Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death

Chapter 372

Mia is a Vessel

Mia was having a blast at the banquet back there thanks to Anne’s photogenic shenanigans. She met a marquis’s daughter, who introduced a friend, after shaking his hand. After admiring Mia’s outfit, the friend said, “Oh, Your Highness, you must try these. They are delectable.”

Never one to refuse a culinary suggestion, Mia complied right away.

Munch, Munch, Munch!

She then greeted a count and skipped over to a nearby Rania, the younger princess of Perujin Agricultural Country for a chat after that conversation was ended.

“Oh, Your Highness, I’ve wanted to ask you to give this a shot. It’s a brand-new cake that Perujin developed.”

Munch, Munch, Munch!

One of the central nobility came over to greet her as she was eating.

This man has terrible timing, ugh.

To disguise her irritation, she smiled extra politely in his direction.

After eating the entire two slices of cake, she came upon some appetizing-looking sautéed mushrooms.

Munch, Munch, Munch!

A figure approached her after she had given her jaws a good workout.

A courtly Sion said, “Excuse me, Princess Mia, but would you care to join me on the floor for a number or two?”

As music started to play, people started to amuse themselves on the dance floor because they had run out of things to say.

“Sion, my… already asked me to dance?”

“Definitely, I am. When we were introducing ourselves to your father, Abel got there first, and I’m not quite that nice to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

Abel was located halfway across the room when she swiftly looked around. At her helpless shrug, he gestured.

“You guys don’t have it easy, do you—Eeek!”

When Sion pulled her along by the hand, she let out a brief shriek. She murmured, agitated,

“M-my, someone’s a little pushy today, isn’t he?”

Mia was typically bad on defence. Her adversary, who had attractive appearance and a lovely personality, was one of the most formidable attackers in history. Any pathetic pretence of poise she had managed to muster immediately collapsed under his attack.

“You are the star of this show after all, ha ha. I’m utilising the time I have to the fullest because I can’t exactly keep you to myself the entire night.”

He quickly started moving, taking quick steps that matched the music. Despite her ongoing nervousness, Mia followed along without any issues.

Do keep in mind that despite her shortcomings, Mia was unquestionably a brilliant dancer. She had recently added “a decent rider” and “a dangerous cook” to her list of accomplishments. At least in terms of duration, her skill set was growing very impressive. Even Mia could get better with enough chance and time!

“Sion, my. Are my perceptions off, or are your steps even more precise than before?”

“They are? Or is it yours that have become a little rusty?” he asked with a wink.

Mia was able to regain part of her composure as a result of this minor provocation. She responded with an outgoing smile.

“Well, pardon me for being concerned about embarrassing you in front of so many people. Should I let go of my reserve?”

She exchanged words with him, but there was no malice in them. Mia had no animosity towards Sion tonight. She was only concerned about having fun with their dance. The resentment she had previously harboured had long since vanished. The two of them astounded the visitors with a magnificent demonstration of rhythmic oneness as they were freed from its shackles and were able to move freely, treating Sion as a partner rather than an adversary. Mia had a great time with each other when they were on the dance floor. Her enjoyment was matched by Sion’s. Maybe that’s why his chest somewhat constricted as he gave Abel her hand.


Girls flocked to Sion as he emerged off the dance floor. His dance fascinated many, but his title mesmerised even more people. Few men could be more alluring to a young lady from a noble family than the crown prince of Sunkland. He had the ability to promise strength that was comparable to Mia’s with just a word of affection.

Usually, he would smile and wink in response to their advances. But tonight, he had trouble being patient. For some reason, it was very alluring to consider asking Keithwood to intervene and shoo them away. Sadly, only nobles were there; their attendants were not allowed to join the event. He was by himself.

Okay, well then… How can I leave this place?

He felt himself suddenly feeling quite tired of their looks, each of which so inadequately concealed their selfish calculations that it could have been written across their foreheads. He scowled in disdain before scowling at the fact that he had scowled. Only then…

“Please excuse me, uh.”

Unfazed by the ensuing torrent of complaints, a person waded through the crowd of girls. He recognized the face.

“Oh? You are Tiona.”

The daughter of an outcount, Tiona Rudolvon, had also been invited to Mia’s feast.”

“Please excuse you, you country bumpkin! What gives you the idea that you can just butt in?” yelled a girl standing nearby.

Tiona gave her no attention. She accepted Sion’s hand without even the least hesitation.

“Prince Sion, would you mind coming with me? Rafina-sama wishes to speak with you.”

She pushed him through the ballroom’s centre and out the door without even waiting for a response.

“Ahem. Miss Tiona, may I draw your attention to the fact that leaving the room seems to be rather ineffective if Miss Rafina wants to speak to me?”

Sion said with amusing irony as he peered back through the doorway and saw Rafina standing in the centre of the space mingling with a throng of Tearmoon nobility.

When Tiona realised her error, she gasped, but Sion reassured her by smiling.

“But, I must admit, the atmosphere in the ballroom is a little exhausting, and I do find myself eager to get outside.”

He picked up the pace and brought her along behind him. They moved towards a balcony. His exposed skin, which was still warm from dancing, appreciated the cooling breeze.

It was a deserted area. Few, if any, were bold enough to leave the princess’ birthday banquet undetected.

He took a long breath and let winter relax his lungs before exhaling. He turned around and apologised to Tiona.

“You saved me from a precarious situation there, but it’s doubtful that your peers will think well of you for leaving me behind in that manner.”

Tiona grinned subtly.

“It’s okay. I don’t have anything to lose. After all, it can’t be any worse than this.”

Considering the subject of her speech, she spoke with a surprising degree of dignity. There was no undue self-deprecation or humility. Just a calm assertion of the truth.

“But even that’s beginning to improve greatly now, due to Her Highness,” she said. “In Saint-Noel lately, I haven’t experienced any bullying at all, and ever since the election, many people have come to me to make amends for their previous deeds.”

She closed her eyes and cupped her palms to her chest as though remembering a priceless memory.

“I…see. That’s encouraging.” Sion noticed himself become reflective as he looked at her reflective face.

We are hence similar. We can both thank Mia for saving us.

“However, Prince Sion, I realise I may be stepping outside of my bounds by asking this, but…”

Tiona stopped to gather her thoughts. She then asked, “Are you sure you’re okay with that?” with fresh conviction.”

“Huh? Okay with what?”

Sion raised an eyebrow in confusion at her query.

“With what you did back there. You seemed to be having a great time dancing with Her Highness, I guess.” The more she spoke, the weaker her voice become. “I had the impression that you could be, hmm, intrigued by Her Highness. I don’t mean you like her. However, you instantly gave her to Prince Abel after that.”

His other brow, which was now equally arched, also became confused.

“Well, I’m sure Abel was anxiously anticipating his opportunity and would have been disappointed if I had kept her to myself the entire evening. After all, there is a protocol for these situations.”

Sion answered, and then frowned. His statements’ glaring insincerity immediately became obvious to both him and her—at least, that’s what Tiona’s piercing glance suggested.

Suns, she looks right through me. My continued avoidance of the query would be detrimental.

He let out a head-shaking sigh, smoothed his hair, and changed his tone.

“All right, OK, so perhaps I am attracted to her. But I blew my opportunity. And in a painful way, too.”

His conscience was troubled by Sunkland’s Wind Crows’ failure. The sins he had committed despite declaring his commitment to defending justice were even heavier. They were like tar on his soul.

“What right do I have? What nerve? Besides… I’m also Sunkland’s crown prince, after all. Even if I did have feelings of adoration for Mia, they are in vain. It can’t bear fruit.”

“She wouldn’t care about any of that.”

Her remarks had the strength and sharpness of a razor. They pierced right through his cloud of insecurity.

“Her Highness is a great vessel, sort of. Because she can hold so much, she is kind and giving, and little things like these don’t bother her.”

“Is she really?” Sion questioned, even though he knew it was unnecessary. He understood the truth of the statement.

Tiona continued after giving a strong nod.

“Prince Sion, you’re going to regret this, with all due respect. Chat with her. As soon as you can, express your feelings to her. Or…”

Sion could tell that she was speaking from experience. Only those who had tasted remorse could speak these words. Perhaps there was a time when Tiona clung to her words…and would never again have the opportunity to speak them.

“Tell her while I still have the chance, huh?”

Sion started to consider his own emotions—and how they changed when Mia was around—for the first time in his life.

While Sion is sorting out his feelings, let’s go back to the girl who is the source of his frustrations, and what she is doing.

“This cake is extremely gorgeous, I must say. You ought to attempt some as well, Abel!”

Well, she was showing off the superiority of her vessel by packing a tonne of food inside of it. She had already eaten three rounds of food. She ate a lot, reasoning that after dancing, she would feel recharged. She continued eating even after she had ingested enough to make up for the energy she had used, reasoning that since it would all be gone when the famine hit, she might as well stock up on food now.

Mia was a fantastic vessel, no doubt. She simply resembled a vat rather than a vase in shape.

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