Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 160 A Conflict Is Brewing

While Daimon was relaxing in the bathroom with two beauties in his arms, at the other side of the city, the old Ernest Revy slowly walked through the streets, the sun was about to set and the clan was as lively as possible.

"Hey did you hear, they say the matriarch visited the preparation school!".

"That's already an old notice, I heard the best five students got their asses handed by a little girl in a 5v1 battle".

"The matriarch was so angry that she suspended the privileges of the classes and increased their training".

Ernest heard all the people gossiping with each other, although there were a lot of rumors and other things, everything had one thing in common, the matriarch was always involved.

He gritted his teeth and as he was about to take his anger off on some random person, he felt his sigil lector vibrating and immediately disappeared, no one noticed it.

The next time he became visible it was at an underground basement below a store which buys and sells meat of magic beasts and other materials.

Besides Ernest there were other people here, among them some of the elders that spoke on behalf of Edgar some years ago.

The woman that accused Erin of not properly judging Edgar saw Ernest and her eyes glowed for a second.

"Uncle, how did it go, did you manage to change the sentence?".

Ernest shook his head before replying with a solemn voice.

"That woman didn't even concede me an audience, I'm afraid Edgar is bound to die alone in that jail".

"No way", the woman's eyes got teary before her expression turned from sadness to hatred.

"That bitch is abusing of her position to harm Edgar, they don't even let me visit him!".

Ernest carefully evaluated the expression of the woman, then he looked at his sigil lector and with a snap of his fingers an intervention monolith appeared floating in the air in front of him.

The other elders were in awe, the intervention monolith is a legacy of the Revy clan, and supposedly only the clan head, the champion and the ancestor have one.

Ernest saw the elders were talking to each other and he shouted.

"Silence, this monolith only last for five minutes and then is unusable for one month!".

The elders shut their mouths and waited for Ernest to continue.

"That's better, as everyone here knows, since Edgar was arrested our influence in the clan has decayed, everyone who isn't in the same page as that woman has been replaced from any important position".

"So, I reunited everyone here today to discuss about a way to recover what was taken away from us… we have to deal with him".

Everyone followed the direction to which Ernest pointed and saw big scale photo of Daimon.

"The matriarch has a deep affect for this kid, it wouldn't be weird if he turned out to be her illegitimate son, or maybe a lost brother".

One of the elders hesitated for moment before saying.

"But elder Ernest… the matriarch probably has casted a lot of protection spells on that boy, at the slightest assassination try, we will all be exterminated without any judgement".

"Yes, the matriarch has been waiting for an excuse to get rid of us", said other elder agreeing with the opinion of the first one.

Ernest felt disgusted by the elder's attitude but he didn't show it on his face and instead pointed at his sigil lector from which a message read in a distorted could be heard.

"I have what you need, but it isn't cheap, twenty million mana crystals no discounts, you have twelve hours to send the money or forget this offer was ever done".

Ernest then took out a storage ring from his pocket and showed it to all the people in the room.

"Since we got discharged from our positions, I had to use a lot of mana crystals of my own pocket, so currently I only have ten million of them… those who want things to return to normal are you willing to cooperate?".

The elders stared between each other until the woman spoke.

"Here uncle, these are my savings, one million of mana crystals… the rest was lost when the treasury of Edgar was seized".

As if the woman's words were some kind of signal, all the other elders also started willingly donating their mana crystals until Ernest had twenty millions of them in his ring.

Ernest nodded in recognition with a proudful expression.

"Very well, once we recover the control over the clan everyone here will be properly rewarded".

He then sent his own message through the sigil lector.

"Deal, I will see you at the designated point, come as soon as possible".

"Now I just nee to find an opportunity to be a couple of minutes alone with that boy… Erin enjoy your petty victory, by tomorrow's night you'll be laying on Edgar's bed humph", he thought.

All the other elders felt a chill running through their spines when they saw the sinister expression in Ernest's face.

While Ernest was preparing for his plan, back at Erin's mansion Daimon and the girls stood up, dried off their bodies and went straight to the bed.

Daimon cuddled with both of them, their soft bodies made him feel comfortable and after a couple of seconds his eyes felt heavy.

"Ahh, I nearly forgot… Michael's master will come tomorrow, so we will meet with another half emperor", he said in a sleepy voice before closing his eyes.

Erin caressed Daimon's face a couple of times before looking at her daughter.

"He looks so cute when he is sleeping ♥".

Elaine couldn't help but agree with her mother, when Daimon was sleeping his expression was the one of a normal teenager, unlike the usual serious or intimidating aura he radiated, while sleeping he was calm and relaxed.

After gently kissing Daimon's forehead Erin closed her eyes and also fell asleep, followed by her daughter.

The night went on without any other important incident and when morning came, the weather was relatively good, it was clouded but not enough to be a problem.

Daimon's eyelids trembled a bit, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surrounds, it was weird to wake up without Aisha near him, but he was instead received by the beautiful sleeping face of Erin.

She was smiling and mumbling some things like, "No there" and "It's too son to have babies… but if you tant to", while her tail happily wagged.

Daimon chuckled.

"She is for sure having some weird dream".

He then focused his attention at his left side, Elaine was clinging to him, but unlike her mother, even while sleeping her expression was dignified.

Or that would have been the case if they were truly asleep, after eight years of sleeping together and with sixth sense, Daimon perfectly knew their breathing and even the rhythm of their heartbeats, so it was easy for him to notice they both were just feigning to be asleep.

With a smirk on his face, his hands moved downwards as he fondled both of their asses at the same time.

"Just as I thought, Erin's size and elasticity is out of this world, but Elaine's skin is so smooth, I feel like touching an ice crystal".

Seeing the proud smile and the slightly blushed expressions in their faces, Daimon rose his hands and then smacked them down.



"Hyaah ♥".

"Hmm ♥".

Two different spanking sounds and moans echoed through the room, then he felt the gazes of the two girls glued at him, while Erin had that usual playful smile, Elaine looked at him aggrieved.

"I still feel as if you were inside me you know", she mumbled while she massaged her ass.

Daimon laughed before kissing them both.

"Good morning, ladies, were you perhaps waiting for something to happen to the point that you both woke up so early?".

Erin softly snorted.

"My ass still stings a bit; you can forget to get anything from me… unless you personally apply some ointment on me back there of course ♥".

Daimon sighed, just like with the other girls he applied them some medic ointment to prevent irritation and tears in private skin, and of course Erin didn't miss the chance to tease him saying.

"You were prepared, just what one should expect of an ass fetishist".

To be honest with their naturally high vitality due to being part of a beast race, both Erin and Elaine were completely recovered from yesterday's crazy love session, but the intention was what mattered.

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