Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death

Chapter 428

The People Dragged by Mia into Her Plans

“So this is what Perujin, the Agricultural Country, looks like…”

Chloe Forkroad looked out the window of her carriage as it went by a huge field.

“I didn’t think it was true. But it never ends. There is nothing but field after field.”

“’Not an acre of our land left untillled’ is, after all, their national slogan,” Marco said.

“There are so many fields, and they are so big. This is unlike anything I’ve ever seen…”

As a child, Chloe went with her father on work trips that took them to many different countries. But Perujin was a new experience for her.

Marco had always thought that Perujin was a pretty dull place to visit. He found their farming methods interesting and could watch them work for hours, but he never brought Chloe with him because he thought a child would soon lose interest. This trip, on the other hand, was Chloe’s idea, and she made him go with her. Since he had just passed out from working too hard, she probably wanted to make sure he wouldn’t do it again.

“I wasn’t planning on working myself back into a hospital bed, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer,” he said to himself.

He was going to the Thanksharvest Festival, so he would spend most of his time meeting and greeting new people. If he found some good crops, he would pick up a few boxes, but he planned to take it easy overall. It felt more like a holiday than a trip for work. Still, he didn’t hesitate to let her come with him.

Was it because he didn’t want to discourage his daughter when she looked out for his health? The truth is that it wasn’t. He brought her along because he knew something was going to change. He could feel it in the air, like a rumble that meant a huge current was coming. If Chloe was going to be pulled into this current and get involved with Princess Mia’s grand plan for a new world order for how food is distributed, she might as well learn the supply routes now.

Also, business networking is important, and if I want her to take over Forkroad & Co. one day, she needs to start making her own links. King Yuhal of Perujin is a nice guy, which is good. He doesn’t look down on regular people, so I think I can talk to him. It will be a great chance to introduce him to Chloe.

“I can’t wait to see Princess Rania dance… I wonder if she’s getting ready. Hee hee…”


Marco did a double take. When Chloe said the name of the princess, he almost thought she was talking about a friend.

“What did you say?”

“I said I can’t wait to see Princess Rania perform. We’ve become pretty good friends since we met at Saint-Noel. She’s going to do the Thanksharvest Dance at the festival, and I told her I’d go watch.”

Chloe giggled.

Marco just stared, trying to figure out how his daughter was not only friends with the third princess of Perujin, but also close enough to her that they were making secret plans to meet up. On the other hand, he might not be so surprised. Chloe often hung out with rich and powerful people, like Mia and Rafina and the big-wig aristocrats on the student council. Her group of friends was full of people he would have a hard time even seeing, let alone talking to. In this way, Chloe’s friendship with a Perujin princess might not have been worth mentioning. What surprised Marco the most, though, was how many people she knew. She probably met all of these people through Mia, but Chloe didn’t just keep them as second-degree acquaintances. Instead, she took it a step further and became friends with them. The fact that she said she would come to the dance was proof.

Marco was surprised by the fact that she took the initiative. Chloe had always been a quiet, shy girl who liked to be alone. He couldn’t keep track of how many times he asked her to meet someone and she ran away behind his back. When she came home from Saint-Noel for the first couple of times, he thought she was still the same person.

But now I get it. You’re different now, aren’t you? You’ve…grown up.

The Great Wisdom of the Empire probably had something to do with how his daughter changed.

I have the feeling that Princess Mia is dragging Chloe along with her, and she’s going to take my daughter to places I could never have imagined…

Children are like young birds that leave their homes to fly even higher. Marco was aware of this. But that knowledge wasn’t a shield. Still, he felt like he was getting more and more alone.

“Father? What’s going on? Oh no, are you sick again?”

When he looked up from his thoughts, he saw Chloe’s worried face.

“No, no, I’m fine. Don’t be worried.”

He wasn’t about to say that seeing how much his daughter had grown made him feel lonely. Unfortunately, his vague answer made her worry even more.

“Listen, father. I know you’ll want to talk about work, but please keep it to a minimum, okay? I can step in if you need me to…”

She spoke with the power that comes from being mature and skilled. Since he was already feeling emotional, this emotional roundhouse hit him even harder. It took a lot of strength not to cry.


“Ah, don’t mind me. It’s no big deal. Well, you’re right, but… I can’t just stay away from them, but I think it would be good for you to get some hands-on practice with business talks,” he said, nodding thoughtfully to himself.

He finally smiled after a while.

“Chloe, do you like school?”

“Huh? Well…yes. I really enjoy the time I spend there.”

“So I see…”

As he watched her face light up with happiness when he talked about her school, he finally decided to throw in the towel.

I think it’s time for me to start seriously thinking about retiring…

Marco didn’t know it at the time, but he’d made a big mistake and would have to pick up the towel again. He thought he was just watching, but the flow he felt was much stronger than he thought. It would swallow everyone around Mia, including him, and pull them all into her plans.

Mia had planted seeds all over the land, and some of them had grown, and one was about to bear fruit.

Dawn was breaking over Perujin’s night.

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