Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 152 Dana’s Lightning

The backyard of the school was used for exercising and spars between students, so there was no place to sit, but since Erin was visiting them, the teachers brought chairs without Erin asking for it.

Erin took seat, Daimon naturally sat at her right while Elaine did it at her left, Aura occupied the seat next to Daimon, as for Leena and Gabriel they sat next to Aura.

The young students still gave Leena some hateful gazes from time to time as they went up the platform, making them fight five versus one was the same as saying that Dana could defeat them in a fair fight.

Gabriel chuckled at them as he spoke.

"I wonder what would their reactions would be if they knew who are they being disrespectful with".

Once the five students were on the platform Dana also went up, the teachers stood at the sides ready to interrupt if the situation required it.

Daimon stayed silent; his eyes glowed with a dim violet light as he used the truth seeker eyes to watch what was about to happen.

With Erin's green light the match started.

Easan immediately yelled at his classmates.

"Ernest, Gerard you two come with me, Susan Anna suppress her!".

Out of the five students, Easan used a sword, Ernest and Gerard were axe users, Susan used a bow and Anna a spear.

"Two fire, one earth, one wind and an ice user… the team is well balanced", thought Daimon.

Dana stood still and let Easan and the other two flank her, then as if the sky rumbled yellow currents of electricity appeared around her body.

"Humph, so what if you have lightning affinity, do you think you are the only one with a self-boosting spell, you two do the same".

Easan snorted; flames exploded around him, he was part of the sun alluring side of the Revy family and his affinity was fire.

Ernest was an earth user, so his body was naturally sturdier, he only applied a layer of rock on top of his axe, Gerard and Susan on the other hand casted their own boosting spells making fire and wind cover their bodies.

Without any warning Susan pulled the string of her bow and a barrage of wind arrows was shot towards Dana.

But what happened next made Easan and the other students widen in surprise.

Dana didn't move at all, when the arrows reached ten meters from her… they simply dispersed, not it would be more accurate to say the arrows were crushed.

Easan gritted his teeth.

"Do it again Susan!".

Following Easan's command, Susan condensed a big arrow in her bow before shooting it at Dana, but the result was the same, as soon as the arrow reached ten meters from Dana it disappeared.

"Damn it, Ernest, Gerard follow me!".

p Easan shouted and he fiercely rushed forward leaving a trail of flames burning on the platform.

With a loud roar Easan swung his sword at Dana, Ernest and Gerard attacked her from the sides with their axes, behind Anna which wielded a spear blocked her way of retreat.

The teachers exchanged gazes between each other.

"It seems our school will be getting more resources from the clan from now and onwards", they thought.

A little smile flourished on Dana's face, she punched the floor and a big impact shook the platform creating making it crack and rising a huge amount of dust.


From the within the dust a loud scream made the teachers focus their attention on the fight, but their fields of vision were blocked by a curtain of dust, once the dust was blown away the teachers were in awe at the current scene.

Anna's spear was piercing Gerard's shoulder while Ernest was laying on the ground, half of his face was completely swollen and his eyes rolled as he fainted, his axe was twisted to the point where it was unrecognizable.

Before they could react, a thunder sounded and Gerard flew out of the platform landing on the floor, with a slight dent on his chest in the form of a little fist.

Anna and Easan immediately took a few steps back, with surprise and caution written all over their faces, even their spells were cancelled due to the commotion.

While the teachers were lost, Daimon had an interested expression, with his truth seeker eyes he could perfectly see what happened.

After she punched the platform her little image flashed avoiding Anna's spear which made it pierce Gerard instead of her, Ernest saw it and he used the blunt side of his axe to hit Dana.

Up to that point Daimon thought she was a speed type mage like Michael… but then things made a 180° turn, for a split of a second the lightning surrounding her body seemed to undergo through a fundamental change and when the axe clashed against it, it was as if it was slammed against an invisible wall, it was stopped cold which destroyed it.

Then her lightning changed back and she recovered her speed, with a swift movement Dana hit Ernest with her elbow which was protected by the gauntlet knocking him out.

Daimon nodded reaching his conclusion.

"Lightning with substance, now that is a kind of variant I have never heard of".

Gabriel's body trembled, his eyes had a terrified expression, Leena also looked at Daimon with a narrowed gaze.

Daimon ignored the dangerous expression in Leena's face.

"Why are you so serious miss Leena, we both signed the contract so we can't harm each other".

Leena snorted.

"Unfortunately, you are only half right, Dana's lightning is different but she isn't a variant… anyway let's leave that for later, the fight is about to end".

Out of the presents here Daimon wasn't the only one who noticed something weird going on with Dana's lightning, Aura which's element is something similar to plasma also noticed it, but she couldn't discern what was the difference while Daimon perfectly explained it.

In this world only Leena and Gabriel knew the truth behind Dana's lightning and just by seeing it once, Daimon could decipher it, that's why Gabriel was terrified.

Erin saw the interested expression in Daimon's face and she smiled before rising her hand.

"The fight is over; the winner is Dana".

The teachers nearly fainted, in their eyes the matriarch decided to stop the match to not lose more face, in the first clash two of the five best students were knocked out after all.

Dana nodded, she exhaled and her lightning disappeared, her face was a bit pale, apparently activating that weird lightning made her tired.

For Easan it was as if his world crumbled apart, his chance to be recognized by the matriarch and become a candidate to be a high ranked elder or maybe the next supreme elder disappeared with that sentence.

His eyes became bloodshot, his sword exploded in flames and without wasting a second he swung it at Dana.


The iconic sound of a gunshot drew everyone's attention at the honor seats, the teachers noticed Daimon holding a gun in his hand, they followed the direction of the shot and saw Easan kneeled on the ground.

There wasn't any blood but judging by his pained expression and how he was gasping he was having trouble breathing due to a strong impact.

Then Daimon's cold voice made both teachers and students shiver.

"Lethal attacks were forbidden and you were only allowed to point a weapon at her while the match was ongoing, out of that you are getting into the way of my deal".

The base of the deal he made with Leena was that he could keep Dana safe, of course it was limited to when he was near her.

Erin nodded at Daimon, she could have acted but it was better for him to do it, to show Leena he wasn't going to close an eye even if it was someone from the Revy family the one trying to harm Dana.

Then her gaze fell on the teachers which now felt as if their hearts were going to stop.

"It seems the younger students are lacking discipline, all the privileges will be revoked for the next six months, and the training will be doubled, now take this disgrace out of my sight".

The teachers didn't dare to reply they just took the students and left as fast as they could, the matriarch didn't punish them so they didn't want to be here just in case.

Dana left the platform and stood next to Gabriel not without thanking smiling at Daimon.

"Thanks for the help".

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