanks to the bonfire, extended all the way to Daimon's left side.

"Horals, greets the young master", the black armored Horals came out of the green aura door, and immediately kneeled in front of Daimon.

"Rita, greets the young master", from Aisha's shadow, a woman emerged, she was about Liz's height reaching 1.85 meters of height, had long black hair, pale/grayish skin and dim gray eyes, as for her get up, she was wearing a black detached sleeve dress that left part of her hips and legs visible, the dress was decorated with some skulls on the chest too, but what drew the attention of most of the people, including Oswald was… that she was peak late Mortal mage, in other words a Peak Archmage and one that he couldn't notice all this time.

And that could only mean two things, first she wasn't here to begin with, or second… she was stronger than him!

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