Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 265 Man Proposes, God Disposes And The Demon Decomposes (Part 11)

Unlike Adam, Marcus, Sera and Laila whose fields of vision were blocked by those strange spheres that protected them from the wave of red light, Stella who was out of the range of the wave of light saw everything.

And as a soon as she understood what was happening, she was about to jump to action and drag Daimon and the others out of danger, when she saw Daimon giving her thumbs up, before he pointed at his pocket.

"Mm?", Stella noticed something appearing in her pocket out of nowhere, and the next thing she knew was that Daimon covered himself in a sphere made out of some kind of white flames.

Fighting against the impulse of going to help them, ultimately Stella decided to believe in Daimon, she then took some distance from the island, because once the first wave was over, a second way wider and more sinister looking one appeared, this time sucking the island itself downwards, until there was nothing left.

Stella got lost in her thoughts for a couple of seconds before she looked into her pocket, taking out a small note.

"The place hidden in that island requires a sacrifice to open its entrance, and those women from the churches as well as the two idiots knew it but didn't say a single word about it, because they are protected, this battle was all for the sake of getting enough fuel for the entrance to open, I couldn't tell you because the women from the churches were listening to other people's thoughts, nor bring you with us because a special token was needed for Lord ranks to enter".

"We'll be fine, if my calculations are correct, then the princes from the tribes, one of their guards and the two Lord rank creatures should be gone as well, kill all the survivors and then head to south and reunite with Arianna and the others, we'll gather there, don't forget to interrogate that guy chained in Scarlet's ship".

Stella finished reading the note and she had a troubled expression on her face.

"He planned all this in a couple of minutes after seeing that strange wave, as expected of someone personally instructed by miss Erin… what a monster".

Stella shook her head and returned to reality, she saw the remaining creatures and the other people from the tribes pointing at her with the cannons of their ships and her expression became fierce.

"Ice age", her voice became cold as her mana leaked out of her body, with her as the center, everything within one hundred kilometers was frozen to death, with only one exception.

Nestor who was still chained inside the ship where Scarlett and the other girls were a moment ago, he was saved from the wave of red light by Daimon, and now his life was spared by Stella, but the outcome might not be up to his liking.

While Stella was dealing with the aftermath, a batch of spheres of different colors were being roughly transported through a dimensional tunnel, which unlike the previous ones Daimon and the others had seen, instead had water running at an incredibly high pressure inside of it.

Sera who was englobed in the same sphere with Scarlet and the others, felt a constant weight on her chest which forced her to inject mana into the sphere to reinforce it.

'What in the name of the light is happening, not only I was forced to bring these girls with me, but the travel to the hidden city which should have been pretty smooth since I have one of the sea emblems, is burning away my mana reserves', she thought, even if she didn't want to help Scarlet and the others, she was forced to, because if the sphere broke, the only one suffering will be her.

"Oi, sister from the calamity church, that side needs more mana", inside another of the spheres, a black one to be more exact, Calvin who was sitting cross legged with a relaxed expression, told Laila to pour more mana into the sphere, which made the latter frown.

"What, we ended up being dragged into this mess by you, so according to the collective contract if we were to be harmed by this dimensional tunnel, you'll do down as well", added Calvin with a mocking expression.

Laila snorted.

"I heard that the grandson of the Rock Dreadnought was hard to deal with but to think that a few seconds here has made me wish to strangle you".

Loren and Haylee chuckled, while Michael nodded.

"That's Calvin for you, a pain in the ass… the left side needs more mana by the way".

While Laila and Sera were doing their best to maintain the spheres, Marcus and Adam were being thrown around in their own ones.

"What the hell, this stupid dimensional tunnel is so unstable, Lezabel fucking do something!", Marcus kept bumping onto the sides of the sphere, and he shouted demanding the ghost like girl which Daimon saw before to help him stabilize the sphere.

But the girl who was softly giggling ignored him and just watched from the sides.

'Nah, this is a trial, you and the little hero are by yourselves unless there is a life and death emergency~'.

"You bitch!!!", Marcus's voice was so loud that Daimon could hear him, even without spying his thoughts.

Adam wasn't any different right now though.

"What do you mean with "the light blessing didn't activate", Ariel!", shouted Adam with a panic-stricken voice.

The angel girl shrugged.

"I didn't feel the activation, but calm down, they are still alive, I don't know how but they weren't sucked dry of their vitality back then, unfortunately for some reason this dimensional tunnel has gone erratic so I can't see nor detect others, but they should be fine".

Adam then smiled from ear to ear.

"You said that fate will always smile me the scion of light, wasn't I favored by all the women from the Penddra family due to that, those two are meant to be my brides of course they will be protected too".

The angel girl had a bored expression as she faded away.

"Sure, sure, just remember that you aren't at the peak of the younger generation yet, so while I can protect you from old guys, that demon guy can still get you, also that kid with the lightning affinity, he isn't a system user but his lineage is pretty good, so don't let your guard down".

"Humph, once the inheritance of the blue knight becomes mine, even Marcus won't be a threat, as for that guy… I will rip his head off for having stained by Tessa and Femi".

'It sure is tough to be you, as a pervert you'll be many women's enemy and as a skirt chaser, you'll be many men's enemy~', since Daimon could hear what Adam and Marcus were thinking and saying to their systems while their emotions were agitated, so could Evangeline and she couldn't help but find the situation quite amusing.

'They are both idiots, besides I still don't understand what the hell does that blond guy means with "stained" with mana, I wonder what his face will be once he realizes that alfear princess has darkness affinity too'.

Daimon was about to ask Evangeline something, when he saw two spheres advancing while getting closer to him, unlike others he could see outside due to his infinity eyes, that and because he created his own sphere using Demon Light, also while his mana sense was practically suppressed, he could still feel around one hundred meters, the same reach of his skill blink, probably because he had some understand of the space laws, thanks to it.

In Marcus and Adam's cases, he could see and hear them thanks to the system, but their spheres were far from him, because they were the first ones to be dragged by the portal in the island.

"Oh, so those guys and even the creatures had the same beads as them", mumbled Daimon, one of the two spheres that were randomly floating near him was red and with his infinity eyes, he could see the one inside of it was the prince from the Red Bone tribe.

As for the other one was of an ominous green and the one inside was one of the creatures, one that Daimon didn't see before, it had a head and two arms, the trunk was empty consisting in only bones, it also had but no legs, instead the skeleton below the waist joined to form what with flesh added should be a snake tail or something similar, also its bones weren't white but cyan.

"Mm?", Daimon frowned, the dimensional tunnel started trembling all of a sudden, and his eyes widened as he saw the roof of the tunnel cracked, leaving a black hole with an eerie aura coming from it.



"Die arcanist!".

Three different but imposing voices came from the crack on the roof of the tunnel, as a large skeleton's arm, a tail with a spike on its end and a leg formed of black mist all were forced out of the space crack, aiming at Daimon.

"Damn", as Daimon was about to take out one of his trump cards, the black badge on his pocket flew by itself out of the sphere of Demon Light, the shark emblem glowed in dark blue light and the rune shark manifested itself.

Then the water running at a high pressure bent and gathered around the rune shark, turning into the head of a shark that equaled the three coming attacks in size.

"Booom!", the attacks clashed creating a large disruption in the flow of the dimensional tunnel, and forcing the spheres to drift away from their original paths.

"Aghhh!", the three voices which apparently only Daimon could hear screamed in pain, before the crack on the roof of the dimensional tunnel repaired itself, then the black badge returned to Daimon, but the emblem of the shark was dimmer than before.

"You are full of surprises you little…", Daimon couldn't finish his sentence, because the dimensional tunnel rumbled one more time, making him inwardly swear.

"Hold onto something", he shouted to the girls, and as if they discussed it beforehand, the four of them clung onto him, there wasn't anything else to hold onto on the other hand.

Before they could ask what was happening, they felt as if the sphere in which they were, was thrown by a giant hand, but it wasn't' that… the dimensional tunnel split in four paths and everyone was drawn by one of them.

Aisha, Yvonne, Leslie and Liliana, saw Daimon suddenly grinning and then extending his hands and point at two different directions with his index fingers.

"Black Hell Javelin", two lines of black light passed through the sphere of Demon Light and hit the spheres of the guy from the Red Bone tribe and that strange creature, piercing a hole through them.

The last thing Daimon saw before his sphere was accelerated to an unmeasurable speed, was that the two spheres collapsed on themselves killing the ones inside of it, he managed to think in one last word before everything became blurred.


All the spheres were then dragged by different paths and all disappeared.

Laila who spat blood due to the sudden impact, finally realized what happened.

'Damn, thousand of years of preparation and search to get these inheritances and someone who isn't accompanied by a sea emblem bearer somehow sneaked in, causing the security means to activate!', she screamed in her heart.

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