Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death

Chapter 385

Berman Gains Mia’s Trust

Mia arrived at Viscount Berman’s estate and was lavishly welcomed.

“It is a great honor for Your Highness to visit our small territory.” The viscount said, “I and my people alike are moved to tears by this joyous occasion,” in a statement that seemed exaggerated but, to Mia’s bewilderment, proved to be anything but.

The townspeople’s joy in welcoming her was, to put it mildly.

This is a little unnerving, I must admit.

People of all ages poured out of their homes and into the streets. Her carriage was given access to a single path that was completely bordered by a flower bed. Chants of “Long live the Great Wisdom of the Empire!” burst from all directions as the carriage moved down the path. Even some of the spectators’ cheeks were literally covered in tears. Here, Mia was practically worshipped.

Since the wintertime celebration of her birthday, Mia’s standing in the empire had soared to astounding new heights. She was immensely beloved by Berman’s people, more so than the emperor himself, in part because Princess Town was built in their viscounty.

Bel, on the other hand, did not appear as shocked as Mia did and instead appeared a little smug.

“The residents of Viscount Berman’s territory were referred to as, oh, I believe ‘pro-princess hardliners.’ Throughout the civil war, they were a big support to me,” Bel said.

“Pro-princess hardliners, huh? I see. I suppose that’s good but also a little creepy.”

Mia had experienced all kinds of verbal abuse when she had been to famine-stricken regions in the previous timeline, so she wasn’t accustomed to such overt demonstrations of admiration.

“It’s not necessarily a terrible thing. I hope my actions from now on will enable me to keep receiving warm welcomes like today,” Mia said reflectively.

Mia was treated to a lavish meal that evening. The mountains of opulent food that were stacked on the tables caused them to moan under their weight. She had to break herself free of the enchantment cast by the delicious meals as she felt her entire body being drawn toward them.

“I appreciate your kind welcome, Viscount Berman.” Without seeming overly excited, she said, “I have no doubt that I’ll have a good time tonight.”

“It is our absolute pleasure, Your Highness.”

She was reluctant to dampen Berman’s joy because of how brightly he was beaming at her. Sadly, her purpose took precedence over good manners, and she decided to spoil his party.

“But I have to beg that you stop wasting food going forward,” Mia remarked.

“I… Huh?” Berman gaped in confusion as he continued to stare. Mia made an effort to speak in an unagitated manner.

“Listen, just between the two of us, there’s a very good probability that this summer will start off with food shortages in different sections of the empire,” Mia said softly. “I want you to start being frugal in order to get ready for this possibility.”

Actually, Mia hadn’t counted on Berman’s willing cooperation. Vehement resistance was more likely to occur given his personality.

However, I must inform him otherwise I’ll feel guilty. Ah, and…

She immediately made another request.

“And don’t tell anyone, all right? I’d prefer to keep it a secret that only a select few are aware of.”

The matter’s anonymity seemed to be a point that needed to be emphasized. Berman wasn’t exactly seen as being reserved. This was the person who, at one point, engaged in a heated argument with Outcount Rudolvon about the extent of their respective domains. He had a fair probability of using the knowledge he had just learned to boost his ego, which would be dangerous.

Berman mumbled, “Only a select few…”

“That’s right. And I personally chose a couple of them. After all, nobody typically has the ability to anticipate the future. If word gets out, strange ideas may start to circulate.”

She sternly glared at him, meaning, “And those strange notions will apply to you too! Keep your lips shut and start saving food if you don’t want people to assume you’ve joined a cult.”

Okay, so that should stop him from blabbing about it to everyone. I’m not sure whether he’ll truly take my advice and cut down on waste, but whatever.

Mia was too focused on herself to hear the trembling, quiet whisper that escaped Berman’s lips. “Therefore, I’m one of the few people you can trust with this information, you say.”

She said, “Oh, by the way, I’m counting on you for Princess Town,” as the idea came to her. “We can’t let the kids go hungry.”

To her astonishment, Berman gave her a somber nod.

“Without a doubt, Your Highness. That should be obvious. Before I allow Princess Town to suffer any harm, I shall sacrifice my life.”

He was so devoted, Mia shook her head. Viscount Berman: “I appreciate the sentiment, but if something happens, I’d much rather you let me know than make any selfless sacrifices. Contacting Ludwig is always welcome because he is always in the capital.”

Although it was comforting to know he was willing to risk his life, she would actually be happier if he simply kept her informed of any new information as quickly as possible. The sooner she became aware of a problem, the simpler it would probably be to resolve. That was a universal truth. He might make a mistake that was beyond fix if he attempted to be a martyr too hard. The last thing she needed was that.

She believed that you should never pretend to grasp something if you don’t. You must inform others as soon as possible if you don’t understand something!

On the other hand, from here it seems quicker to approach Outcount Rudolvon for assistance as opposed to traveling all the way to the capital. However, given their past difficulties, I doubt Berman would be all that keen to do that. Hmm…

“Your Highness?” She was in deep thought when Berman’s voice broke the silence.

“Hm? Ah, nothing at all. Let’s eat some of this food, then.”

Unnecessary excess was undoubtedly an issue, but Mia wasn’t about to turn down a delicious feast that was there in front of her. She had to maintain her reputation as the gourmand princess. Principles could come later.

“By the way,” she continued, “I’ll be going on our planned inspection of the academy tomorrow. I’m eager to chat with Headmaster Galv. And Princess Arshia, of course. She must be doing well as a lecturer, I hope.”

“Understood. Guards and a carriage are already on the schedule. The only thing left is for Your Highness to unwind in my modest home,” Berman responded with a respectful bow. “I appreciate your confidence in me to keep this amazing secret. I am sincerely grateful and will do everything in my power to live up to your expectations.”

“I have no doubt that you will,” Mia answered casually. Her focus had already wandered to another area. On the table was a pot of stew that was overflowing with mushrooms. It seemed scrumptious.

Mushrooms! Stew with mushrooms! There is clearly a skilled chef here. Good job, Berman! Not bad at all!

Mia’s confidence in Berman increased by 100 percent! She now has a class specialty! She was now known as “Gourmand Princess: Type Mushroom.”

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